Tai Lopez – Retail Ecommerce Ventures Review

Tai Lopez is promoting a new passive income opportunity, investing in distressed retail brands.

According to Tai, this is a TRILLION DOLLARS opportunity.

If you are reading this Retail eCommerce Venture review, you are considering investing with Tai. But unsure if the opportunity worths $500K.

The question then, Is Tai Lopez legit, or he’s running a new scam?

Lopez and Alex Mehr are using Retail eCommerce Ventures to acquire distressed retail brands. They then convert them into eCommerce stores.

You can earn passive income by joining Tai’s venture as an accredited investor with a $500,000 minimum investment.

It sounds interesting. But I am not sure if you can make money or even get your money back with this investment.

You and I want to know more about this deal.

Before you hand over $500K to Lopex and his partner, I like to share with you my research.

I write this Retail eCommerce Venture review to help you make an informed investment decision.

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Retail eCommerce Ventures Review Summary

Business Information

Name: Retail eCommerce Ventures

Business Type: Online Retail

Investment: $500,000

  • Retail eCommerce Ventures offers people an opportunity to partner with Tai Lopez, the famous passive income marketer.
  • You become a passive investor of REV, acquiring distressed retail brands to transform them into eCommerce stores.
  • Your investment is betting on Retail eCommerce Venture successfully relaunch these brands online.
  • The venture is currently generating no passive income. Lopez is using the money to acquire distressed retail brands around the world.
  • This business is in direct competition with giant online retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, and Target.
  • Tai Lopez and Alex Mehr have zero experience in online retailing. They are professional online marketers.
  • Retail eCommerce Venture is betting on famous brands to generate profits.
  • However, the online eCommerce competition is not about NAME. It’s about quick fulfillment. “People want next-day delivery!”
  • Customers purchase online for convenience, not for the retail brands.
  • Retail eCommerce Venture might be legit, but the business strategy is not profitable.


What Is Retail eCommerce Ventures?

Retail eCommerce Ventures is an investment fund to transform famous distressed retail brands into eCommerce stores.

The investment fund has multiple names: Tai Lopez Capital, Retail Ecommerce Ventures, and Schweitzer Alexander.

The investment fund was created in 2019 to offer accredited investors the opportunity to earn passive income by partnering with Tai Lopez.

Retail eCommerce Ventures have acquired the name of numerous famous retail brands including Peir1, Dressbarn, Linens-N-Things, and more.

The fund claims to offer a 15% annual return on a minimum investment of $500,000.

However, the fund requires investors to hold their position for at least 5 years.

The fund investment strategy is misleading. Retail eCommerce Ventures do not acquire distressed retail brands. It simply purchases the “Name” of the well-known retail brands.

For example, Pier1 was a retail company with numerous brick-and-mortar stores. Retail eCommerce Ventures bought the name (Pier1) to launch an online store.

The fund uses your investment to purchase the name, the intellectual property, nothing real assets.

Retail eCommerce Ventures is betting that people buy products online because they are familiar with these famous retail brands.

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The business strategy seems to contradict the market trend which indicates consumers purchase online for convenience.

This investment is high risk because Tai Lopez uses your money to bet on the names that might have been worth nothing.

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Who Own Retail eCommerce Ventures LLC?

Tai Lopez and Alex Mehr are the owners of Retail eCommerce Ventures.

Lopez and Mehr have zero experience in the eCommerce retail business. They are successful internet marketers, not investors.

This fund is Lopez’s first experiment with acquiring distressed retail businesses.

It’s easy to pay millions to acquire the names, but it’s difficult to revise them into a successful business.

Lopez and Mehr are gambling with your money.

Lopez fans and supporters will disagree with my analysis of his investment skills.

But at the end of the day, Lopez and Mehr are internet marketers. They are not investors.

Why do you risk half a million with two amateurs?

If you want to gamble with your money, then do it yourself.

Retail Ecommerce Ventures Stock Investment

Retail eCommerce Ventures do not worth a trillion dollars. The valuation of $500,000 per share is unrealistic.

I understand Peir1 and Linens-N-Things were billion-dollar companies. But this is not current revenues.

You cannot use these companies’ past revenues and earnings to price Retail eCommerce Ventures stocks.

The fund doesn’t publish revenues or earnings at this time. It’s in the process of spending a lot of money to acquire distressed retail brands.

Spending millions of dollars freely to buy business names does not mean you are running a successful company.

Lopez is betting that these names have value with customers.

How many people shop at Pier1 because of the name?

None! The majority of people shop at a retail store based on prices and convenience.

You are taking a lot of risk by purchasing one share of Retail eCommerce Ventures at $500K.

How Do You Make Money With Retail Ecommerce Ventures?

So, you decide to hand over half a million to Lopez and Mehr.

Don’t you want to know how are you going to earn passive income?

Lopez claims the investment fund pays a 15% annual return, but not today.

Your investment must stay in the fund for at least 5 years, and up to 10 years.

Who will guarantee that you will receive your $500K plus earnings at the end of 10 years?

Tai Lopez or Alex Mehr?

Lopez is using his deceptive marketing skill to promote Retail eCommerce Ventures as a successful company when it’s not.

Is Retail eCommerce Ventures Legit?

Retail Ecommerce Ventures seem legit. However, the business strategy is not promising.

You earn passive income only when Retail eCommerce Ventures successfully relaunch online stores with distressed retail brands.

But, online retail success is not measured by the name. It has to do with the fulfillment of the orders.

Amazon is doing something opposite with Lopez. The company purchases the real estate, the distressed retail brand malls to use as distribution centers.

Customers want their orders to deliver the next day, and Amazon understands this better than Lopez and Mehr.

Besides order fulfillment, online retailers must provide high customer service and satisfaction to compete for return customers.

Lopez and Mehr believe they win the customer by owning the well-known retail brands, not after purchase customer support.

Let me share with you a few recent online complaints to prove my point.

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Retail eCommerce Ventures Complaints

You might not find complaints against Retail eCommerce Ventures because this is a holding company for online retail websites Pier1 and Dressbarn.

When I researched Pier1 and Dressbarn online, I found mostly negative reviews against them.

Too many negative reviews are a sign of trouble for this venture. It clearly shows Lopez’s lack of experience in running an eCommerce operation.

Shoppers with bad shopping experiences with Pier1 or Dressbarn are unlikely to return as future customers.

Pier1 and Dressbarn have an average customer rating of 1.07 stars. This is terrible.

The majority of Retail eCommerce Ventures complaints have to do with the long delay of product deliveries, lack of customer services, and no refunds.

Would you purchase from these websites after reading so many negative customer reviews on BBB and Trustpilot?

These are signs of trouble for Retail eCommerce Ventures.

Retail eCommerce Ventures Pros and Cons

It’s time for us to look at the pros and cons of investing with the Retail eCommerce Ventures by Tai Lopez.

Pros of Retail eCommerce Ventures

  • New investment passive income concept. You make money if a Retail eCommerce Venture turns a profit.
  • You own brand-name retail stores as co-investor. It’s pretty cool.

Unfortunately, that’s all the pros for this investment.

Want to see the cons?

Cons of Retail eCommerce Ventures

  • Retail eCommerce Ventures is a high-risk investment. There’s no guarantee of profits. You are going to lose a lot of cash.
  • It costs $500,000 to buy a share of Retail eCommerce Ventures. Average investors have no chance of joining this investment fund.
  • Your money stays locked up for five years. You don’t earn passive income during this period.
  • Retail eCommerce Ventures is an unregulated investment company. Tai Lopez may be gambling with your money. Investors are the ones losing a lot of money, not Tai Lopez.

There are too many reflags about this opportunity.

Final Reviews Of Retail eCommerce Ventures

You have to be very brave to give $500,000 to Lopez and Mehr.

When investing for profits, brave or ego is not a factor in my decision.

I am not saying Lopez and Retail eCommerce Venture are scams.

But this is a bad investment. The business strategy and execution are lousy.

Retail eCommerce Ventures is a direct competitor of giant online retailers Amazon and Walmart.

Lopez bets on distressed retail brands to win the war of online eCommerce.

However, the winning strategy for online retailers is the ability to fulfill orders quickly and customer satisfaction. Retail eCommerce Ventures is horrible at this.

I hope you can see Retail eCommerce Ventures is nothing more than a publicity stunt. This is not a good passive income opportunity.

There are better passive income opportunities that generate lucrative profits.

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I hope this Retail eCommerce Ventures review answers your questions, is Lopez legit or a scam?

Until next time.

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