Affiliate Marketing For Beginners – In 4 Simple Steps

You heard affiliate marketing is the best way to make passive income online.

You also heard many people fail to make money as an affiliate marketers.

Now, you are wondering if this is a good online business opportunity to start?

Let me share with you what I know about affiliate marketing.

First, Affiliate marketing is the number one way to make money online, no doubt about it! This industry is estimated to reach $6.8 billion dollars by 2020.

Second, launching an affiliate marketing business requires little or no initial investments.

Third, before you can earn, you have to learn how affiliate marketing works.

Fourth, Don’t quit while you learning. Many affiliate marketers fail to make money because they gave up to early.

Learning affiliate marketing is not that complicated. There are only 4 steps that you have to learn to build a successful affiliate marketing business.

In this affiliate marketing for beginners guide, I will share with you the 4 steps that I have taken to make a full-time income as an affiliate marketer.

Yes, you can make a lot of money with affiliate marketing, but first, let learn this trade the right way.

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Affiliate Marketing for Beginners



Name: Affiliate Marketing

Business Type: Online Business

Investment: Free

Affiliate marketing is a process of promoting other people’s products and services to earn a commission, passive income.

The most significant word in this definition is ‘process.’ The process of building an affiliate marketing business has 4 steps.

The 4 steps to begin an affiliate marketing business are:

  1. Create an affiliate marketing website
  2. Joint an affiliate marketing network
  3. Promote with affiliate links
  4. Convert traffic into customers

To make money online, the 4 affiliate marketing components above must operate effortlessly together as a single unit.

Your job as an affiliate marketer is to build all these business components. You are a conductor responsible to organize and manage this affiliate marketing process to generate passive online income for yourselves.

This affiliate marketing for beginners was written based on this simple concept, teaching you the 4 essential steps to affiliate marketing.

Let start our affiliate marketing for beginners in 4 simple steps.

Step #1. Creating An Affiliate Marketing Website

You are here because you want to ‘building your own successful affiliate marketing business.’

This first step is the most time-consuming of the entire affiliate marketing process. As a beginner, you are building an affiliate marketing business from the ground up.

The best part is you are here, and this affiliate marketing for beginners guide will help you launch this business the right way.

Begin With a Well-defined Affiliate Marketing Niche.

The process of building an affiliate marketing business starts with an idea. Most people refer to this as an interest, a passion or a niche. What is your affiliate niche?

You must know the purpose of your affiliate marketing business. The most profitable affiliate marketing business is the one that solves a real problem.

A good example of this is the product reviews affiliate marketing website. This affiliate marketing business provides technical or important facts and information on products or services to help buyers making an informed purchase decision.

Many beginners launch their affiliate marketing business without a well-defined business idea or niche. They want to offer everything to the market. This is not a good idea.

The most successful affiliate marketers are those establishing themselves as industry experts. You can become an industry expert by focusing on what you are doing best.

I like to share with you one secret, ‘you will never be an industry expert as a jack of all trades.’

If Don’t know or can’t find an affiliate marketing niche? here is the first exercise for you, read This free lessonWhat’s My Niche?

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You can also read this article about Affiliate Marketing Niche Business vs. A Niche Idea to help you come up with a profitable affiliate marketing niche.

Once you have an affiliate marketing niche, you are ready for the next step.

Design an Affiliate Marketing Niche Website.

Never starts building a business website until you have chosen a niche. Almost every beginner makes this mistake.

An affiliate marketing website is a business tool for you to make money online. It will be costly, and time wasted if you have to redesign the website.

The WordPress website builder is the best platform to create an affiliate marketing website for beginners. You don’t have to be a coding expert to design a WordPress affiliate website. If you can follow instructions and click the mouse, then you can launch a WordPress website in less than a minute.

If you are unfamiliar with WordPress, Watch the training video below for a quick demonstration.

Build a business website in less than 1 minute

The most important part of designing an affiliate marketing website is content creation. WordPress is the #1 platform for affiliate marketers to produce and post content online. Almost all successful affiliate marketers use WordPress as the content publishing platform, including this website. 

Website content creation is about 90% of your affiliate marketing business activities. This is what affiliate marketing is all about, creating content and more content.

The one important thing that you must remember from this affiliate marketing for beginners guide is: contents generate an online income, not the website. This is why we say: ‘Content is King!

Creating Marketing Content For The Website

After launching the website, your job is to consistently produce and post content on this website. No advertiser will sponsor or pay for ads on an affiliate marketing website that doesn’t generate sales.

Affiliate marketing content must generate sales.

Many new affiliate marketers are told to write content with a passion or personal experiences to attract readers. This is wrong. Personal stories are not good marketing content.

The first step in creating marketing content starts with keyword research. To do a keyword search, you will need a keyword tool.

A keyword research tool helps affiliate marketers delivering the right contents to searchers as they are searching for contents, products, or services online. The ability to deliver the right contents at the right time is crucial for affiliate marketing success.

Just type in a search term to see the result.


Promoting Affiliate Marketing Website Targeting The Right Audience

You have the website and you know how to create marketing content, the next step is finding an audience. A good place to do this is through social media networks.

Promoting content on social media networks is the quickest and easiest way to build an audience and followers for your affiliate marketing business.

You do not have to be active on every social media network. There are free online services designed to help you with this. To learn more about these free social media network services click here.

Another way to find visitors to your website is through SEO (search engine optimization) practice. This method takes longer, but it will provide a constant stream of free organic traffic to the website.

I will not be able to cover in detail the SEO subject in this affiliate marketing for beginners. I just want to introduce you to the practices. SEO is constantly changing. This is an area of affiliate marketing business that you have to continuously learn as you build your online business.

Below is a training video on the SEO process 

seo process video

Building a successful affiliate marketing business starts with a well-designed WordPress website, creating and posting the right content, then delivering this content to a relevant audience. These are the components that you must achieve before you can move on to the next level.

Step #2. Join the Affiliate Marketing Networks

Affiliate marketing networks are online marketplaces to help affiliate marketers find products and/or services to promote and make money.

Everyone should join affiliate marketing networks if you want to make money from your website.

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One important point to remember from this affiliate marketing for beginners is to make sure you promote products or services relevant to your readers, or niche business. Promoting irrelevant products will produce no sales.

Using the affiliate marketplace to find advertisers will speed up your online income earning process and free you up to focus on other important business activities. I encourage all beginners to visit at least one or two affiliate networks to get familiar with using these platforms.

The more affiliate marketing networks you are working with, the easier for you to find relevant products and services to promote. This will increase your online earnings.

Here are some of the most popular affiliate marketing networks for you to check out:

Remember, you don’t have to join any affiliate marketing network if you are promoting your own store or already working with sponsors or advertisers.

Step #3. Promote Products and Services with Affiliate Links.

The best way to promote products and make money is by inserting affiliate links into your marketing content. You can achieve this by either text links or image links.

Below is a video on how to add affiliate links to your content.

Adding affiliate links to WordPress content

Affiliate links are issued by affiliate marketing networks or advertisers to help track affiliate sales and commissions. Each time a visitor clicks on the affiliate link and makes a purchase, the affiliate marketer makes money online.

The most important task in this step is to know where to place the affiliate links in a post to generate the most clicks.

You just have to be creative with your link placement. Sometimes you just have to ask the visitor to perform this action, click here to read more

This is a warning to all beginners, don’t place too many affiliate links in your content. This action will hurt the post ranking result as well as losing reader interest.

Remember to check your affiliate links to make sure they work. You must click on each link after inserting it to verify. If the link doesn’t work for you, it will not work for customers.

Step #4. Turn Website Visitor Into Customers – Website Monetization

An affiliate marketing website with a large number of readers (web traffic) can demand a premium fee on advertisements.

Website monetization is the technique for converting website traffic into online revenue. This is the best step for building an affiliate marketing business. This is the joy of success.

There are many ways for an affiliate marketer to make money with the website. You don’t have to promote products. You can monetize by selling advertising space or writing sponsored posts. To discover more way to make money with your website, read this article.

I like to share this with everyone in this affiliate marketing for beginners guide, do not monetize your website until you have traffic. Without web traffic, you are just wasting valuable business time.

Website monetization is the last step of building an affiliate marketing business.

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners Conclusion

Above are the 4 steps that you can use to launch your own affiliate marketing business.

I am writing this affiliate marketing for beginners by simplifying the entire affiliate marketing process into 4 steps to help newbies understand the business better.

Affiliate marketing is not difficult. If you master the 4 steps above, you can build a successful online business.

I am a successful affiliate marketer. Here’s my profile. If you want to learn affiliate marking the right way, I can help.

Here’s a story on why:

You can use This #1 Home Business Opportunity to create a full-time passive income. You can work from the comfort of your own home and on a laptop, with no commute and no boss. You work whenever you want and where you like.

I invite you to read What I Do Every Day To Make Money At Home Online. Let me show you the real system of generating passive income.

I hope my affiliate marketing for beginners guide helps you find online success. Let go and make money online! What do you say?

5 thoughts on “Affiliate Marketing For Beginners – In 4 Simple Steps”

  1. Simply awesome that is what you have done here. I like how you pick the whole affiliate marketing might and made is so easy to understand by anyone reading this. This is very good and I am sure any newbies will appreciate the breakdown of all things affiliate marketing.

    You are absolutely right. Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to start earning money online by anyone who is serious about using their spare time to earn a living online.

    You have provided great opportunity to get into the business here and I myself will actually look into some of the opportunities like Amazon and Shopify affiliate program which pays more too.

    Well done and please keep it up.

  2. The process of affiliate marketing online has definitely been simplified with this post. I think those just starting out online would find this extremely useful as I know these were the exact steps I also followed when I started affiliate marketing online. 

    I did face a problem of picking an interest that was too broad and I think that affected the progress of my website. I do wish I came across the post on this website on how to find a niche. I think that might have simplified the process. 

    Affiliate marketing is a business model that grows every single year and more people are realizing this and are becoming a part of the business. There is no better time to start than now as like was said in this post the, affiliate marketing is competitive but it is not yet saturated. 

    I hope those that join and are willing to learn the 4 steps of affiliate marketing are able to find success online. 

  3. Thank you, for sharing your post about affiliate marketing for beginners. I enjoyed reading about newbies getting started in affiliate marketing. So, I was happy to see that your article includes a link explaining about a niche.

    When I got started, I had no idea what I was doing, as you stated never to start without knowing your niche. I must have changed my niche 3 times before I got comfortable working online.

    You say that adding a personal story is not a good thing. I have to disagree with you. I believe a story can help you relate with your readers if you include examples of your experiences building your affiliate marketing business.

    I differently agree that keyword research is what’s going to help your content rank high in search engines; I also use Jaaxy.

    Another mistake beginner affiliate marketers make is, signing up for all the social media platform at once. I say master one platform before adding a new social outlet. For a new person, trying to handle all the platform will become overwhelming.

    I see you got some of the best affiliate marketing programs listed in this affiliate marketing for beginners tutorial.

    I’m a member of Wealthy Affiliate, Amazon, Cj, and Rakuten. Clickbank is on my list of affiliate programs to look into.

    I think anyone reading your article about affiliate marketing will find this information valuable.

    • Adding a personal story is good if using correctly. Sometimes the personal story can hurt you by eliminating a large group of people in your niche. I agree personal story such as experiences can help, but one must be very careful with a personal story, not every personal story work to your advantage. For someone starting out learning affiliate marketing for beginners, I think they should focus on master the skills before venture out into other areas. 

  4. Great post and good info.

    I’m an affiliate marketer for a while now, and I saw already how new people think. 

    They want to make money fast, without doing too much for it and hoping it goes fast. Unfortunately you need to invest a lot of time and research in it, but honestly, it isn’t hard to do it. Also finding a great platform for that is a must. I use wealthy affiliate, for me, this is the best. 


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