Wakaya Review – Is Wakaya Perfection A Pyramid Scheme, A Scam Or Legit

Welcome to our Wakaya Perfection Review MLM Coffee Talk.

Wakaya Perfection business goal is to produce more $1,000+ monthly income earners than any other company in the mlm industry.

The company claims its compensation plan is designed for 95% of Wakaya Ambassador to win, get paid well.

Is this another marketing hype or Wakaya Perfection is the best mlm opportunity?

We start a business to make money and achieve financial freedom.

If Wakaya is the real deal, then you don’t want to be left out.

I am writing this Wakaya Review to evaluate these claims by Wakaya Perfection.

We will discuss the following topics:

  • Is Wakaya Perfection a pyramid scheme, a scam or legit opportunity?
  • The process to become a Wakaya Perfection Ambassador.
  • The costs of joining Wakaya Perfection.
  • Is Wakaya Perfection compensation plan the best? And
  • Can you make money with Wakaya Perfection?

After finishing reading this Wakaya Review, you should be able to understand the marketing hype and agree with me that Wakaya Perfection is a scam.

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Wakaya Review Summary

Name: Wakaya Perfection

Business Type: MLM

Investment: $49.95

Recent Reviews:

  • Wakaya Perfection was launched by a Canadian born Billionaire, David H. Gilmour in 2011.
  • In 2015, Todd B. Smith, a top-earner of Youngevity together with a group of executives broke from Youngevity to join Wakaya Perfection.
  • In 2017, Youngevity filed a lawsuit accusing Wakaya Perfection
    and Todd B. Smith for converting and recruiting Youngevity affiliates and employees to join Wakaya Perfection.
  • Wakaya is promoting and distributing their own health and wellness products and recently adding CBD to its product line.
  • The company headquarters is based in Lindon, UT.
    Wkaya Perfection scam Ambassador
  • However, one of Wakaya Perfection Field Leaders/ Founding Ambassador, Andre Vaughn had been sentenced to a 10-month prison term on June 18, 2019, for fraud. His wife Monique Vaughn will be sentenced on July 9th, 2018.
  • Wakaya reported an annual sales revenue of $12 million for 2018.
  • To become successful as a Wakaya Perfection Ambassador, a good sales experience is required, especially with face-to-face recruiting.
  • The success rate for the Wakaya Perfection mlm home business opportunity is expected to below.


What Is The Wakaya Perfection?

Wakaya Perfection is a health and wellness mlm company.

The company was established in 2011 by David H. Gilmour, the owner and founder of FIJI Water.

However, Wakaya Perfection did not enter the mlm business until 2015 when Todd B. Smith joined the company.

Wakaya Perfection manufactures and distributes its own wellness and weight loss products through an mlm network of independent Ambassadors across the United States.

The company annual sales revenue reached an estimated $18 Million in 2018.

Wakaya Perfection recently entered the CBD business. However, the CBD industry is becoming more and more competitive.

The company does not publish its income disclosure statement. This financial document provides important income information regarding the profits and losses of operating a Wakaya Perfection business.

Before joining Wakaya Perfection, you must compare with other home-based business before joining.

You can use My #1 Business Opportunity to make a comparison.

How to Join Wakaya Perfection?

You can join Wakaya Perfection by visiting the company website or with a current Wakaya Perfection Ambassador.

The Ambassador that sign you up will be your sponsor, your upline.

You are required to purchase an Ambassador Start-Up Kit with the option to purchase a Paradise Product Pack.

However, you must be an Active and/or Qualified Ambassador to build a business and earn the commission with Wakaya. I’ll discuss more on this in the Wakaya Perfection compensation section of this review.

How Much Does It Cost to Join Wakaya Perfection?

The cost to join Wakaya Perfection is $49.95 for an Ambassador Start-up Kit. This cost is reduced to $25 if you purchase a CBD Paradise Product Pack, with prices ranging from $299.95 to $749.95.

Wakaya review starter pack

There is also an annual renewal fee of $35.

However, the Ambassador Start-up Kit has no Qualifying Volume (QV).

According to Wakaya Perfection compensation plan, Ambassadors are required to generate 80 QV each month, approximately $80 monthly order, to maintain an “Active Status.”

The only way for new Ambassadors to become active is to purchase a $299.95 Paradise Product Pack, which has a 500 QV, at the time of enrollment.

Besides the joining fee, there are expenses to operate a Wakaya Perfection mlm business.

Your biggest monthly expense is the Active Expense, which Wakaya Perfection refers to as Qualifying Volume (QV), 80 QV each month.

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Ambassadors are required to place an order of roughly $80 each month to stay active and participate in earning commissions with Wakaya Perfection.

This monthly business expense is known as, “Pay and Play!” If you want to earn, you have to pay.

The Active Expense can destroy your chance of making a profit because if you cannot resell the products, it becomes business losses.

Other home-based businesses, such as Affiliate Marketing, you earn the commission on every sale, no personal purchases required.

Want to know why every mlm opportunity has this Active status?

Two reasons: to sell products and to avoid being classified as a pyramid scheme under the FTC guideline. (Check our MLM vs Affiliate Marketing for the discussion on the FTC MLM Guideline.)

Wakaya Perfection Compensation Plan

Wakaya Perfection makes two bold statements:

  1. The compensation plan is designed for everyone to be paid well, 95% will win.
  2. They don’t force Ambassadors to make monthly personal purchases to get paid.

How can Wakaya Perfection achieve the 95% Ambassador success rate?

The trick is in the details. I’ll provide an overview of the Wakaya Perfection compensation plan to help you understand.

You can also download a copy by following the link above.

First, I want to talk about #2, “No purchase requirements.”

Wakaya Perfection scam

The statement above is not entirely true.

Do you remember the “Active Expense”? The 80 QV that we discussed in the previous section of this Wakaya review.

One way to make money without having to maintain an active status is by selling products.

Make Money Selling Wakaya Perfection Products

Wakaya Perfection Ambassadors earn a 20% commission on retail and preferred customer sales.

The Ambassadors can sell products directly from their replicated WAKAYA PERFECTION website to earn the commission.

This sounds simple to make a profit, right?

Let see!

I did a search online and found a bottle of CBD Hemp Oil 1000mg selling for $21 with free shipping.

A CBD oil bottle retailing on the Wakaya Perfection website for $102.90.

Wakaya Perfection CBD products are much more expensive compared to the market.

Overprice is the reason why you can never retail mlm products for a profit.

It will be a challenge for an Ambassador to make money selling Wakaya Perfection products.

Make Money Recruiting Others to Join Wakaya

If you want to earn bonuses and residual incomes, you must be an Independent Business Ambassador Active (IBA).

According to Wakaya compensation plan, an IBA is an Ambassador who maintains $80 QV monthly.

If you join Wakaya to buy products for retail, no purchase is required.

If you join Wakaya Perfection to build a business, you must generate $80 QV each month. One way to generate QV is purchasing products.

Do purchase requirements exist with Wakaya Perfection?

  • Yes, if you want to earn the Pacesetter Bonuses.
  • Yes, if you want to earn the Coding Bonus.
  • Yes, if you want to earn the Coding 50% Match.
  • Yes, if you want to earn the Car Bonuses.
  • Yes, if you want to earn the Retail and Preferred Customer Bonuses.
  • Yes, if you want to earn the 5% to 10% residual income.

By allowing Ambassadors to earn only retail profits, Wakaya Perfection can claim that you don’t have to purchase products to get paid.

This is the trick with mlm compensation. You have multiple ways to earn. But, to receive the commission, you must be Active and/or Qualified.

Under the Wakaya Perfection compensation plan, you will not get paid bonuses and residual incomes unless you maintain $80 QV each month.

Can You Make Money With Wakaya Perfection?

Now, let discuss Wakaya Perfection claims that 95% will win.

This marketing hype conveys a message that your chance of making money with Wakaya Perfection is up to 95%.

If this is the truth, Wakaya mlm opportunity is the best in the industry.

But, this is just marketing hype.

Wakaya Perfection is no different from other mlm opportunities, 99% will fail.

Below is Wakaya 95% success rate trick.

Wakaya Perfection Pyramid scheme scam

The statement above is taken from the Wakaya Perfection compensation plan.

This detail tells us by changing the Ambassador rank to a Preferred Customer, Wakaya Perfection is excluding most Ambassadors from the company income disclosure statement.

Wakaya Perfection is playing around with the number by only including successful Ambassadors in its report.

I think this is misleading. There is nothing special in Wakaya compensation plan to help you succeed.

If you cannot recruit, you are no longer an Ambassador.

In my mlm reviews, I suggest asking for the income disclosure statement when determines your chance of making money.

But, Wakaya income disclosure statement might not be accurate.

By changing non-successful Ambassadors to preferred customers, I believe Wakaya income disclosure statement doesn’t reflect the real success rate.

You cannot rely on Wakaya Perfection income disclosure statement to make an investment decision.

You can request a copy of an income disclosure from Wakaya Perfection at the time of enrollment.

Wakaya Perfection is required by laws to provide you a copy together with the compensation plan.

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Now, this financial document is useless because Wakaya is playing with the Ambassador numbers to make them look good, achieving a 95% success rate.

As a business review writer, I look to the actual business incomes to advise clients on an investment.

Since Wakaya doesn’t seem to provide us with accurate information, I recommend to not invest with this opportunity.

I don’t believe Wakaya has anything special to offer you in its compensation plan.

Your chance of making money with Wakaya Perfection is no better compared to other mlm opportunities.

Is Wakaya Perfection A Scam?

Normally, I do not consider a business opportunity as a scam.

However, Wakaya Perfection opportunity is different.

They state on their website that the compensation plan is designed to help you “Win”, make money. This statement is not true.

Wakaya manipulates their Ambassadors success rate to make the company look good.

Because of the reasons above, I consider Wakaya as a scam.

There is nothing special with Wakaya opportunity. Your chance of achieving financial success is low.

Every business opportunity has risks. You need to carefully research and study the opportunity before joining.

Reading this Wakaya Perfection Review is a good way to learn the risks and rewards related to this home business.

Many entrepreneurs hire professional business analysts to evaluate every opportunity to discover a profitable investment.

As a Business Review Writer, I have evaluated hundreds of mlm businesses to help investors identified and managed the risks.

That’s all we can do, managing risks.

However, Wakaya Perfection is different. It manipulates the number to make themselves look good.

I would never join this company.

Is Wakaya Perfection a pyramid scheme?

Wakaya Perfection considers itself a legit mlm company, not a pyramid scheme.

Sorry, I don’t agree with this.

Why do I think Wakaya Perfection is a pyramid scheme?

Based on their compensation plan.

Ambassadors are forced to purchase overprice products to earn bonuses and residual incomes.

You cannot sell overpriced products on the market.

The only way to make money with Wakaya Perfection is by recruiting others to join Wakaya Perfection.

This is the problem with mlm opportunities. The business partners are the company primary customers.

If you cannot recruit, you become a Preferred Customer not an Ambassador. This action clearly indicates that Wakaya Perfection favorite recruiting, not selling products.

Recruiting is the way to get promoted and make money with Wakaya Perfection.

Doesn’t this make Wakaya Perfection a pyramid scheme?

I know, not everyone will agree with me on this.

But you must agree with my Wakaya Perfection Review that there is nothing special about the Wakaya compensation plan.

The compensation plan was not designed for you to win. It was designed to make the company look good. This is marketing hype or a scam.

Is Wakaya Perfection Worth It?

I personally would not join this business opportunity. They are not honest.

However, this is a personal preference. You might find value with Wakaya.

Wakaya Perfection mlm opportunity is not for me.

I would never start a business when my chance of making money is unknown or manipulated.

Do you know why you want to start a home-based business?

To earn extra money from home, to be your own boss, or to achieve financial freedom?

And to make money, we invest in a PROFITABLE business!

There are much better and less risky home-based business opportunities.

If you want to be an owner of a lucrative and profitable business that generates six-figure passive income, then read my #1 recommended online business opportunity.

You should use the writing skill to start your own highly lucrative online writing business, TODAY!

There’s NO traveling around town to attend late-night meetings and NO face-to-face sales or recruits with my online business.

The best part, you are working on the computer in your own home or anywhere you like.

The chance for an mlm to “Go Out of Business” is high, due to lawsuits and legal violations. This business risk is real.

There is a possibility that Wakaya Perfection might go out of business.

If Wakaya Perfection goes out of business. All Ambassadors are out of business.

You have no control over this business risk. Therefore, you must carefully evaluate this risk before joining Wakaya Perfection.

Starting a business is building long-term passive incomes.

Future incomes are the reason we start a business?

There’s a lucrative method that I and millions of people have been using to generate six-figure passive income online.

You must read my #1 recommended online business opportunity.

Can you write?

If your answer is “YES”, then why not use this skill to start your own highly lucrative online writing business, TODAY!

I don’t like Wakaya Perfection because of their marketing practice, dishonest.

Wakaya Perfect compensation plan was not designed for you to win. This is a scam, a marketing hype.

I hope this Wakaya Perfection Review has helped you in the decision-making process.

I want to thank you for joining our mlm discussion.

Until next time.

Please share your own Wakaya Perfection Review with us.

2 thoughts on “Wakaya Review – Is Wakaya Perfection A Pyramid Scheme, A Scam Or Legit”

  1. My wife trying to get me to go into mlm with innov8tive and Heidi Whitehair – she is partners with David & Barb Pitcock. Do you know anything about these guys


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