The Prosperity Warrior Review: Investigating The Prosperity Warrior Scam

The Prosperity Warrior from Marc Wilson claims a stay-at-home mom, Callie, made thirty-five hundred dollars in one weekend with a single sale. It is unreal!

Is Marc Wilson a scam artist?

This Prosperity Warrior sounds like a scam to me.

But I give this a chance and hear the man out.

Well, my research revealed some questionable stuff about The Prosperity Warrior earning claims.

I am writing this Prosperity Warrior review to share my findings. Read on to learn the truth.

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The Prosperity Warrior Review Summary

Name: The Prosperity Warrior
Business Type: Make Money Online
Investment: $3, 247

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  • The Prosperity Warrior by Marc Wilson is an affiliate platform that sells Private Label Right (PLR) products as a high ticket earning program.
  • To earn the best commissions, you must invest $21,847 for the opportunity to join the scheme.
  • Your investment gives you the right to promote and sell the same scheme to others. It is known as a money game scam.
  • The business has zero value because PLR products are worthless.
  • You must read this review to understand why The Prosperity Warrior is a scam.


What Is The Prosperity Warrior?

According to Marc Wilson, The Prosperity Warrior is his secret money-making system that will help you pull in six figures per month.

The Prosperity Warrior is not a training program. It’s a book written by Marc Wilson, which he called: The Prosperity Warrior War Map.

This book reveals the exact process that Marc has used to generate affiliate commissions of up to fifteen thousand or more per sale.

Now, you can earn the same type of life-changing income by joining The Prosperity Warrior.

Of course, it’s not free. You must enter your email to receive the book.

To get my Prosperity Warrior War Map, I entered my email address.

I receive nothing, no book. I have given my email address to Marc for free.

I got scammed by The Prosperity Warrior.

Who Is Marc Wilson Of the Prosperity warrior?

Marc Wilson - the prosperity warrior scam

This is a picture of Marc Wilson.

Who is he? No one knows about him online.

Marc introduces himself as a retired U.S. Army turned six-figure online earner and coach.

Before finding success online, Marc tried to invest in real estate. He did not enjoy this career.

When Marc started to search for ways to make money online in 2016, he stumbled on a direct sales platform that pays thousands of dollars in commission per sale promoting high-ticket products.

Marc calls the opportunity: high ticket affiliate marketing.

He quickly started pulling in six figures per month. “It was the perfect opportunity for me to make additional income without any commute,” Marc explained.

Now, Marc wants to share this life-changing business opportunity with others by creating The Prosperity Warrior, teaching you the process of making six-figure per month with high ticket affiliate marketing.

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What Does The Prosperity Warrior Offer?

While waiting for The Prosperity Warrior War Map book to arrive in your email, Marc offers you an exclusive bonus.

The exclusive bonus is an invitation to join his business opportunity, promoting The Prosperity Warrior to earn commissions.

The business opportunity offers digital courses with ticket prices of thousands of dollars.

You have access to ads, funnels, and closers to use in promoting The Prosperity Warrior high ticket products.

Before discussing the products, let talk about the book.

The Prosperity Warrior War Map

There is no Prosperity Warrior War Map. It’s a scheme to get your email address.

The book is a trick to get you to join an online business opportunity selling digital products.

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The Prosperity Warrior Digital Products

If you have no interest in joining The Prosperity Warrior, you can skip this section to check out alternative opportunities at the end.

Now, the Prosperity Warrior business opportunity offers four digital packages that contain Private Label Rights (PLR) products.

PLR products are eBooks, videos, and software that you can get for free online or paying a few dollars.

You have to pay thousands of dollars for one of the four digital packages to join The Prosperity Warrior and start making money.

The Prosperity Warrior business works like this:

  • When you join through Marc Wilson’s referral link and buy The Prosperity Warrior products, he earns a massive commission from the sale.
  • Marc then gives you a copy of The Prosperity Warrior website and the rights to promote and sell the same products to others.
  • When someone buys a digital package from your website, The Prosperity Warrior pays you a commission.

These are the products that you will promote and sell.

Gold Level Products

This package contains Nine PLR products:

  1. Surefire Surfing Security
  2. Surefire Market Research
  3. Internet Marketing Profit
  4. Sales Funnel Fast Track
  5. Super Fast List Building
  6. 7 Habits Of Highly Successful Internet Marketers
  7. Video Marketing For Newbies
  8. Smart Time Launchpad
  9. Surefire Productivity Launchpad

Platinum Level Products

This package includes everything from Gold Products plus 15 more PLR products. They are:

  1. Amazon S3 For Beginners
  2. How To Create Content Fast
  3. Curation Profit Blueprint
  4. OTO Conversion InDepth
  5. How To Set Up WordPress
  6. Blogging Paycheck
  7. 27 List Building Tips N’ Tricks
  8. 40 Hours To Twitter Mastery
  9. Surefire Branding Machine
  10. Surefire Backlink Blueprint
  11. Backward Funnel Blueprint
  12. Bounce Drop Blueprint
  13. Rapid Magnet Blueprint
  14. Retargeting Conversions Blueprint
  15. Profitable Webinar Blueprint

Diamond Level Products

You get everything in the Gold and Platinum products in addition to 10 PLR products.

I am not going to name the product here. But I will provide a product file for you to download at the end of this section.

Royal Level Products

This package contains everything from the first three products with an additional 9 PLR products.

Buying this package will give you a total of 43 PLR products.

43 PLR products sound a lot. But, all these are worthless. You might even get these products for free from the PLR websites.

Here’s The Prosperity Warrior products list for you to download and verify.

I have told you that these products are worthless. Don’t you want to know how much Marc charges you?

Sure you do!

How Much Does The Prosperity Warrior Cost?

The cheapest products will cost you more than three thousand dollars.

Here are the prices:

  1. Gold Level Products – $3,247 ($3,000 plus $247 admin fee).
  2. Platinum Level Products – $7,447 ($7,000 plus $447 admin fee).
  3. Diamond Level Products – $14,647 ($14,000 plus $647 admin fee).
  4. Royal Level Products – $21,847 ($21,000 plus $847 admin fee).

You might wonder, how can Marc Wilson sell these packages for thousands of dollars?

The answer is in the next section, the compensation plan.

Marc doesn’t sell you on the value of the product. He is selling a dream of earning big commissions selling high-ticket products.

The Prosperity Warrior Compensation Plan

The Prosperity Warrior pays a flat 50% commission for each product sold.

You can potentially earn these high commissions:

  • The commission for each Gold Products package is $1,500.
  • The commission for each Platinum Products package is $3,500.
  • The commission for each Diamond Products package is $7,000.
  • The commission for each Royal Products package is $10,500.

The Prosperity Warrior uses a level-up compensation plan.

Under this compensation plan, you only earn a commission on the product that you have purchased.

If you purchase the Gold Level Products, you are on the Gold commission level. You don’t earn a commission for the sale of Platinum Products or higher.

To earn all commission levels, you have to join purchasing the Royal Products.

Many people pay Marc $21,847 for fear of missing out on the commissions.

Marc even offers you a 75% commission on each sale if you purchase the Royal Products within 48 hours.

Those who purchased The Prosperity Warrior business are buying hope and dream, not real business.

Can You Make Money With The Prosperity Warrior?

It’s possible to make money with The Prosperity Warrior.

The scheme must be working, or Marc wouldn’t be running it.

It’s bad news for you that the business only makes money for Marc.

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Those who have paid over $21k for the business opportunity will unlike recover their investment.

The truth is, not a lot of people will fall for this scam.

No entrepreneurs will pay $21,887 for nothing in return. The PLR products that you get from The Prosperity Warrior are worthless.

You are paying thousands of dollars for the opportunity to join and promote the same valueless products to others.

It doesn’t sound like a profitable business opportunity.

The Prosperity Warrior Cons And Pros

Before addressing The Prosperity Warrior scam, we might want to look at the positives and negatives aspects of this program.

The Prosperity Warrior Pros

  • Marc Wilson appears to be a real character, even though we don’t know much about his success and experience.
  • There are fools out there who will fall for this scam. So, you can make money selling The Prosperity Warrior, but not a lot.
  • Unlike other scams, you do receive products for your investment. The question is, can you resell these PLR to recoup your investment.

As you can see, the pros for this business opportunity are not good at all.

What about the negatives?

The Prosperity Warrior Cons

  • You are buying a valueless business because these PLR products are selling online for pennies. They are not high ticket products.
  • There is no fact or information to prove that the creator is a million dollars earner or successful affiliate marketer.
  • The income testimonials included in the sale video are not legit or realistic.
  • Eventually, people will realize the scheme sells hopes and dreams. You run out of people to recruit and make money. It is not a long-term business model.

Everything about The Prosperity Warrior looks and feels like a scam.

Is The Prosperity Warrior Legit or a Scam?

It appears to me that The Prosperity Warrior is a scam. It’s nothing more than a money game.

If you are not familiar with the money game scam, allow me to explain the scheme.

When a victim calls the Success Coach Hotline, the Prosperity Warrior promises him a first sale and an upgrade to a higher commission level if the victim act within 48 hours.

The victim gets excited and takes out a loan to join at the Royal level, paying $21,847.

The Prosperity Warrior will allocate one of the new members signing up for a lower level, the Diamond Level at $14,647, to the victim.

The victim receives a $7,000 commission for this first sale. The victim now believes the program works.

However, the $7,000 commission is almost certainly the only money the victim will ever see.

The victim doesn’t realize that he has lost $7,647. He still believes that he is on the path of making a lot of money, even though he receives valueless products that are near impossible for the average person to sell.

That’s basically how the money game scam works.

If you are reading this review and realizing that you are the victim of this scam, I’m so sorry that happened to you.

For those of you who consider joining The Prosperity Warrior, please don’t fall for it.

The Prosperity Warrior Alternatives

After reviewing The Prosperity Warrior, I do not recommend it.

This type of scam is constantly creating and rotating its business names to avoid detection.

Right now, the business opportunity may be called The Prosperity Warrior or The Prosperity Warrior War Map.

But in years and months prior, it is known as The Warrior Blueprint, Digital Veteran Blueprint, Wounded To Wealth, and many other variations.

If you want to make money online, you must invest in a legit business opportunity.

I understand you are here to read this review of The Prosperity Warrior. So, I am not going to tell you about my online business in this review.

However, I am sharing and encouraging you to read this article discussing the #1 opportunity to make money online right now!

Millions of people have used this strategy to generate six-figure passive income every year.

I have the same strategies to build a successful online business and earn a full-time income from home.

Let me explain to you why:

You can use This #1 Home Business Opportunity to create a full-time passive income. You can work from the comfort of your own home and on a laptop, with no commute and no boss. You work whenever you want and where you like.

I invite you to read What I Do Every Day To Make Money At Home Online. Let me show you the real system of generating passive income.

I hope this Prosperity Warrior review answers all your questions.

Until next time.

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