SiteRubix Review: Things You Must Know About The Free SITERUBIX

If you are reading this SiteRubix review, chances are someone telling you it’s free.

There are a lot of web hosting services giving away free websites, but with a catch.

Free websites have many limitations. The trick is to force you to upgrade for premium services. It is the way for web hosting services to make money.

So, is SiteRubix really free?

I want you to know this: ‘Nothing is 100% free.’

Those SiteRubix review articles that claim SiteRubix as the best free website are not telling you everything.

Each web hosting service has pros and cons. You want to select the service that best fits your needs.

This SibeRubix review will give you the good and the bad of using the free SiteRubix website. We will also compare it with other web hosting services to help you find the best free website for your business.

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SiteRubix Review Summary


Name: SiteRubix
Business Type: Web Hosting
Investment: Free

  • SiteRubix is a free web hosting service by Wealthy Affiliate.
  • You can get a free website to build your own online business.
  • The free SiteRubix website comes with tutorials and training lessons teaching the process of launching a website.
  • The SiteRubix free website has some limitations. However, there is no restriction on monetization.


About SiteRubix Website?

SiteRubix is a WordPress web hosting platform run by the Wealthy Affiliate (WA). You can follow the link to learn about the WA.

The service was launched in 2007 as a one-stop shop for WA members to build an affiliate marketing business.

Many people wrongfully believe that you have to join WA to get a free SiteRubix website. It’s not true. Anyone can create a free SiteRubit website.

Though SiteRubix is free to get started, it comes with limitations.

Here are some unique features with SiteRubix:

  • The free website is 100% ads-free.
  • You have total control of a functional WordPress website.
  • It comes with free training on how to build a WordPress website.
  • You have seven days to try premium features. But, you don’t have to upgrade to keep the free websites.

That’s a quick review of SiteRubix.

If you are ready, let me give you things that you must know about SiteRubix.

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Is Siterubix Really Free? SiteRubix Pricing

Most review articles that you have read are telling you SiteRubix is totally free. Well, This is not entirely true.

SiteRbubix is not 100% free. The free SiteRubix website has limitations. There is a premium SiteRbux service, but it’s not free. We’ll discuss the premium prices in a bit.

The primary limitation of the free SiteRubix website has to do with the domain name.

You can only build these websites under the SiteRubix subdomain. If you want a customed domain name, you have to go premium.

But the domain limitation is not a limitation if you understand the structure of a website.

The Domain Name, or website address, is not part of web hosting services. It controls by the Domain Name Registrars (DNR).

If you want a unique domain name for your website, you register one with the DNR.

Other limitations with the free WiteRubix include lower hosting speed, 1,000 visitors bandwidth, limited training, and 7-day support.

These limitations are not bad for a small website. However, a business website cannot function on the free SiteRubix. You want a lot of people to visit your website. So, you are going to need as much bandwidth as you can get.

The free SiteRubix website is perfect for those just starting their online business. As your online business grows, You must upgrade to premium to make more money.

Now, the cost for the SiteRubix premium websites is as follows:







Premium Plus



You can use the free SiteRubix as a personal website. However, it is not suitable for those looking to earn a full-time passive income online.

SiteRubix Hosting Review – What Do You Get?

Most beginners start building their websites without carefully considering the hosting service.

Your website performances depend on the hosting hardware and software for proper functioning.

Not all free website providers are the same. We are going to review the SiteRubix hosting to give you an idea of the free plan.

SiteRubix Sign Up

To use SiteRubix, you have to register for an account with Wealthy Affiliate (WA). It’s a confusing step for new registers.

Why do you need an account with WA?

The WA account gives you access to the SiteRubix Content Management System (CMS). You need this access to design and build your free website.

The WA account is free. You don’t need to buy the WA premium to access the SiteRubix administrative panel.

Once you sign up for the free WA account, here’s what you get.

Free SiteRubix Websites

You get one free website. Many SiteRubix reviews are telling you that you get two free websites. No, you only get one.

We’ll discuss things that you can do with the free SiteRubix website below.

First, I want to talk about the premium service. Because what you get from the free website is about the same as the premium.

So, let talk about SiteRubix premium.

Here’s the secret. There is no SiteRubix premium.

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When people talk about premium services, they talk about the WA premium membership.

The only way to buy SiteRubix premium is by becoming a paying member of WA, because SiteRubix is a component of the WA affiliate marketing training program.

As a premium WA member, you get 10 websites vs. 1 for the free website.

Many people think you have to become an affiliate marketer to use SiteRubix. No, you don’t.

You can use SiteRubix websites for anything. You can use them for a brick-and-mortar business, personal website, blog, non-profit, and more.

Before you jump in and sign up for the free SiteRubix website, we need to look at the hardware and software that comes with it.

SiteRubix SiteHosting

In this SiteRubix review, I am only covering the essential components of website hosting. I suggest you register for a free SiteRubix to review everything.

SiteRubix Content Management System

SiteRubix operates on the WordPress system. It considers the best CMS (content management system) on the internet.

So, what is CMS?

CMS is an application that allows users to maintain their website, such as create, edit, and publish information on a website.

WordPress started as a CMS tool for people to create personal blogs.

However, WordPress has grown to power roughly one-third of websites worldwide. You can now use this CMS to build a wide variety of websites, including professional publications and e-commerce platforms.

Since SiteRubix is the WordPress CMS, there are over 50,000 plugins available for you to use in building and running an online business.

SiteRubix Bandwidth and Disk Space

The free SiteRubix hosting offers a bandwidth of 1,000 visitors per month. It’s more than enough for a new website.

It would take a new website or blog more than five years to reach 1,000 visitors per month.

Unless you plan to build an eCommerce website, you should have sufficient space to host an online business or a blog.

SiteRubix Website SiteBuilder

Website Builder is the crown jewel feature of SiteRubix. It’s one of the most nontech-friendly digital tools to build a professional website.

You can create a fully functional WordPress website in less than a minute.

SiteRubix has created a video to showcase the power of its website builder. They call it: ‘Building a website in 60 seconds.’

You can watch the video below to understand how SiteRubix website builder works.

build a business website in 30 seconds

SiteRubix Speed

Site speed is a factor in search engines ranking. It allows your free website to get included in search results.

If the website hosting server is slow, your free website will have a hard time getting on the top page of Google.

SiteRubix offers SiteSpeed of Performance Boost for the free website. It’s lower speed compared to WA premium, which runs on a SiteSpeed of Extreme.

SiteSpeed of Performance is sufficient for a small personal site, or you don’t care about organic traffics. It’s not the best for running an online business.

SiteRubix Themes

SiteRubix supports thousands of free themes because it runs on WordPress.

Themes are webs templates that give website structure and visual appeal.

You can use any WordPress free themes to build a professional website on SiteRubix.

There are a lot of free WordPress themes. So, finding a good one is easy.

You customize the theme to target the right customers or niche for your online business.

If you don’t find a theme you like, you can upload a theme to SiteRubix.

Many web builders and affiliate marketers use the free SiteRubix to test different themes before implementing them on their websites. You cannot do this with other free websites because of restrictions.

The easy installation and easy-to-edit themes make SiteRubix the first choice for many affiliate marketers.

SiteRubix Security

SiteRubix website provides full redundancy and BotNet security.

Full redundancy means 100% uptime. Your site will always be live on the internet no matter what.

BotNet security protects your free website from spam, hackers, and malware.

For additional security, your SiteRubix website is backups every day. So, you can reinstall the website if anything happens.

SiteRubix SiteSupport

SiteRubix does offer support, not 24/7.

Free SiteRubix website owners do get 24/7 support for the first seven days. You have to go premium to keep 24/7 support.

Free website users can request support, but your support ticket is not a priority.

A few SiteRubix reviews claim you have access to community support as a free user. It’s not true.

Free website owners only have seven days of access to the community forum for support. To keep this privilege, you must upgrade to the premium.

Sure, you don’t get 24/7 support. But, at least SiteRubix provides some support for its free websites.

Most free website providers offer no support.

SiteRubix Domain

The free SiteRubix websites come with a subdomain. It’s an add-on to the name.

An example of a SiteRubix subdomain is ‘’

Most users don’t know the difference between a subdomain and a domain. The only time that domain matter is building a brand.

If you want to recognize your brand, you will need to register for a custom domain name related to your brand.

Today, picking a domain that you want is getting harder and harder. You need to get creative when it comes to the brand domain.

It’s easy to change the subdomain with SiteRubix. You can start with a subdomain then switch to your domain in the future. It’s the best way to start an online business. You want to save as much money as you can.

Build A SiteRubix Website Under A Minute – The Tutorial

SiteRubix has created a video to walk you through the process of creating a free website. They call this ‘Creating Your Website In 30 Seconds.’

You can watch the video below to save time, or you can read my quick review.

Creating SiteRubix - SiteRubix review

1. Getting A Name For Your Website

I include the SiteRubix custom site widget below for you to check out. Just type the name in the box, then click on ‘Build It Now’ to get started.

(Code Here)

2. Check For Name Availability

Upon clicking ‘Build It Now’ in the first step, the link takes you to the SiteRubix homepage.

SiteRubix Subdomain Verification - SiteRubix review

Here, you will see the availability of the name that you have chosen.

You have to choose a new name if it’s not available.

If the name is available, you can click on ‘Build My Website’ to proceed to the next step.

3. Registration For SiteRubix

You are registering for a Wealthy Affiliate (WA) account, not the SiteRubix. It’s a confusing step for many users.

SiteRubix Registration - SiteRubix review

The WA account is free. However, you need this account to access, build, and edit the free SiteRubix website.

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The registration form does not ask for your credit card or payment information.

After providing your name, email address, and password, you can click ‘Create Account & Continue.’

4. Free Website Builder Page

This step takes you directly to the free website builder page.

SiteRubix Free Website Builder - SiteRubix review

On the free website builder page, there are three steps to complete before launching your website.

  1. Verify the subdomain name. You can also provide a domain that you own here.
  2. Give your website a name.
  3. Choose a theme for the free website.

The last step is turning your website live.

That’s all the steps to create a free SiteRubix website. You can give it a try. It’s free.

Make Money With The Free Siterubix

The free SitRubix has no restriction on monetization. You can make money with your website in any way you want.

You can use the free website to promote your online business.

Many people use the free SiteRubix website to start their affiliate marketing business. Yes, you can add affiliate links to this free website.

A special offer with this free website is 10 Lessons on How To Start An Online Business. These lessons cover every aspect of making passive income online.

Of course, you do not have to go through the bonus lessons.

However, I recommend taking these free lessons to learn different ways of making money with SiteRubix.

The Pros And Cons of Siterubix

Free websites tend to have more cons than pros. It’s the way for web hosting providers to make money.

However, not all free websites are worthless. It depends on your needs.

We’ll look at the pros and cons of SiteRubix to help you decide if it’s right for you.

Siterubix Pros

  • SiteRubix is free. It’s the cheapest option to start an online business.
  • SiteRubix offers excellent hosting compared to other free website providers.
  • It runs on the WordPress CMS.
  • It is easy to build a website with the tutorial.
  • The site speed is good.
  • SiteRubix free websites come with SiteProtect.
  • It comes with free lessons teaching how to make money with a website.

Siterubix Cons

  • It comes with limited bandwidth and limited access to customer support.
  • The free website operates on a subdomain.
  • You have limited theme choices to build a website.

Those are the pros and cons of SiteRubix.

The best thing with SiteRubix is the unlimited options to make money with the free website.

Siterubix vs. BlueHost

The free SiteRubx website is far better than Bluehost.

Bluehost is a low-budget hosting provider. This provider is good if you are looking for affordable services.

SiteRubix also offers training lessons with the free website. If you want to learn more, you get the premium.

Bluehost is a stand-alone website service, while SiteRubix is an all-in-one solution to help people launch a successful online business.

Go with Bluehost if you want an affordable website. Otherwise, SiteRubix is a better choice.

Siterubix vs. Wix

SiteRubix gives you more control of the free website compared to Wix.

Wix provides an easy drag-and-drop feature for you to build a website. However, your website is just a static web page. You cannot collect data on people visiting your site.

If you want to collect website data, you cannot use Wix free website. You have to go with SiteRubix.

The free SiteRubix allows website owners to add Google Analytics and other plugins to collect data on the number of visitors, the links they click, and the time they spend on the site.

The disadvantage with Wix is no training.

Siterubix vs. Squarespace

Squarespace is not a WordPress CMS, while SiteRubix is.

It’s OK to build a free website with Squarespace. But keep in mind that the platform has a lot of limitations.

Using WordPress, SiteRubix has little to no limitation and is free to use. The hosting is user-friendly, and you do not need technical knowledge.

WordPress is also one of the most popular and widely used web platforms in the world. It is well-supported. The platform comes with plenty of free themes and plug-ins for your free website.

Unlike Squarespace, SiteRubix is a WordPress hosting provider. You can have your website up and running in 30-seconds.

Is Siterubix Legit?

SiteRubix is a legitimate web hosting provider. The platform has over 1 million users.

You have read many SiteRubix reviews besides this one. So, rather than telling you, SiteRubix is legit, why don’t you give it a try.

Siterubix Review Conclusion

Most people would advise you not to use a free website to start an online business. Free only gets you so far. This advice leads to many people delaying their dream.

If you don’t have money to pay for a website, go with SiteRubix. It’s is an excellent free website to make money online.

I am not telling you SiteRubix offers the best free website provider. It’s the best when it comes to freedom of monetizations.

The free SiteRubix website has no ads. You can place ads on this site to collect the income. You can add affiliate links. You can sell products. You can collect donations for your non-profit. The option to make money is endless.

You can start your online business today with this free website. I start my online business the same way.

When I began my online journey, I had $400. I could not pay for everything. I used a lot of free digital tools to build my business.

Today, I earn a full-time income online. You can do the same.

I understand you are here to read this review of Siterubix. So, I will not discuss my business opportunity here.

If you want to earn passive income, I suggest reading this article, the #1 Business Opportunity To Generate Passive Income Online. It discusses the most lucrative online business to start today.

Every year, millions of people earn a six-figure passive income with this simple business model.

I use the same business system to fire the boss, work from home, and achieve financial freedom.

Let me explain to you why:

You can use This #1 Home Business Opportunity to create a full-time passive income. You can work from the comfort of your own home and on a laptop, with no commute and no boss. You work whenever you want and where you like.

I invite you to read What I Do Every Day To Make Money At Home Online. Let me show you the real system of generating passive income.

I hope this Siterubix review answers your questions.

Until next time.

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