Glaze Trading Review – Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd

Welcome to another MLM business opportunity Coffee Talk.

This is our review of Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd.

Glaze Trading is an mlm company out of India.

When people heard “mlm”, the first question will be, “Is Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd a pyramid scheme?”

We have talked about legit mlm versus a pyramid scheme before.

 Remember our discussion, MLM vs Affiliate Marketing.

Under the FTC guideline, most mlms are legit, because they follow the FTC guideline to comply with the laws.

Truth… the FTC guideline offers a legal procedure to help companies structure a legit mlm operation.

But… this legal guideline doesn’t tell us anything about Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd mlm home-based business opportunity?

Is Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd business profitable? Or Can you make money with Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd?

Remember, why we want to start a business?

We start a business to make money and gain financial freedom.

So, before starting a business with this mlm company, we need to know more than, “Is Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd a pyramid scheme or a scam?”

We must find out,

  • How to become a Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd distributor?
  • How much does it cost to join Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd?
  • Can you make money with Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd? And
  • Is Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd mlm business opportunity profitable?

“Profit” is the reason we start a business to make money and recover our investments.

If you are considering joining the Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd home-based business, you should at least read this Glaze Trading Review to fully understand the risks and rewards of becoming a Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd distributor.

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Glaze Trading Review Executive Summary

Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd

Forever Living, Vestige,

Annual Revenue:
$20 Million

Business Opportunity:
Multilevel-Marketing (MLM)

Initial Investments:
$4,000 Rs ($57.60)

Business Earnings Estimate: 
Less than $100 for the year.

  • Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd is an mlm company that promotes and sells FMCG products throughout India.
  • Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd claims to have over 1 million distributors but offers no proof.
  • Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd is an mlm business opportunity. To make money, you must be super talented with Face-To-Face selling and recruiting people into your organization.
  • However, Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd distributors recruit others by promising them a job, not a business opportunity. This is a scam.
  • If you don’t like face-to-face recruiting, the Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd mlm business opportunity is not for you.


What Is Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd?

Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd is an mlm, direct selling, company based in New Delhi that distributes and sell Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) products at affordable prices throughout India.

Glaze Trading India is also known as Galway.

Glaze Trading claims to have over 1 million Independent Distributors across 15 India states.

Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd established in 2003 by Sanjeev Chibber and Chetan Handa

Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd annual sales revenue is $20 Million dollars.

The company primarily sells its products in India.

This mlm company is privately held. Therefore, distributor earnings information is not reliable.

Most distributor incomes are either inflated or untruth.

Based on the information available to the public, we can conclude:

  • Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd is a private India mlm company.
  • Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd home-based business opportunity is operating similar to a pyramid scheme, or a scam, with a few at the top, earned the most.
  • Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd distributors failure rate is high, and
  • Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd business is very competitive.

This mlm business opportunity doesn’t seem to be a good investment.

Before investing with Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd, it’s smart to compare with other home-based business opportunities…

You can use My #1 Business Opportunity to make a comparison.

How to Join Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd?

You need a current Glaze Trading distributor to sponsor you into Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd business opportunity.

The sponsor can give you his distributor ID, and you can visit the company website to complete the application process.

When signing up as a new distributor, you are required to complete basic direct sell training and Glaze Trading marketing business plan training.

The marketing business plan training is an overview of Glaze Trading India compensation plan, explaining ways to make money with Glaze Trading.

There is no fee to join Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd.

But, before you can earn commissions, you have to sell or recruit others to join Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd.

How Much Does It Cost to Join Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd?

It is free to join Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd mlm business opportunity.

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However, you must acquire a minimum amount of Incentive Point (IP) each month to earn commissions.

IP is points assigned to each Glaze Trading products.

You can accumulate IP by purchasing products.

Basically, to make money with Glaze Trading, you have to buy a minimum number of products yourself.

The minimum monthly purchase requirement is common with all mlms.

This is the way Glaze Trading to sell its products.

Most distributors are also the primary customers of the mlm company.

Besides the monthly IP costs, there are additional costs associated with operating a Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd distributor business.

These costs are known as business operating costs.

You will need to invest time to build the Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd business.

Time spends building a business is varied. However, to become a successful Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd distributor, you need to invest over 80 hours per week in building the business.

If we use the minimum wage of $8 per hours, this means a Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd distributor must invest $640 per week, $2,560 per month.

There are other costs such as traveling, training, marketing materials, and more.

Let discuss a little about Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd monthly minimum IP purchased requirements. I call this a Hidden Operating expense.

According to Glaze Trading India compensation plan, 1 IP is about 100 Rs, or $1.44.

Distributors are required to acquire 40 IP each month, spending about 4,000 Rs ($57.60) on products, to earn a 9% commission.

So, a Glaze Trading distributor has to spend $57.60 to receive a $5.19 commission back.

The hidden cost is $52.42 per month.

Now you know, it’s not free to join Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd business opportunity.

The major investment with Glaze Trading India is the monthly IP cost.

This IP requirement can end up costing a Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd distributor thousands of dollars over the years.

The monthly IP expense will destroy your chance of making a profit with Glaze Trading because you receive no commissions if not meeting this requirement.

Other business opportunities, like affiliate marketing, do not require monthly personal product purchases. You receive commissions on every sale.

MLM companies, like Glaze Trading India, use the minimum monthly personal sales requirement to sell their products.

I personally view all mlm businesses, including Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd, a pyramid scheme because of their compensation plan.

Only a few at the top, the founders and their friends, make money.

Don’t you want to know how you can make money with Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd?

Let’s discuss,

Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd Compensation Plan

Studying Glaze Trading India compensation plan. We discover that there are only two ways to make money with Glaze Trading.

This compensation plan is similar to other mlm compensation plans, nothing special.

It is designed with a high level of confusion and difficulty to hide the fact that the distributors do not make money.

I’ll provide you a quick overview of the Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd compensation plan. If you want the detail, just download a copy.

Under Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd compensation plan, distributors earn commissions from:

  1. Retail sales, and
  2. Recruiting other distributors.

Retail Earnings

Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd distributors can purchase products at wholesale prices, between 5% – 20% of retail prices, to resell for profits.

I don’t know how you can make a retail profit based on a 5% discount.

Even with a 20% discount is still difficult to make a profit.

Normally, the wholesale price must at least a 30% discount or more for distributors to make a profit.

It will be very difficult to earn retail profits selling Glaze Trading products.

Income From Recruiting Others

According to Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd compensation plan, distributors can earn 4 ways:

  • Group Volume Incentive/Discount
  • Royalty on Start Achievers Team
  • Club Incentive, and
  • One Time Incentive.

If you carefully study this compensation plan, most distributors will earn Group Volume Incentive/Discount, and very few will earn commissions in the other 3 groups.


Well, to earn money from Royalty, you must be a Shappire Distributor (SD).

An SD is a distributor that acquires 1,800 IP in a month (180,000 Rs or $2,592).

If you can generate this much IP in a month, you don’t need me to explain how to make money with Glaze trading.

So, I will only talk about…

Group Volume Incentive/Discount

Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd offers from 9% to 32% commissions based on your entire organization monthly IP.

40 IP is the starting point to earn 9%.

So, if you purchase products worth of 40 IP for the month, you earn 9% back.

The more IP your team accumulated in a month, the higher the commission, up to 32%.

As I have stated above, you earn nothing if you cannot generate 40 IP for the month.

Here’s the question,

How do you make money with Glaze Trading when you spend $57.60 to get only $5.19 in commission?

This is like a cashback. If I want cashback from purchases, I just join Ebates and get cashback on everything that I purchased online.

This compensation plan sounds good, but this is an mlm. It is not easy to make money with Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd.

The compensation doesn’t give us the actual earnings of a Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd distributor. It only tells how we can earn money.

Actual earning is the information that helps us determine the profitability of owning a Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd mlm business.

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Then, why we discuss the Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd compensation plan?

Simple, to prepare us for the following discussing,

Can You Make Money With Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd?

Since this is a private mlm company, especially in India, you will never find the exact information on the distributor’s earnings.

Do you know why?

Well, because not Glaze Distributor will tell you the truth. They are trying to recruit you.

If you ask any Glaze Trading current distributor, “Do you make money with Glaze Trading?”

They will give you an explanation of the compensation.

This is how mlm companies trained their distributors.

Using the compensation plan, Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd is selling you a dream, not a real business.

Do you want to invest in a dream or a real business?

Then, you should ask your sponsor to show you the actual distributor earnings, starting with your sponsor.

If Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd is such a good business, all distributors should have not a problem providing you actual earnings.

As a business review writer, I look to the actual commission/earnings to advise clients on an investment. Potential earning is just a guess, an estimate.

Are you investing based on a guess?

If your answer is NO, then you should ask for Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd distributor earnings statement.

I can tell you that your chance of making money with Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd is near ZERO!

So, then…

Is Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd A Scam?

Yes, it is difficult to make money with Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd, but this doesn’t make Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd a scam.

Not so fast,

Do you know how Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd distributors recruit others?

They promise them a job, not a business opportunity.

This is common complaints online against Glaze Trading.

Glaze Trading and its distributors post job offer online.

When people apply for the job, they charge them 4,000 Rs ($57.60) or more for the job.

Do you know why 4,000 Rs or more?

This is a minimum of 40 IP monthly requirements.

Glaze Trading distributor scam others to purchase at least 40 IP by promising them a job.

If this is not a scam, then I don’t what is.

Yes, every business startup has risks, which means there a possibility of losing your investment.

But with Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd, people join without knowing they are starting a business.

I guess you can call Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd a scam.

What about,

‘Is Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd a pyramid scheme?’

I personally think Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd is a pyramid scheme.

But, Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd will deny they are a pyramid scheme.

Why do I think Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd a pyramid scheme?

Looks at their compensation plan, tell me what do you see below? This picture is Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd logo.

Blaze Trading India Review Pyramid Scheme

Doesn’t this look like a pyramid scheme?

Yes, the more people you recruit into your team, the more money you earn.

If you carefully study the Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd compensation plan, you notice that its rewarded distributors for recruiting people into the organization, not selling products.

Now, you know why they tell you this is a job opportunity, not a business opportunity.

The important thing to remember is Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd mlm is not a good business opportunity

So, Is Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd Worth It?

Would you invest, if Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd discloses that there’s a 99% chance of losing your investment and earning nothing?

Well, this is the fact about mlm business. The majority of people do not make money with mlm.

Glaze Trading is an mlm opportunity, do you think is worth investing?

I’ll never invest in a business opportunity unless is profitable.

And profitability is determined by carefully analyzing the financial information, especially the earnings disclosure, not the compensation plan.

Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd doesn’t offer you an earning disclosed.

Its distributors didn’t even tell you this is a business opportunity.

Do you know why you want to start a home-based business?

To earn extra money from home, to be your own boss, or to achieve financial freedom?

And to make money, we invest in a PROFITABLE business!

There are much better and less risky home-based business opportunities.

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Can you see?

Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd is not a good business to start.

Our Glaze Trading Review has discovered this mlm business is not profitable. Even if Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd is not a scam!

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