Walmart Rollback Review – The Rollback

As a member of the Walmart Cashback Program, I always visit the store to search for discounts and earn cashback.

Every time visiting Walmart, you notice there are rollback signs on various items throughout the store.

But what is this Walmart rollback?

Most people think rollback items are on sale, discount, or clearance.

NO! A Walmart rollback means more than that.

Let me explain how does Walmart rollback work, and how you can earn cashback with the Walmart rollback deals.

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Walmart Rollback Review

Name: Walmart

Business Type: Retail

Cost: Free

Recent Reviews:


  • Walmart uses the price rollback signs to entice customers to purchase an item in the store.
  • The item price history plays a major part in a Walmart rollback.
  • Don’t just purchase an item at Walmart because it has a price rollback sign. Sometimes Walmart rollback doesn’t mean a good deal.


What Is A Walmart Rollback?

The Walmart rollback is generally accepted as a Discount, Sale, or Clearance. However, this is not true. Walmart never has a ‘Sale’.

So, what does Walmart Rollback mean?

Walmart Rollback simply means, “the lowest retail price that Walmart charges for the particular items.” Walmart is able to lower the price because suppliers have agreed to reduce the wholesale pricing.

Walmart uses rolled back pricing as a way to inform customers that the items are being offered at a new lower price. This is a price change announcement, not a sale or discount.

But most customers thought ‘rollback’ mean ‘price discount.’ Walmart knows this. The stores use it to convince customers to purchase the items thinking they got a good deal.

Now you know, Walmart rollback prices are not always good deals.

How Does Walmart Rollback Work?

Most customers are told Walmart uses rollback to sell overstocks, out of season, or discontinued products. This is not true.

The marketing strategy behind the Walmart rollback is to advise shoppers that the price of the items has been changed back to the previous price.

Let me give you an example of how the Walmart rollback works.

The retail price of an item sold in Walmart stores fluctuates daily.

The change in the retail price of an item is caused by many factors, such as high demands, increase cost of materials or higher cost of labor.

Suppliers must increase the prices of the products to offset the costs. This results in an increase in the retail price of the items at all Walmart store chains.

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Then the market situation changes lowering the costs of manufacturing the products, or lack of sales.

Walmart and suppliers renegotiate to move the prices back to the previous prices, the retail prices before the increase.

That’s how Walmart rollback works.

The rollback in prices at Walmart seems like good deals, not true.

Many customers wrongly believe Walmart’s rollback was the result of the suppliers given the chain store a price break on large orders. But with the rise of Amazon, this is no longer the truth.

Amazon sells more products than Walmart. It has more power to demand better prices.

Sometimes you can purchase the Walmart rollback items cheaper on the Amazon site.

Now you understand, the Walmart Rollback is not always a good deal. You need to check the prices of each rollback item with other online retailers to compare.

A few customers did the price comparisons and in April 2017, a class-action lawsuit was filed against the chain store. The lawsuit accused Walmart of using false original prices in its Rollback pricing scheme.

Walmart Rollback Pricing Is Misleading

A Walmart customer, Brenna Ceja, suited Walmart accusing the store of using made-up original prices to create the illusion of a discount in Rollback advertisements.

Walmart, however, argued the rollback prices are legit because the prices of the items were agreed with suppliers, not made-up.

The court agreed with Walmart. The lawsuit was dismissed in 2017.

A spokesperson for Walmart recently offered this answer to a customer with the same questioned regarding the legitimacy of the rollback price on a toy he bought at a Walmart.

Customer: “What’s wrong with Walmart Rollback? Bought this same toy at for the same price at the same Walmart two and a half months earlier. So where are the rollback savings?”

Walmart spokesperson: “This toy was on Rollback in the Christmas Holiday. We have simply extended the savings beyond the normal 90-day Rollback period. The date on the sign reflects the date the Rollback was re-posted in the store.”

The response above shows that Walmart Rollback is not a discount or sale. It’s simply a change in retail prices.

Walmart Rollback deals

Not all Walmart rollback items are bad deals. You need to check the prices of each rollback item to find a good deal.

It’s harder for Walmart to compete against the online giant retailer, Amazon, in terms of low prices.

Next time you visit Walmart and see a rollback sign, be sure to scan the rollback item for price comparison to find good deals.

Walmart Rollback Refund Policy

The Walmart return policy doesn’t offer clear guidance as to returning a rollback item.

Walmart customers have up to 90 days after purchase to return an item, including rollback items.

You receive a full refund amount, the purchasing price plus taxes, proof of purchase, a receipt.

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Without a receipt, your refund is equal to the current retail price for the item.

So, returned items without a receipt will get a refund equal to the rollback price, even you purchased the item at a regular price.

You should always keep the Walmart receipts for 90 to avoid losing money to the Walmart rollback refund policy.

How Long Does Walmart Rollback Last?

According to Walmart, the Walmart rollback can last up to 90 days. But this is not a guarantee. The prices can change at any time.

Ideally, the rollback price should be permanent. But Walmart doesn’t have total control over the prices of items for sale in the store.

Suppliers must agree to the rollback price. If suppliers change their minds, the Walmart rollback will end.

The chain store cannot guarantee every Walmart rollback will last 90 days.

Giving what we know about Walmart’s rollback, I wouldn’t worry about how long the rollback lasts. After all, Walmart Rollback doesn’t mean a good deal.

The different Between Walmart Rollback and Clearance

Walmart Rollback is not a clearance.

Unlike rollback, Walmart uses clearance to sell overstocks, closeout, and discontinued items.

Walmart offers clearance items that they intend to clear the shelves. They are usually stacked at the ends of aisles.

Walmart normally starts marking clearance items at the beginning of each month, within the first week.

The clearance prices are usually below costs.

Save Money Buying Walmart Rollback Items

You need to check the price before buying rollback items. It’s the only way to know if the price rollback is a good deal.

Besides rollback and clearance, Walmart also offers cashback programs through Swagbucks.

You have to become a member of Swagbucks to earn cash back when purchasing at Walmart’s website.

You should check out Swagbucks to learn more about the Walmart cashback program.

Make Money with Walmart Rollback

You can make money with Walmart rollback by alerting people about the discounts.

You share the best rollback deals with customers to collect the referral commissions.

Yes, Walmart will pay you to tell people about rollback. That’s how I earn a full-time passive income online.

I have written extensively about this opportunity.

If you can to learn how to collect referral commissions from Walmart rollback, then read this article why:

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I hope this review answers your question, what is Walmart’s rollback?

Until next time.

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