Wealthy Affiliate Review: Why They Say Wealthy Affiliate Legit

If you are looking for ways to make money online, you must have heard of the platform called Wealthy Affiliate.

Hello, this is a personal review of Wealthy Affiliate.

Affiliate marketing is considered the best method to make money online. However, this industry is notorious for scams.

I joined Wealth and spent hours testing and assessing the free and premium plan to write this review for you.

Many Wealthy Affiliate reviews are telling you the platform is legit. But are they telling you the truth?

Then, you have negative reviews of the Wealthy Affiliate. These reviewers seem to have a personal vendetta against Wealthy Affiliate members. They give you no valuable information about the training program.

You are researching online looking for ways to earn passive income. You have no time for the BS between members. You want to know the truth. Is Wealthy Affiliate that good?

So, this wealthy affiliate review will give you both the BADs and GOODs of Wealthy Affiliate. We understand no training platform is 100% perfect.

But, we need to know if Wealthy Affiliate can help us make money online.

Let’s find out!

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Wealthy Affiliate Review Summary


Name: Wealthy Affiliate

Business Type: Affiliate MArketing

Investment: $49 Per Month

  • Wealthy Affiliate offers 20 free lessons on affiliate marketing.
  • Many online reviewers seem to suggest the Wealthy Affiliate courses are outdated.
  • But I discovered the same reviewers telling you not to join Wealthy Affiliate are Premium Members of the platform.
  • I don’t blame them. There is no monetary incentive to recommend the Free Wealthy Affiliate account.
  • These reviewers don’t give you a complete review of the Wealthy Affiliate platform.
  • Wealthy Affiliate offers more than affiliate marketing courses.


What Is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is an online most popular affiliate marketing training course and community.

This all-in-one platform teaches the process of making money online with affiliate marketing. If you are unfamiliar with affiliate marketing, you can read this Affiliate Marketing for Beginners to learn more.

The training program combines lessons, tools, coaching, and web hosting into a single package for entrepreneurs to launch an affiliate marketing business with ease. It’s the first program of its kind online.

This one-stop-shop online business platform is so popular that it has over 2 million members worldwide.

Given its popularity, you might think Wealthy Affiliate had a high success rate. However, over 90% of Wealthy Affiliate members fail to make money as affiliate marketers. This fact is rather disappointing.

Is this low success rate has anything to do with the training?

You’ll find out in a bit.

I can tell you this, building a successful affiliate marketing business is not simple. It requires hard work, dedication, and continuous learning.

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Is Wealthy Affiliate A Pyramid Scheme or An MLM?

No, Wealthy Affiliate is neither a pyramid scheme nor an MLM. It is a training program that teaches affiliate marketing.

It trues that members can earn commissions by promoting the Wealthy Affiliate program. But, this is affiliate marketing, not MLM.

It’s strange for other affiliate marketers to tell people Wealthy Affiliate an MLM or a pyramid scheme while promoting another product to earn an affiliate commission. It creates confusion for beginners and inexperienced marketers to think of affiliate marketing as an MLM.

No, affiliate marketing is not an MLM. If people don’t understand the difference between them, they should not write business reviews.

Here are the differences between affiliate marketing vs. MLM:

  • Affiliate marketers promote products for commissions. They do not recruit team members to earn commissions.
  • There is no downline (team) commission in affiliate marketing, only in MLM.
  • Affiliate marketers can earn residual income. It is not the same as team commissions. You can click on the link to learn more.
  • Affiliate marketers are not obligated to promote particular products or services. They can promote anything.
  • Affiliate marketers own their businesses. MLM business owners are in business as long the parent company is still doing business.

Here’s why Wealthy Affiliate is not an MLM or pyramid scheme:

  • You earn affiliate commissions for promoting the program, no team commission.
  • You have no downline within the Wealthy Affiliate.
  • Residual commissions are not downline income. You collect the residual income from your referrals, no other members.
  • You don’t have to promote Wealthy Affiliate.
  • You can move your affiliate marketing business to another platform at any time. You own your online business, not Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s OK to say the Wealthy Affiliate training doesn’t work.

But it’s unethical to say that the program is an MLM or a pyramid scheme.

How Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?

Wealthy Affiliate is a membership training platform. You must become a member to access the community.

If you want to check out the platform, I suggest you register for a free account.

You can use the free membership account to see everything inside of the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Or, you can continue reading this review because I am about to give you a detailed overview of the Wealth Affiliate all-in-one training program.

Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform Review

The Wealthy Affiliate training program focuses primarily on how to make money online as an affiliate marketer.

So, don’t waste your time and money on this platform if you have no intention to learn affiliate marketing or start an affiliate marketing business.

However, affiliate marketing is the cheapest online business opportunity to start. You might want to read this review to learn more.

This program teaches the 4-Step affiliate marketing model. We’ll talk more about this in a bit.

Your trainers will be Kyle Loudoun, Jay Neill, or Carson Lim.

Before we dive into analyzing the training program, I like to discuss the background and qualifications of these trainers.

Wealthy Affiliate Creators and Trainers

The primary trainers responsible for the vast majority of the core lessons and videos inside Wealthy Affiliate are Kyle and Jay Neill, while Carson Lim is more of a technical guy.

I will include the link to the profiles of each trainer for you to investigate more.

Now, let meet your trainers.

Kyle Loudon

Kyle - Wealthy Affiliate review

Kyle Loudon is the primary trainer and the face of Wealthy Affiliate.

You can say Kyle is a successful affiliate marketer because he seems to know about affiliate marketing.

The trouble is, his lessons cover only the basics of affiliate marketing, and they seem to be outdated.

On the other hand, the lessons are for complete beginners. So, you can argue the basics are never outdated.

If you don’t know anything about affiliate marketing, you will learn enough about it with these free lessons.

Since you get the lessons for free, I don’t understand why the complaints.

Below is a training video by Kyle. I include it here for you to get a feel for his teaching style.

Wealthy Affiliate review - Kyle Training Video

Kyle hires Jay to handle the advanced training and weekly update for members.

Let’s meet Jay.

Jay Neill

Jay Neil - Wealthy Affiliate  review

Jay Neill is the go-to guy within the Wealthy Affiliate community. He is known as the “First Wealthy Affiliate Influencer.”

This guy has been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2007.

Jay host the weekly live training webinars for members of Wealthy Affiliate Premium.

According to his bio with Wealthy Affiliate, Jay is an expert in internet marketing, content development, and SEO.

However, there is no information online about Jay Neill as a successful affiliate marketer. So, there’s no way to verify his success stories.

Jay appears to be a self-proclaimed online guru. I don’t believe this guy knows much about affiliate marketing.

Watch the training video below to help you decide.

Wealthy Affiliate review - jay training video

Carson Lim

Carson Lim - Wealthy Affiliate  review

Carson Lim is the co-founder of Wealthy Affiliate. He is responsible for the technical operation of the platform.

There’s not much information about Carson, except his bio on Wealthy Affiliate.

Carson doesn’t teach affiliate marketing. Most of his training lessons have to do with using the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Here’s a tutorial published by Carson on setting up a WordPress website on the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Wealthy Affiliate Courses Review

Don’t you want to know what does the Wealthy Affiliate teaches?

I am sure you do.

It’s time for us to take a closer look at the courses inside the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

There are two core training courses inside the membership area.

  1. Online Entrepreneur Certification
  2. Affiliate Bootcamp

These two core courses and the rest of Wealthy Affiliate offer you over 100’s training modules of varying levels and quality.

Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) Course

The OEC course promises to teach you the process of creating and growing an affiliate marketing online business in any niche you want.

This course consists of 5 levels, 50 lessons, and 160 actionable tasks.

  • Level 1: Getting started
  • Level 2: Building your own traffic producing website
  • Level 3: Making money
  • Level 4: Mastering social engagement
  • Level 5: Achieving maximum success through content creation

Wealthy Affiliate recommends the Online Entrepreneur Certification training to new members.

According to the platform, it’s faster to make money starting an affiliate marketing business in a less competitive niche.

Affiliate Bootcamp Course

Affiliate Bootcamp is a course teaching member how to make money promoting Wealthy Affiliate.

The course covers seven levels of affiliate marketing in 70 lessons.

  • Level 1: Getting your business rolling
  • Level 2: Content, keywords, and conversions
  • Level 3: Giving your site social value
  • Level 4: Get visual. Get aesthetic. Get a brand through media
  • Level 5: Knowing your audiences and catapulting your referrals
  • Level 6: Bing, Yahoo & the power of PPC
  • Level 7: How to scale successful PPC campaigns

Many lessons in this course are similar to the one in the OEC. Except, they teach you how to promote Wealthy Affiliate to earn commissions.

The negative reviewers point to the repeated lessons as terrible training. But, this is not true.

Both EOC and Affiliate Bootcamp teach the affiliate marketing business. How much should they be different?

Above is an overview of the courses inside Wealthy Affiliate.

Here’s the link to the Wealthy Affiliate courses for you to check out. This link gives you seven days of free access. I suggest you take the opportunity to see the actual lessons. It’s much better than reading reviews.

If you can complete all the lessons in 7 days, you learn affiliate marketing for free.

I don’t see how this is a bad deal for those looking to learn affiliate marketing?

Besides the lessons, Wealthy Affiliate also provides web hosting, digital tools, and support for members to build their online business.

Wealthy Affiliate Web Hosting (SiteRubix) Review

Every Wealthy Affiliate member receives a leading Managed WordPress Hosting service, including free members.

Free members receive one install website, while premium members get ten (10) websites.

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You must have secured and reliable web hosting to build a successful affiliate marketing business.

Yes, you can buy the best lessons online. But without a website, you don’t have a business.

Dealing with web hosting issues can be a headache to many online entrepreneurs.

You can save a lot of time and money with the Wealthy Affiliate web hosting services because they take care of everything for you. It includes security, speed, backups, reliability, spam protection, data protection, etc.

Wealthy Affiliate is a Managed WordPress Hosting provider. This hosting is more secure than unmanaged hosting.

Wealthy Affiliate Keyword Research Tool (Jaaxy) Review

Keyword research is a must-have digital tool for every affiliate marketer.

You need this tool to help create ranking content. It is the only way for you to make money online.

Every Wealthy Affiliate review gives a long list of complaints about the training lessons. They forget to provide you with a review of the tools required to build a successful affiliate marketing business.

All members of Wealth Affiliate have access to Jaaxy, the keyword tool.

Free members get 30 searches per month. It is enough keyword researches for you to publish a post each day.

You can give the Wealthy Affiliate keyword a try below.

There is no limit on the number of searches per month for Premium Members.

Building an affiliate marketing business requires using a keyword research tool, no exception.

Keyword research is the foundation of SEO. You can only create ranking content with the right KEYWORD.

Almost every review of Wealthy Affiliate discusses how bad are the training lessons without mentioning this digital tool.

Do you know why?

Because they have no intention of helping you find the right program to build a successful online business.

Before we review other parts of Wealthy Affiliate, I want to give you the breakdown of the components to build a successful affiliate marketing business.

  1. You need a web hosting service that is secure and reliable to host the business website.
  2. You need a keyword research tool to help uncover profitable keywords for your affiliate marketing content.
  3. Posting content on your website with appropriate affiliate links to make money.

As you can see, learning to write ranking content is the last step of building an affiliate marketing business.

Now, let discuss other services available inside Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate Support Review

Wealthy Affiliate support is convenient. You can contact support or send a private message to Kyle, Carson, or Jay for a quick response.

Yes, you can send a private message to the owners directly. That’s the reason members love Wealthy Affiliate.

There are three ways to get support inside the Wealthy Affiliate.

  1. For technical support, you can open a support ticket with Carson and the technical team.
  2. For problems with payment, credit card, and refund, you must contact Kyle.
  3. For affiliate marketing support, you have the option to ask the community or send a private message to Jay.

You must have heard the Wealth Affiliate support provides wrong answers. This review is half true.

If you are asking for support from the community, you will get a mixed bag of answers. Most of them are irrelevant, incorrect, or not related to the question.

The reason behind this mess is members are trying to earn credit to become WA ambassadors.

Every time a member answers a support question, they receive ambassador credits.

So, everyone in the community will answer your support question even they don’t know anything. You get wrong answers. They get ambassador credits.

If you ever need support inside the Wealthy Affiliate platform, don’t ask the community. You might get a wrong answer.

Wealthy Affiliate Community Review

The Wealthy Affiliate community is robust and active.

The company promotes the idea of sharing knowledge and helping each other succeed.

To encourage members to stay active within the community, Wealthy Affiliate ranks members using a point system.

You earn points for: responding to questions, asking questions, blogging, and welcoming new members to the community.

The top 25 members with the most points receive the WA Ambassadors title.

WA Ambassadors don’t get paid. They only get the bragging right. So, competing to become a WA ambassador is pointless.

However, many Wealthy Affiliate members compete fearlessly for this title.

The ambassador system makes the Wealthy Affiliate community a toxic place for people learning to make money online.

Much of the activity in the community is utterly pointless and is distracting you from building a successful affiliate marketing business.

It’s entirely possible for a member to be a WA Ambassador but know nothing about affiliate marketing!

Becoming an ambassador is the choice of each member. Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t require you to be one.

If you join the Wealthy Affiliate, take my advice and stay away from the Wealthy Affiliate community.

How to Join Wealthy Affiliate?

You can join Wealthy Affiliate as a free or paid member.

When you register for an account, you have to choose one of the two membership levels.

You can join as a Starter Member for free, or you join as a Premium Member.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Free?

No, Wealthy Affiliate is not 100% free.

You can get a Starter Membership account for free, but it gives you limited access to the training, tools, and hosting services.

All new Starter Membership account comes with free seven days access to premium services.

It’s smarts to get the free seven days premium access to test and check out the Wealthy Affiliate training platform before buying.

Once the seven days expired, you are a Starter Member with the following benefits:

  • Access to 30 basic training lessons
  • One basic website
  • 30 free searches for the keyword tool
  • Access to the affiliate program

Sure, you get some services as a free member of the Wealthy Affiliate. But, I would say Wealthy Affiliate is free.

If you want full access to the training platform, you have to become a Premium member.

Here’s the cost to join Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate Pricing

If you decide to become a Premium Member, the price for the Wealthy Affiliate membership is as follows:

  • For the first month, the cost is $19. It’s a 61% discount on the regular price.
  • After the first month, the membership price is $49 per month.

Wealthy Affiliate does give you two options to pay for your membership.

  • The monthly payment price is $49. It costs you $588 a year.
  • If you choose to pay annually, the price is $495. You save $93.
  • Yes, you will save $93 by paying yearly. However, don’t select this payment option unless you commit to Wealthy Affiliate for the entire year. If you cancel your Premium Membership, you become a Starter Member. You might not get a refund.

Wealthy Affiliate Refund Policy

Members of the Wealthy Affiliate say that you can cancel Premium Membership anytime. It’s true.

What they fail to tell you is Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t allow a refund.

Here is the Wealthy Affiliate refund policy.

“Subscription to Wealthy Affiliate Premium and Paid Services are billed in advance on a monthly or yearly basis … and are non-refundable for the subscription period they are purchased for.”

If you want to test Wealthy Affiliate, it’s best to pay monthly.

Upgrade to the yearly option when you are ready to commit for a year.

Should You Join Wealthy Affiliate?

The purpose of my review of Wealthy Affiliate is to help you decide if you should or should not sign up.

I can offer you my opinion, but the final decision is yours to make.

Here are my thoughts:

Who Is Wealthy Affiliate For?

Since you can join for free at Wealthy Affiliate with no credit card required, anyone who wants to make money online should get this account. What have you got to lose?

When you know nothing about affiliate marketing, Wealthy Affiliate is the place to start.

There’s nothing wrong with poking around the Wealthy Affiliate platform to get some free basic knowledge and help from the forum.

This one-stop-shop platform is a perfect place for newbies to learn and build an affiliate marketing business from scratch.

No other training program online that offers web hosting, keyword tool, and lessons under one account. It will save you a lot of time and frustration.

Wealthy Affiliate is an excellent platform for those who want to have everything they need in one place. If you are an experienced affiliate marketer, you know what I mean.

Yes, the lessons are basic. But for $49 per month, you get 50 websites and unlimited keyword researches to launch an affiliate marketing business. It’s the cheapest option for you to start an online business.

Who Is Wealthy Affiliate Not For?

For anyone who’s looking to earn quick bucks online, Wealthy Affiliate is not the place. You might want to try online surveys.

Affiliate marketing is a long-term business. You must commit at least six months or more to see results.

Any online affiliate marketing program that promises a full-time income in a matter of weeks is a scam.

Wealthy Affiliate is not for those who are in dire need of financial help.

This program helps you start a business. It will take some time to generate profits. If you don’t have six months of saving to live on, don’t join the Wealthy Affiliate program.

You need a source of income to survive until the business takes off. It applies to every startup, both online and offline.

People with no interest in online business should never join Wealthy Affiliate.

Yes, online business is a lucrative way to make passive income, but it doesn’t mean the only way to get rich.

Don’t go into business because someone makes a lot of money.

It will take considerable time and effort to build a successful affiliate marketing business.

So, stay away from Wealthy Affiliate if you have no desire to start an online business.

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform teaching people to build an online business.  

If you’re only planning on testing out affiliate marketing, do not sign up for the premium membership. The free membership is more than enough for you to see what it’s all about. There is no reason to waste your money.

How to Make Money on Wealthy Affiliate?

Yes, you can make money promoting Wealthy Affiliate. The program pays about 50% commission for each Premium referral.

But, You will most likely earn nothing as a Starter Member.

Starter members build a website on a free SiteRubix domain.

This free website is practically useless unless you sign up for Premium and move it to your domain.

Upgrading to Premium won’t serve you much better.

The affiliate marketing business is very competitive.

When it comes to promoting Wealthy Affiliate, the odds are not in your favor. you are competing against millions of members to earn the same commissions.

Then, how can you make money by joining Wealthy Affiliate?

The program gives you the tools, lessons, and guidance to build an affiliate marketing website.

You can promote any products or services to make money online.

Everything you need to build a successful online business is within this platform. You must be persistent and work hard to earn money.

Affiliate marketing is a long-term business model. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. How much you can earn using the program is up to you. I’ll provide a few Wealthy Affiliate success stories in the next section to prove this point.

Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories

You can find a few success stories on the Wealthy Affiliate public blog. However, the results are not that impressive.

Most of the success stories are from members earning a few dollars here and there.

I found this unique success story to share with you.

Meet Niall Doherty

Wealthy Affiliate review - Niall Doherty

Do you recognize this guy from reading Wealthy Affiliate reviews?

He has the most popular negative review of Wealthy Affiliate.

In his blog post, he’s telling you Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t work and that you cannot find any success story after 2016.

There you have it, Niall Doherty’s success story inside the Wealthy Affiliate platform. You can click on the link to read it if you don’t believe me.

You must wonder why is Niall bashing Wealthy Affiliate if he is a member?

Well, Naill is after your money. He doesn’t care about your success. He earns commissions either you join Wealthy Affiliate or purchase alternative products from the recommended list. A lot of people fall for this trick.

Meet Jerry Huang

Wealthy Affiliate review - Jerry Huang

Jerry Huang is a college dropout. He joined Wealthy Affiliate in May 2016.

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According to Jerry’s success story, He made $40,000 online in 4 hours.

But, is there any truth to this?

Your guest is as good as mine.

There are a few more unsubstantiated success stories on the Wealthy Affiliate blog. You should visit the platform to read them.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Legit?

You should know by now Wealthy Affiliate is legit. This platform has been in business since 2005.

The founders of Wealthy Affiliate are still very active on the platform. You can send them a private message with your free account.

The platform is getting bigger as more and more people join. Even the negative reviewer of Wealth Affiliate, Naill Doherty, is a Premium Member.

You can find the training videos, website builder tool, and keyword tool inside the member dashboard. Nothing looks scammy to me.

Most negative reviews claim the lessons on Wealthy Affiliate are outdated.

But they are referring to the basic lessons. The basic foundation of affiliate marketing doesn’t change. It applies to every business model.

I am not saying Wealthy Affiliate is for you. You have to decide this for yourself.

I have reviewed the complaints against Wealthy Affiliate. None of them can prove that Wealthy Affiliate is not legit.

Wealthy Affiliate Complaints

Sometimes the best way to know if a training program is legit is by reading complaints.

I will focus on reviewing the top complaints against Wealthy Affiliate in this review. You can read the rest on the BBB website.

1. Unable to get a refund from Wealthy Affiliate.

The non-refund policy has been stated clearly in the terms and conditions of services. Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t hire this fact.

So, don’t pay for the entire year if you are not ready.

2. The training lessons are outdated.

This is a valid complaint. The lessons in the OEC and Affiliate Bootcamp are the same.

Some information in these lessons is no longer relevant.

However, the foundation of building an affiliate marketing business hasn’t changed.

Beginners can use the lesson to learn the foundation at an affordable price.

Now, let look at the price complaint.

3. Wealthy Affiliate is too expensive.

Many beginners complain Wealthy Affiliate is too expensive when they compare it to another training program from ClickBank.

Only beginners complain about the price because they don’t know better.

Do you know why experienced marketers like Naill Doherty joined Wealthy Affiliate?

They are not there for the lessons.

Wealthy Affiliate gives you a comprehensive business package.

Besides training lessons, the membership comes with premium web hosting of 10 websites, a keyword research tool, website building tools, writing tools, a community, and technical support.

The best way to evaluate the Wealthy Affiliate price is to gather all the costs of purchasing the digital tools, not just the lessons.

I can tell you that the cost of a keyword research tool alone is more than $49 per month.

4. The training is for promoting Wealthy Affiliate.

As an affiliate marketer, you are an independent business owner. You promote any products or services that you wish.

Wealthy Affiliate offers two training courses. The OEC course is different from the Affiliate Bootcamp course.

The Affiliate Bootcamp is for people interested in promoting Wealthy Affiliate. Don’t take this course if you want to promote something else.

The OEC course shows you how to create an affiliate marketing website in any niche. You should take this and avoid the Bootcamp.

Experienced affiliate marketers promote products or services that pay the best commissions. This complaint usually comes from inexperienced marketers because they have limited knowledge of website monetizations.

5. Wealthy Affiliate ranking is fake.

This complaint refers to the Wealthy Affiliate ambassador ranking.

Ambassador ranking has no connection with affiliate marketing skills or earnings.

It is a measurement of the activities and engagements of each member on the platform.

The more active you are, the higher you rank.

Many Wealthy Affiliate ambassadors have little or no knowledge about affiliate marketing.

They are answering and posting advice to improve their rank.

Most of the time, their answers are useless.

Giving inaccurate advice or information creates a problem for newbies looking for help with their website. It’s a valid complaint.

6. Wealthy Affiliate gives bad advice or wrong answers.

You join Wealthy Affiliate to learn affiliate marketing and make passive income online.

So, why the platform allows members to give bad advice or wrong answers?

I agree with this complaint.

However, the core training in Wealthy Affiliate is correct. It does teach the foundation of affiliate marketing.

When it comes to bad advice, most of them comes from newbies looking to improve their ranking.

When you receive advice from new members, you should double-check with an experienced member before using it.

Wealthy Affiliate is a big community. When you ask a question, you likely get tenth or more responses. Not all of the answers will be correct. You should ignore advice that is different from the rest. It’s probably a wrong answer.

I can report more complaints against the Wealthy Affiliate.

But it would be a waste of your time because the majority of them are about technical issues. They don’t negate or prove that Wealthy Affiliate is legit.

We should use this time to discuss the good and bad things about Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate Pros and Cons

Wealthy Affiliate is not perfect. There are things that I like and don’t like about this platform.

You can review my opinions to understand more about this program.

Things I Like About Wealthy Affiliate – The Pros

1. Solid fundamentals lessons

The affiliate marketing course is easy for newbies to understand and follow.

Each lesson offers both text and videos. You can learn by reading the tutorials or watching the videos.

If you’re new to affiliate marketing, the course will provide you with a solid foundation on what affiliate marketing is and how it works, the basics of WordPress, and the basic keyword research.

2. Everything you need to start an online business

Wealthy Affiliate is not just an online course. The platform provides all the digital tools in one place for you to start an affiliate marketing business.

As a member of Wealthy Affiliate, you receive the following benefits:

  • Step-by-step training lesson on starting an online business.
  • Jaaxy tool for conducting keyword researches.
  • Premium hosting of up to 10 websites to build your business.
  • Access to a community to network, learn and ask questions.
  • 24/7 site support.

If you join other online programs, you only get the lessons. You would have to get web hosting in one place and sign up for keyword research in another.

3. Weekly live Webinar

Every Saturday, Jay Neil hosts a 60-90 minutes live webinar teaching different online business topics.

I am not saying his webinars are the best. But you will learn to build an online business.

The weekly webinar cover these topics:

  • Google Analytics
  • Pinterest marketing
  • Branding
  • Email marketing
  • Funnels
  • Local SEO
  • eCommerce and Dropshipping
  • On-page and off-page SEO

You will learn a variety of topics, not just affiliate marketing. I suggest you get the free account to them out.

However, these lessons are basic. They are not for experienced marketers.

4. Wealthy Affiliate is affordable

You can start an online business for as little as $49 per month.

One price includes everything from web hosting, keyword research tool, writing tool, website builder, technical support, and more.

If you don’t have the $49 to invest, then go with the free account.

Where can you start a business for free?

Those are things that I like.

Things I Don’t Like About Wealthy Affiliate – The Cons

1. No advanced affiliate marketing lessons.

Wealthy Affiliate courses are for beginners.

Once you become an experienced marketer, there is nothing for you to learn on this platform.

The program does offer a weekly webinar. But, I would call this training. It’s more of a discussion video with Jay as a moderator.

2. Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t teach technical SEO

The SEO you learn from Wealthy Affiliate is on-page SEO.

The platform has little or no lesson on Technical SEO.

When it comes to SEO, there is so much you can do to improve content. If you want to compete in the affiliate marketing industry, you need to know technical SEO.

3. Wealthy Affiliate instructors are not experts

Kyle and Jay consider themselves an expert on affiliate marketing.

Both of them are self-proclaimed gurus. Neither holds any certification nor recognization as an expert in the affiliate marketing industry.

Sure, they both know a lot about affiliate marketing. But, I would call them experts.

4. Lots of bad advice

The wealthy Affiliate ranking system encourages members to advise for the sake of moving up the rank.

New members hoping to improve their rank will post advice on subjects that they don’t understand. Most of the time, they give bad advice to other new members.

Wealthy Affiliate tells their members the bad advice are harmless. It’s not true.

Using bad advice can hurt your website ranking. The worse thing is many new members don’t know why their website does not rank well on Google.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It?

If you read this review up to this point, I think you can answer this question yourself.

Here’s my opinion.

Anything FREE is worth a try!

You have read many online reviews telling you Wealth Affiliate is not worth the money. Despite telling you not to join, the reviewers are Premium Members of the platform.

Even worse, most of them do not purchase the alternative training programs that they say are better than Wealthy Affiliate.

“You need the best affiliate marketing course to make money!” It’s a famous line marketers use to get newbies to buy the program that they promote.

You are not going to like what I am about to tell you.

No affiliate marketing course can help you make money unless you are willing to do the work.

Yes, affiliate marketing is not easy. It requires hard work and patient to achieve success.

Affiliate marketing is not worth it for anyone looking to make money within two to three months. It doesn’t happen, no matter how good the training course is.

A course is only a course until you take action.

Do I recommend Wealthy Affiliate?

I recommend Wealthy Affiliate to all beginners interested in learning affiliate marketing business.

One thing every online reviewer agrees about this platform is the basic lessons. It will teach you the foundation of affiliate marketing.

This foundation course is free. Why pay when you can learn for free?

I do not recommend you become a Premium Member because affiliate marketing is not for everyone.

Taking the Wealthy Affiliate free course helps you to decide if affiliate marketing fits you.

It makes no sense to purchase a course then discover you do not like to do affiliate marketing.

Some people will tell you anything free online is a scam. But from my experienced, online scammers don’t give away free stuff. They take your money without providing a product or service.

Wealthy Affiliate does give you 20 free lessons, no string attach. You don’t even have to give out credit card information. You only need an email address to register for a free account. You can create a dummy email to sign up for this free account.

Now, I would not recommend Wealthy Affiliate if you have zero interest in affiliate marketing.

There are other profitable business opportunities for you to make money online.

Now, I would not recommend Wealthy Affiliate if you have zero interest in affiliate marketing.

There are other profitable business opportunities for you to make money online.

I understand you are here to read this review of Wealthy Affiliate. So, I am not wasting time telling you how I make money online.

If you are interested, I suggest you read this article discussing the #1 opportunity to make money online. Millions of people have used this strategy to generate six-figure passive income every year.

I use the same system to fire the boss and work from home.

Let me explain to you why:

You can use This #1 Home Business Opportunity to create a full-time passive income. You can work from the comfort of your own home and on a laptop, with no commute and no boss. You work whenever you want and where you like.

I invite you to read What I Do Every Day To Make Money At Home Online. Let me show you the real system of generating passive income.

I hope this Wealthy Affiliate review answers your questions, is Wealthy Affiliate legit?

Until next time.

Please, share your experience below.

2 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Review: Why They Say Wealthy Affiliate Legit”

  1. I’m not sure where you get 59 FREE websites from? It is 25 sub-domains and 25 domains that you own. These are hosted and are not free – it’s part of the $49 that it costs you per month. I also don’t know so much about the 24-hour coaching. If you’re referring to the LiveChat feature that is only available to premium members then I need to inform you that this is chit-chat. It is certainly not coaching.

    • Hi Eugene,

      Thank you for confirming my fact. I stated clearly in my post is 50 Free website as a premium member. I don’t know where you got 59, maybe from another online reviewer. You might not know that most of the online training programs charge the premium fee plus another fee for web hosting. Sometimes, they don’t even provide website hosting at all. If you know of any affiliate training program that offers a free web hosting, please let me know. Wealthy Affiliate does give you free hosting for free member. You should Click here to register for a free account, then contact me and I will show you how do set up your free WordPress website without paying anything.

      On support, YES, I do mean 24 hours support with coaching. I don’t know why you changed my words around. I am 100% sure support at Wealthy Affiliate is 24/7. I have used this services a few time at 2:00 am in the morning. Can you tell me a training program online that gives you free coaching? Have you ever try to contact your sponsor or Kyle and Carson for coaching? If you are join Wealthy Affiliate through this link, Click here to register, I will coach you. The Chat Room is for you to network with other members. It is not for support or one-on-one coaching. You need to contact the right people.

      If you have not registered, then Click here to register under my team and I will make sure you get the support and coaching that you need. If you already a member, you need to contact support if you need technical help and contact your sponsor or kyle if you need feedback and advice on building your online business.

      It seems to me that you do not fully understand how to use the Wealthy Affiliate training program correctly. Contact me and I will be more than happy to guide you in the right direction.

      Thx, Eugene.


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