Blitz Tracker Summit Review – Is Blitz Tracker Summit Legit

Lance Ippolito has invented a set-it-and-forget-it stock trading system that can make you rich in 24 hours.

Lance is launching the Blitz Tracker Summit to reveal his secrete. His weekly blitz alert will bring you stocks that are likely to increase 4 to 5 figure gains overnight.

This is too good to be true.

Who is Lance Ippolito?

Is Blitz Tracker Summit legit or another stock trading scam?

Lance tells you to sign up for the Blitz Tracker Summit to learn a trading secret, the Shadow Blitzes loophole.

No, you don’t have to.

You can read this Blitz Tracker Summit review and learn to avoid scams.

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Blitz Tracker Summit Review Summary


Name: Blitz Tracker Summit

Business Type: Options Trading System

Investment: $7,500

  • Blitz Tracker Summit is an online marketing event to promote an options and stocks trading system called Weekly Blitz Alert.
  • The Blitz Tracker trading system alerts you to stocks that bring 4X to 5X gains in 24 hours.
  • According to Lance, the Blitz Tracker system explores a loophole known as the Shadow Blitz explosion to bring massive profits.
  • The weekly Blitz Tracker Summit provides you two Blitz Alerts every week to position yourself in front of Shadow Blitz explosions.
  • The Blitz Tracker costs $7,500 for 104 Blitz Alerts. According to Lance, this is a no-brainer deal because you can make this back in 24 hours.
  • The Blitz Tracker system is too good to be true. It’s probably it.


What Is Blitz Tracker Summit?

The Blitz Tracker Summit is a web marketing video promoting a stocks and options trading system called, Blitz Tracker.

Blitz Tracker is a proprietary trading system developed by Lance Ippolito.

Lance Ippolito is a self-proclaim successful hedge fund trader with a specialization in stocks, options, and futures trading.

Ippolito works with WealthPress to promote the Blitz Tracker Summit.

According to Lance, the Blitz Tracker system offers investors instant wealth trading stocks, rather than focusing on tedious buy and hold for gains.

Using the Shadow Blitzes trading secrete, investors can turn $1,000 into more than $26,950 within 24 hours. This is your get-rich-quick stock trading secrete.

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How Does Blitz Tracker Summit Work?

The Blitz Tracker Summit is a lived web marketing event by Lance and his team of professional traders to promote the Blitz Tracker program.

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The purpose of the event is to demonstrate how the Blitz Tracker system identifies the Shadow Blitzes before the stocks soar.

The Blitz Tracker will send out a weekly Blitz Tracker Alert to investors a day before an option or stock about to explode.

Using the weekly shadow blitzes, investors place an order for the stocks or options right before the market close.

The next day, 24 hours later, investors then sell the stock to make 5X profits.

The Blitz Tracker turns stocks and options trading into a passive activity. You simply wait for the Blitz Tracker alerts, placing an order before the market closes, then sell the next day to make profits.

Anyone can make money with the weekly Blitz Tracker Alert. The system is designed for all levels of investors.

But to receive the Weekly Blitz Tracker Alerts, you have to purchase the Blitz Tracker services.

How Much Does Blitz Tracker Cost?

The Blitz Tracker is retail for $7,500. Those attending the Blitz Tracker Summit receive special pricing of only $1,997.

Lance says $1,997 is your cost to access the Blitz Tracker system plus additional bonuses.

Here’s what you get after paying Lance $1,997:

  • 104 Weekly Blitz Alerts
  • BONUS #1: The Blitz Playbook
  • BONUS #2: Blitz Alert Secrets reveal the inner workings of the Blitz Alert system and strategy.
  • BONUS #3: Weekly Market Blitz Videos provide updates on important market activities as well as explosive Blitz Alert stocks.
  • BONUS #4: 5 Stocks recommendation to secure your retirement whether you are trading Blitz Alerts or not.
  • 2 Tickets to Annual Blitz Alert Live Summit to meet Lance and Weekly Blitz Alert members.
  • Private Members-Only Portal to keep track of our Weekly Blitz Alert activity.
  • Blitz Alert Hotline to directly contact a team of professional traders.

You receive all these benefits upon purchasing the Blitz Tracker services.

However, can these benefits help you make a lot of money trading stocks and options?

Does Blitz Tracker Work?

The Blitz Tracker Summit makes trading stocks and options exciting. But when it comes to profits, nothing is guaranteed in the market.

You are not going to make 5X profits on every recommendation from the Blitz Tracker Alert.

How do I know this?

Just read this Blitz Tracker DISCLAIMER from WealthPress:


This disclaimer turns the Blitz Tracker Summit into a compliant event, protecting Lance from people claiming the Blitz Tracker doesn’t work.

The Blitz Tracker is an investment newsletter or guidance to educate you on stocks and options trading. It’s not a profit-generating machine.

You must do additional searches on the weekly blitz tracker alerts to protect your investment. You cannot rely 100% on these stock alerts to make money.

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If you purchase the Blitz Tracker as a cash-generating machine, you will be disappointed. It will not work.

Is Blitz Tracker Summit legit?

Most people agree the Blitz Tracker Summit is not legit. It’s a marketing scheme to sell the Tracker Blitz system.

The Blitz Tracker Alert doesn’t bring 4X or 5X profits with every trade. You are trading stocks. No one can guarantee profits.

Yes, Lance’s promotional Blitz Tracker Summit is outrageous and unreal, but it complies with the laws.

He is promoting a complete reliance on the Blitz Tracker Alert to trade stocks and options. You should never believe in this.

I am not telling you the Blitz Tracker Summit is 100% legit. I am trying to show you that this is a marketing event.

If you rely solely on the Blitz Tracker Alerts to make trades, you will have a hard time claiming the Blitz Tracker a scam.

The Blitz Tracker Alerts are newsletters or guidance on trading stocks and options. It’s not a profit-generating machine.

Is The Blitz Alerts Worth It?

Investors always seek professional advice on stocks and options trading. This is normal.

However, Lance promotes a total reliance on the Blitz Tracker Alerts to conduct trading is not trustworthy. He will say anything at the Blitz Tracker Summit to sell you the program.

Trading options are very risky for people with little or no market experience. You may lose all your money.

The Blitz Tracker disclaimer tells you this: “Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose.”

If you are looking for an opportunity to generate consistent passive income from home, the Blitz Tracker is not worth it.

There are profitable and safer business opportunities to make money online.

I understand you are here to read my review of the Blitz Tracker Summit.

BUT, you should check out my article discussing the #1 opportunity to make money online right now! Millions of people have used this strategy to generate consistent six-figure passive income every year.

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I invite you to read What I Do Every Day To Make Money At Home Online. Let me show you the real system of generating passive income.

I hope this Blitz Tracker Summit review answers your question, is the Blitz Tracker Summit legit?

Until next time.

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