How Does Ebates Cash Back Work

I always look for ways to save a few bucks, here and there.

Before the internet, we have to clip coupons, rebates, and cash back forms to claim savings and discounts.

Not anymore!

The internet has simplified the process of participating in these saving and reward programs.

One popular program, which I happen to use every time buying something online, is Ebates.

Ebates is a cash back program which thousands of merchants participate.

I get cash back on every shopping trip at eBay, Amazon, Walmart, Target, Macy, and much more.

You can do the same…

Don’t you want to get cash back on things you buy online?

Of course, everybody does!

Cash back is your money… Why would anyone say no to cash back?

The problem is, many people don’t know, how Ebates cashback works.

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How Does Ebates Cash Back Work!

Some even question, is Ebates a scam? Or does Ebates really work?

What’s funny is, sometimes people asked me, “TQ, where do I get the Ebates cash back form to claim my cash backs?”

No, you don’t need any form! That’s the whole idea behind online cash back… Ebates cash back program is automatic…

When I say automatic, I mean, Ebates helps you find cash back deals and handles the claiming process for you… You don’t need to do anything!

Just go shopping!

So today, I like to devote our Coffee Talk, to discuss “How does Ebates work?”

Those of you already knows how to use Ebates cash back program, please jump in, get involved with our discussion…

Share your tricks, tips, and experiences using Ebates…

I want to learn from you too!

Just to let you know, this discussion is about how Ebates works.

If you like to know more about the history of Ebates, you can read our prior discussion, The Ebates Review.

So, before we can get cash back, we have to join Ebates.

If you already have an Ebates account, you can login and follow along.

For those without an Ebates account, here your chance to sign up and claim for first $10 cash back.

Sign Up For Ebates and Get $10?

Getting an Ebates account is quick and simple, plus you get $10 welcome bonus… I call this, easy 10 bucks!

Just visit the Ebates site and click on the ‘Join Now’ tab on the top right corner.


A Signup form pops up which allows you to register for a new account… you have three options to sign up:

  • Fill out email and password,
  • Use your Facebook account, or
  • Use your Google account

Once you click the “Join Now” tab, your Ebates cash back account is created…

Below is a picture of the main dashboard.


Now that you have an account, let start with our discussion on,

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How Does Ebates Work?

I will refer to the picture above, the main dashboard, as we discuss how does Ebates cash back work?

Looking at the dashboard, you see the “Learn More” button, you can click on it and Ebates can walk you through the process of earning cash back…

Yes, it’s simple as 1-2-3!

I will follow this 1-2-3 steps to show you how Ebates works, “the traditional way!”

There is a better option and much easier to get your cash back with Ebates which I’ll discuss in the following section.

1. Find your store

You have a few ways to find your store,

At the top, you can use the search box to find stores that you like to shop at

Using the manual, right below the search box, starting from left to right…

The first tab “All Stores,” this list all merchants participate in the cash back program,

Next tab “Double Cash Back Stores”, this is a list of all merchants offering special double cash back on all purchases at their store.

The “Hot Deals” tab, this contains all special offers such as buy 1 get 1 free, Free gift, or Free Shipping… on top of the cash back.

So, you have a few ways to find the store that you wish to shop.

I use the search box because it’s quick to find my stores…

Once you find a store, just click on the name of the merchant and you’ll be taken directly to the merchant’s website.

2. Shop as usual

Once on the merchant website, just do your shopping like you normally do.

Remember, don’t close out the browser tab… if you do, this will end the shopping session… you have to go back into your Ebates account, click on the store, and start your shopping trip again… So, don’t close out the browser.

Ok, you find the item that you want to buy and add to your shopping cart…

Now, just check out and paid… No need to go back into your Ebates account.

After you paid, Ebates will start the process of claiming the cash back for you.

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To verify your shopping trip, go over to your user name, at on the top right corner… a drop-down window opens, you will see “Shopping Trips” tab, click on the tab to see all your shopping trips.


It takes a few days to receive your cash back… When you’re ready, add your payment information to,

3. Get Paid – Claim Your Cash Back

You have two options to receive your cash back, I use PayPal… It’s the quickest method to receive your cash back.

You can also request a check to send to your address, but it takes longer.

To add your payment information, go into your “Account Setting” tab, there you can add your mailing address and PayPal email account.

OK, that’s the entire process of how Ebates works?

Isn’t it simple?

What if I tell you there a much easier way to get your cash back,

Ebates Cash Back Button

Yes, add the Ebates cash back button to your browser, you don’t have to lock into your Ebates account to shop…

You can download the cash back button by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and click on “Rakuten Button.”

Ebates cash back button

With the Ebates cash back button, just shop directly from the merchant store, the cash back button will notify you cash back, as well as, coupons or special deals…

No need to start your shopping trip from inside the Ebates account…

I use the cash back button, this way, I’ll never miss a cash back deals, discounts, or coupons… Ebates will notify me every time!

Now, if you shop from your smartphone, as I do, you can download the Ebates app to collect the cash backs… Everything link to one Ebates account.

Using Ebates cash back button and smartphone app, I can shop any store online and never miss a single cash back deal.

A few friends of mine laughing at me when I told them to use Ebates cash back program to get their money…

“How much you get on the cash back? A few pennies?”

Look at my cash back statement,


Some month is better, especially in the Giving Season… Or if you do a lot of eBay and Amazon shopping every month… Don’t forget Walmart!

Cash backs add up… This is my Coffee money…

It’s your money… and it only takes a few minutes to learn to use Ebates cash back.

Now, you all know where I get the money for my Morning Coffee Talk!

And, NO, Ebates is not how I make money as a writer!

This is just coffee cash…

Are you going to get your Ebates cash back?

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