Paid Social Media Jobs Review: Things You Don’t Know About Paid Social Media Jobs Site

Paid Social Media Jobs is an online job training and employment data based website created by Annie Jones to help people looking to start a new career as a “social media manager.”

This is similar to other job employment websites online with the exception that you have to pay to become a member.

As a member of paid social media jobs, you receive training to become a social media manager. Therefore, no prior social media experience is required.

After completing the training program, you can use the marketplace to find jobs with various companies looking for people to manage their social media accounts.

Social media management is a real job that you can earn money online. You can do this part-time or full-time. This is more of a freelancer work where you will be managing social media accounts for multiple companies. Freelance is not a job. It is more of a business because you have to find your own clients. You work for yourself, set your own schedule, and in your home. This is a perfect work for stay at home mom.

Paid Social Media Jobs is more of a training program teaching people how to set up their own social media management business. This is why the program charges a fee to join.

If you are looking for a social media job and wondering if this is a good program to join, then welcome to my Paid Social Media Jobs review.

In this review, I am going to provide the information that you need to understand about paid social media jobs before joining this program.

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Name: Paid Social Media Jobs

Business Type: Jobs Site

Investment: $27

Many people dream to become a social media manager, but getting this job is not easy. Companies rarely hire a person full-time to manage their social media account. Most of these jobs are part-time gigs.

The popularity of social media jobs gives birth to websites like

Today, you have hundreds of websites that promise to get you a good-paying job as a social media manager, but after paying the fees, you find out the service is lousy, or worse, never heard from them again. It is very difficult not to know which one is a scam and which one is a real deal.

The only way to find out is by reading online reviews.

I have been making money online for over 20 years, here is my story, and one thing I know for sure is online job boards don’t charge job seekers a fee. They charge employers a job listing fee. I would never pay to get a job or to find a job.

A few online employment platforms do provide free training to job seekers. This is how I found this #1 online community that helps me build this successful online business.

Here’s How Paid Social Media Jobs Works?

You have to pay a fee to access the platform to search for jobs and learn the skills of a social media manager.

If you are an experienced social media job seeker, you can head over to the paid social media job board to search for a social media job.

If you are new to this career, you can take the online training program teaching you the skills of a social media manager.

Paid Social Media Jobs training program is divided into 4 sections which I will explain here.

Section 1 – Introductory to Social Media Manager

You will briefly learn what social media manager is? What skills are required of a social manager? Why do companies need to hire a social manager? Where can you find social media jobs? And how to market yourself and find clients?

This is just the basic introductory section that people usually skip.

Section 2: Working as a Social Media Manager

The lessons in this section further emphasize the importance of a social media manager’s role and why companies need them.

You will also learn the different types of social media jobs, and where to find them. They do not touch on the skills required for the different social media jobs.

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Much of the training focus on the benefits of becoming a paid member of the Paid Social Media Jobs program. It claims that paid members are more likely to find better and higher-paying social media jobs compare to nonsubscribers.

A small portion of this section addresses the need for a blog to promote your skills and services as a social media manager. However, it doesn’t teach people how to set up a blog.

Section 3 – How to Find Clients?

Instead of teaching people how to find clients, this section discusses what sort of companies need social media management services.

It provides examples of companies that know how to manage their social media accounts, but no example of what incorrect social media account management is?

A few training lessons do touch on how and where to find a social media job, and how much you can expect to earn.

Up to this point, there is no real training. Every video is providing more and more information on why companies need someone to manage their social media account.

Section 4 – The Advanced Training.

This section does offer some social media marketing skills and techniques that you can use to manage the client’s social media accounts.

However, most of the training is on Facebook with very little on other social media platforms.

You will learn how to set up a Facebook account for an organization, how to schedule Facebook to automatically update status, and how to use quotes and graphics to attract likes and follows,

Every student also receives an eBook titled “Unstoppable FB Traffic”, 50 Facebook status update quotes, and cover images for various niches to use on Facebook timeline.

The last section is where you receive some training in social media management, but only about Facebook.

After you finished all 4 sections, you can head over to the job board and start looking for clients.

The Cost to Join Paid Social Media Jobs

Paid Social Media Jobs offers three different membership fees:

  1. $0.0 – Free to join the Paid Social Media welcome page. This is an advertisement to convince you to register as a paid member.
  2. $27 – Once time membership fee to access the platform.
  3. $17 – A special exist pop-up discount based on country.

There is no difference between the $27 and the $17 payment. Paying the full membership fee gives you the right to access all training and the job board for life.

If you want to get the discount, the $17, just pretend you are about to close out the web browser. A special discount will pop up.

The upsell product is Social Media Arbitrage. This course supposes to show you how to earn more by doing less in social media jobs.

You don’t have to purchase the upsell.

You don’t have to purchase Paid Social Media Jobs to get a job as a social media manager. I’ll explain it below.

It is always smart to invest in yourself to improve your skills. But when it comes to getting a job, you should never have to pay.

You should only pay for skills or business opportunity training programs. These websites offer you something of value, training to improve yourself.

Is Paid Social Media Jobs A Scam?

I don’t like Paid Social Media Jobs because I think these businesses are scams preying on the people in need.

I understand you are looking at this social media job because you want to make money. Maybe, you just got layoff or need some extra cash. Either way, you are in a financial jam and need some help.

Paid Social Media Jobs is not the site that will help you get out of this financial problem. This business exists to make money for the owners.

With the crappy training lessons, you will not likely make money with Paid Social Media Jobs.

Signed of possible scams

I have gathered a few Paid Social Media Jobs in Red Flags for you to consider.

Fake Owner

Annie Jones is said to be the founder of Paid Social Media, but we have not seen this person anywhere, not even in the promotional video.

When a business or product where the owner does not reveal his/her identity is a sign of possible scams. Annie Jones is likely a fictitious character.

Think about this: if you have found a successful business that helping millions of people, would you want to tell the world about your achievement? I do! You can read my online success story by click here.

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Fake Testimonials

Paid Social Media Jobs’s testimonials are not real. They are done using actors and actresses, not from real members.

These video testimonials are used as marketing hype to get people excited and join the program.

The biggest red flag is in the “Breaking News”, click here if you haven’t watched the video, where the spoke person introduced Paid Social Media Jobs as a forefront leader in the social media job placement, this is not true.

Paid Social Media Jobs fake testimonials

The entire testimonials are fake.

More red flags

The price to join this program continues to drop. It went from $94, $54, $47, $27, then $17. Paying at any price level will bring profit to the owner. This tells you the value of this training program is ZERO.

The specific country discount is also fake. This discount seems special to you, but in fact, it is available in every country and at the same price of $17.

There is no country special discount at all, just marketing hype.

Paid Social Media Jobs special offer

Those are some red flag facts for you to consider before joining the Paid Social Media Jobs.

Can you make money with Paid Social Media Jobs?

Companies are always in need of skilled social media managers to help manage and improve their social media brands. You can fetch a good income with this job.

If you are an experienced social media manager, then why do you need to join Paid Social Media Jobs? You can easily find these jobs online for free.

The question then is, can a beginner make money with this program? The answer is no because Paid Social Media Jobs do not pay you. The only way for you to make money is by getting a social media job with a company.

Your chance of getting a social media job is the same as the thousand applicants that submitted for the same position. Paying to join this program does not guarantee that you will get the job. This is just an online job board like hundreds of other free online job boards.

Paid Social Media Jobs has this income calculator to get you excited about the social media job.

The income calculator is just that, income calculator. It gives you a number based on “IF”

If I got this number of social media accounts. If I work this number of hours. If I got paid this amount of dollars per account. The if can go on and on.

This is not real money. No, you cannot make money with an income calculator.

Should You Join Paid Social Media to Make Money Online?

NO! I don’t recommend social media jobs.

There is a more lucrative and easier method to make money online known as affiliate marketing.

paid social media jobs vs. affiliate marketing process

Here is a short video explaining the

affiliate marketing process. >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Today, companies prefer to hire an affiliate marketing manager over a social media manager.

Affiliate marketing manager commands a higher paycheck because this is an executive position that requires you to oversee the company’s entire online marketing department.

The process to learn affiliate marketing is fun and free. The most popular lesson is ‘The 4 Steps to Affiliate Marketing Success’ which I recommend you read by clicking the link.

I recommend you check out this free affiliate training program called the Wealthy Affiliate University.

This university has a popular affiliate marketing training program with free membership account allowing you to try before registering as a student.

Here’s why I recommend this training program.

  • It is FREE to join: No payment required and No upsell. Click here to train for free.
  • Affiliate marketing is not for everyone: Use this free affiliate marketing training program to see if this career is for you.
  • Free training lessons: Basic affiliate marketing lessons are free. No financial pressure. You can take as long as you want to learn. Check out these 10 Free Lessons.
  • Free personal blogs and tools: This program offers 2 free websites and free keyword research to practice your affiliate marketing skills. You will learn how to create a personal blog site. You can use this as a social media management blog site if you need one. Click here to check out the tools.
  • Finally, I use this same program to build a successful business online making over $6K a month. Here’s my profile. I know it works!

I am inviting you to join and train with me for a new career as an affiliate marketing manager or build your own affiliate marketing business. I can help you along the way for free. This is my offer to you. Click the link below to

free online business coach

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