Q Sciences Review

Q Sciences is an mlm company that promotes and sells a variety of health and wellness products including hemp, Nutritionals, energy, fitness & weight loss, oral sprays, and skincare.

The CEO, co-founder of this privately mlm company is Marc Wilson. Yet, the same Marc Wilson who was an Oakland Rider backup quarterback for Jim Plunkett in the 80s.

Q Sciences doesn’t sound like a scam with Marc Wilson at the helm, right?

Well, not so fast. When people call Q Sciences a scam, they are referring to the MLM business opportunity, not the products.

I write this Q Sciences review to investigate two topics:

  1. What is Q Sciences, a scam or a legit business opportunity?
  2. Can you make money and achieve financial freedom with Q Sciences?

Let me be honest with you; the MLM business is dying. People don’t want to invite strangers into their homes. How can you build your MLM business?

Today, the opportunity is an online business. The internet allows us to reach customers around the world. It’s the best way to generate passive income from home.

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Q Sciences Review Summary

Busine Information

Name: Q Sciences

Business Type: MLM

Investment: $79.93

  • Q Sciences offers a wide range of health and wellness supplements with the product line includes hemp, nutrition, fitness & weight loss, and skincare.
  • Q Sciences products are distributed exclusively through an mlm network of Ambassadors.
  • For $79.95, you can become a Q Sciences Ambassador and launch your own business distributing nutritional products.
  • You make money sharing and recruiting others to join Q Sciences mlm business opportunity.
  • Q Sciences is a face-to-face sale and recruiting business. This business is not suitable for people without sales or recruiting background.


What Is Q Sciences?

Q Sciences is a health and wellness mlm company that provides a line of nutritional products, include hemp, Nutritionals, energy, fitness & weight loss, oral sprays, and skincare, that promises to help you live a “Quintessential Life.”

Q Sciences opened its mlm operation in 20012 by Marc Wilson and Daren Hogge. The company headquarters is in Pleasant Grove, Utah.

Q Sciences sells its products through an mlm network of Ambassadors in 16 countries and four continents.

At the time of this Q Sciences review, the company estimated annual sales revenue is $50 million.

The company provides little or no financial track record regarding its ambassadors’ income.

I am unable to locate an income disclosure statement (IDS) for Q Sciences. This should be a warning for all investors. It suggests that Q Sciences is hiding something from us.

I’ll discuss the importance of an IDS report later in this Q Sciences review.

I strongly recommend that you carefully evaluate and compare Q Sciences with other home-based business opportunities before joining.

You can use My #1 Business Opportunity to make a comparison.

How To Join Q Sciences?

You will need a sponsor to join Q Sciences.

Any active Q Sciences Ambassadors in good standing are eligible to sponsor others as Ambassadors.

You or your sponsor can complete the application process online and pay the fee.

However, completing the application process does not mean you are qualified to earn all the commissions with Q Sciences.

I’ll discuss the total investment and all requirements to become an active Ambassador in the following sections of this Q Sciences review.

How Much Does It Cost to Join Q Sciences?

The cost to join Q Sciences as an Ambassador is $79.93. This fee is just to get you in.

You must purchase at least 100 Personal Volume (PV) to become active and qualify for commissions.

You have the option to purchase enough products to accumulate 100 PV, or you can purchase one of the Business Packs with prices ranging from $176 to $450.

Q Sciences business packs

You must invest at least $176 in Q Sciences products to earn enough PV to be eligible for commissions.

So, the total cost to join Q Sciences is $255.93.

The investments listed above are just to get your business up and running. There is monthly personal volume (PV) requirements, which you must meet to maintain an active status.

I will discuss the monthly PV requirements in the compensation plan section of this Q Sciences review.

You must also include your times, marketing materials, travel expenses, and gas into your monthly business budget to determine the total costs of operating a Q Sciences business.

One thing that I hate about mlm is the monthly PV requirement. This is designed to convert you into a paying customer.

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Why do you have to purchase products to be eligible for commissions? This is the reason I choose Affiliate Marketing. You earn commissions on every sale. No personal volume is required.

To understand why mlm opportunities require a monthly PV, you should read our discussion on MLM vs. Affiliate Marketing.

How You Make Money With Q Sciences?

Many people join an mlm company without a clear knowledge of how they are going to make money.

The compensation plan is the document that outlines all the options for you to make money.

Q Sciences provides every new Ambassador with a compensation plan. However, it is impossible for them to understand the commission structure without a basic understanding of the commission calculations.

Misunderstanding the compensation is probably the main reason people think mlm opportunities such as Q Science are a scam.

In this section, I will only discuss the important points of the Q Sciences compensation plan. To see the full version, just click on the link to download a copy.

Remember, you must be an active Ambassador to qualify for commissions. An active Ambassador is an Ambassador who maintains a monthly minimum order of 100 PV ($176).

Q Sciences offers the following options for you to make money:

  • Selling products and
  • Recruiting people to join your team.

Make Money Selling Q Sciences Products

The simplest and most expensive option is to purchase Q Sciences products at a wholesale price and retail them for a profit.

A cheaper option is to direct retail and preferred customers to purchase the product directly from your own personal replicated websites to earn commissions.

Direct sales commissions are, 15%, 20%, or 25%, determined based on the monthly sales volume, which Q Sciences calls Customer Volume (CV).

Q Sciences direct commissions

CV and PV are the same. Q Sciences assign points to each product. These points are used to calculate your monthly CV or PV.

Q Sciences products are primarily purchased by Ambassadors to meet their monthly PV requirements. This is how mlm companies make money.

You will not make a lot of money selling Q Sciences products on the market.

If you want to become successful with the mlm opportunity, you must recruit others to join your Q Sciences team. Because the bulk of your income will come from people in your organization purchasing the products every month.

Make Money Recruiting Others to Join Q Sciences

All Q Sciences ambassadors are required to maintain an active status. When you recruit ambassadors, you have just created a monthly stream of commissions from their PV purchases.

The more people you recruit, the more PVs they have to order, the more money you earn. This is how mlm works.

Here are your options to make money from your enrollees:

Monthly Team Commission

Q Sciences pays a flat monthly team commission by rank when you meet the monthly sales volume requirement.

The lowest team commission is $50 and the highest is $350,000.

You must satisfy 3 conditions to earn team commission:

  • You must satisfy the PV required for your rank.
  • You must have at least 2 active Ambassador in your organization.
  • Your team must achieve the minimum monthly sales volume, known as Organization Volume (OV).

Your monthly PV and OV increase as you move up the ranks.

You can refer to the Team Commission table below to calculate your monthly team commission.

Q Sciences team commissions

This bonus is a one-time payout to any ambassador that has met the rank advancement requirements.

Rank Advancement Bonus

The rank advancement requirements are the same as team commission, determined by the monthly PV, the number of active ambassadors, and the monthly OV.

The lowest rank advancement bonus is $100, and the highest is $250,000.

The table below outlines the rank advancement requirements and payout.

Q Sciences rank advancement

Let say during the first 30 days after joining Q Sciences the following happens:

  • You purchased your monthly 100 PV
  • Your team must have at least 2 active Ambassadors, and
  • Your organization generated a total of 1,500 OV in sales

Based on the qualifications above, you will advance to the rank of Executive, and your rank advancement bonus will be $500.

Financial Freedom Bonus

The financial freedom bonus is awarded to ambassadors with the rank of Elite and up.

This bonus is designed to encourage ambassadors to purchase more products or push their team members to buy more.

You can earn a $100, $200, $300, or $400 financial freedom bonus based on your rank.

Q Sciences financial freedom bonus

There are other leadership bonuses, commissions, and incentives that require you to build a large team to qualify. I consider these bonuses not the main option for the new Q Sciences Ambassador to make money.

If you are interested in learning all the commissions offered by Q Science, I suggest reading the compensation plan for more information.

I hope you can see that the Q Sciences compensation plan was designed to convert Ambassadors into customers, purchasing products to remain active and qualify for commissions.

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So, the best option for you to make money with Q Sciences is recruiting ambassadors. They are your customers.

Can You Make Money with Q Sciences?

Yes, you can make money with Q Sciences. But the real question is, can you achieve financial success as an Ambassador?

Since Q Sciences doesn’t publish an Income Disclosure Statement (IDS). It is difficult to know exactly how many Ambassadors earn a full-time income promoting Q Sciences nutritional products.

MLM company that does not publish the IDS report is a Red Flag. It suggests the company is hiding something from the public. Maybe, ambassadors are not making a lot of money with Q Sciences.

You don’t need a copy of the IDS report to know that 99% of mlm Ambassadors make little or no money.


Because mlm compensation plans are designed to convert ambassadors into customers, not business owners.

Is Q Sciences a Scam?

Q Sciences is not a scam. The company offers you a business opportunity to make money from home.

The risk of starting a new business is losing all your investments. With Q Sciences mlm, this risk is very high. And when people lost their investments, they call Q Sciences a scam.

You are responsible for researching, studying, and investigating Q Sciences before joining.

Don’t join an mlm opportunity because someone tells you it has the best products on the market. This is not how you evaluate a business opportunity.

The right way to evaluate an mlm business opportunity is by analyzing the financial documents and/or reading Q Sciences reviews.

Reviews that discuss the risks and rewards of starting a business with Q Sciences, not the product reviews.

As the owner of an Online Business Review, I have evaluated hundreds of home-based and mlm business opportunities.

It’s true that Q Sciences is not a scam, but it is unlikely that you can achieve financial success.

Is Q Sciences A Pyramid Scheme?

In my opinion, Q Sciences is a pyramid scheme. Most mlm companies are pyramid schemes.

The best way to tell a pyramid is by looking at the compensation plan.

MLMs that reward members based on recruiting activities are considered an illegal pyramid scheme.

Under the Q Sciences compensation plan, you make money when your team members purchased Q Sciences products to maintain an active status.

So, the more people join your team, the more money you will make. This is how you build a pyramid.

You don’t have to agree with me that Q Sciences is a pyramid scheme. But you can’t deny that the compensation plan is designed to convert you into a customer, not to help you build a successful business.

Is Q Sciences Worth It?

After carefully studying and reviewing the Q Sciences mlm opportunity, there is nothing special or unique about Q Sciences.

This is just another mlm opportunity that uses hopes and dreams to sell products.

For those looking to start a profitable business, I don’t think Q Sciences is worth it.

Do you know why you want to start a home-based business?

To earn extra money from home, to be your own boss, or to achieve financial freedom?

And to make money, we invest in a PROFITABLE business!

There are much better and less risky home-based business opportunities.

If you want to be an owner of a lucrative and profitable business that generates six-figure passive income, then read my #1 recommended online business opportunity.

You should use the writing skill to start your own highly lucrative online writing business, TODAY!

There’s NO traveling around town to attend late-night meetings and NO face-to-face sales or recruits with my online business.

The best part, you are working on the computer in your own home or anywhere you like.

Listen, you start a business to build long-term incomes.

You want to create a system that generates money far into the future. Isn’t this the #1 reason you work hard to build a successful business?

Q Sciences uses multilevel network marketing (mlm) to promote and sell its products. The company recruits people as Ambassadors but requires them to purchase products to earn commissions.

Q Sciences is not a profitable home-based business.

MLM opportunities are no longer a lucrative option to make money from home. Everyone hates face-to-face sales and recruiting. You will have a hard time building a successful business with Q Sciences MLM.

The most profitable home-based business opportunities are online businesses. This business model doesn’t require face-to-face selling or recruiting.

You can use This #1 Home Business Opportunity to create a full-time passive income. You can work from the comfort of your own home and on a laptop, with no commute and no boss. You work whenever you want and where you like.

I invite you to read What I Do Every Day To Make Money At Home Online. Let me show you the real system of generating passive income.

I hope my Q Sciences review answers your question, what is Q Sciences, a scam or legit?

Until next time.

Please share your own Q Sciences experience below.

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