Five Minute Profit Sites Review: Get Rich-Off or Get Rip-Off

Five Minute Profit Sites is an automated online business system to help you create a profitable online advertising website generating online passive income, over $500 per day, in five minutes or fewer.

Creating a website in less than five minutes is nothing new but making millions from a five minutes website is another story. A story that I will share with you in this Five Minute Profit Sites Review, Get Rich-Off, or Get Rip-Off. Which one will it be?

Making money online is real, but it requires time and commitments to make it works. This is a real business.

Building a successful online business requires you to follow certain steps. The simplest is ‘The 4 Steps To Make Money Online.’ Nothing simpler than this!

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Intro to Five Minute Profit Sites Review

Five Minute Profit Sites is a cloud-based software system to help members generate an online advertisement website in five minutes or fewer.

The process of creating a business website is very simple with today’s technology. You can create a WordPress Website in less than one minute, but just the website.

Build a business website in less than 1 minute

On your right is a video demonstrating how to create a WordPress business website in less than 1 minute.

The process of creating a website with Five Minute Profit Sites’ software requires only 17 clicks. This is not bad at all.

This online business opportunity promises one thing that is different from other affiliate programs:

Your advertisement website will generate online income immediately upon completion. There is nothing more requires from you. Just sit back and watch money pouring in. 

Whose doesn’t want something like Five Minute Profit Sites? For just $37 and five minutes later, you can become an online millionaire.

Are you ready to join? Or Wait

Does Five Minute Profit Sites even work?

A successful online business system must meet certain basic business principles. The simplest is ‘The 4 Steps to Make Money Online.’ If you are unfamiliar with these steps, click here to learn more.

I will apply these basic business principles to analyze Five Minute Profit Sites.

This is a business review, not a judgment. I am not here to preach to you if this a rich-off or rip-off. I will only present the facts based on the 4 steps online business principal. You make the business decision to invest or not.

The 4 steps to make money online principal requires the following: a business idea or niche, a business website, web traffic or real customers, and products or services.

What is the Five Minute Profit Sites market niche?

Five Minutes Profits Sites is an online advertisement niche. It teaches you how to make money online by offering online advertisements to businesses.

The online advertising business model is similar to all major online search engines, Google and Yahoo, social media networks, Facebook and Pinterest, and online news sites. These sites generate Trillions of online revenues every year.

Five Minute Profit Sites allows you to select an online advertising business niche from the preset categories. This satisfies step one, choosing a niche market.


Free automated website

As I have discussed in the intro section, Five Minute Profit Sites automated software will help you build a business website in less than five minutes.

You must have a business website to be considered as an online business operator. Your website is the business. This is how you generate online income.

The good news is that website hosting and domain services come with your membership. You don’t have to pay extra for these.

Web hosting and domain name services normally cost about $40 to $50 dollars a year. The $37 dollars membership fee with Five Minute Profit Sites is a good deal.

A negative side of an auto-generated website is duplication. Every member of this online business opportunity has the same website. If you want yours to be unique, then you must edit it yourself.

Editing or redesign a website requires time, more than 5 minutes. However, the problem with 5 Minute Profit Sites is, you cannot edit the website. You stuck with the duplication.

Duplicate websites do not get ranked or recognized by Google Search. How then can you generate traffic?

Web traffic = Real customers

Every online business knows: web traffic is gold. You cannot make money online without traffic. This is the third fundamental step to create a successful online business.

There are a few ways to generate traffic. They all fall into two categories: Paid traffic and Free traffic. A successful online business must utilize both types.

5 Minute Profit Sites generating web traffic through online ads and direct email. These are paid traffic.

This online business opportunity offers you web traffic lessons through a product calls Traffic Tsunami. This is an instruction guide on how to generate targeted traffic to your 5-minute profit website. It cost $97.

Other traffic video lessons members get inside Five Minute Profit Sites is about email marketing. If you don’t want to send out the email by yourselves, you can subscribe to an email service calls: Solo Ads.

This online business opportunity has no training or lesson on generating free traffic from search engines. This is expected because the duplicate website will never get indexed and ranked by search engines.

No index and rank mean your 5-minute profit website does not appear in the search results. No one will be able to find your business website.

Generating web traffic demands most of an online business owner’s time and money. If you don’t want to do the works yourself, then you have to pay someone to do it for you.

With Five Minute Profit Sites, you pay Traffic Tsunami and Solo Ads to generate web traffics for you. These are paid services.

Making money with your five-minute profit website

You only make money online with a website after you have generated enough web traffics. See above.

The best way to make money from a website is through affiliate links or by offering products and services.

Five Minute Profit Sites makes online income through affiliate links. Click here for detail on affiliate marketing.

This online business opportunity utilizes Clickbank Affiliate networks to offer products and services to website visitors.

Your initial 5-minute profit website comes with affiliate links to products and other business opportunities from Clickbank.

Here is a quick overview of how you make an online income with Five Minute Profit Sites:

  • Every automated website comes with Clickbank affiliate links
  • Web visitors will see the affiliate links on your website
  • You receive a commission when a visitor clicks and purchases through the Clickbank affiliate links
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Five Minute Profit Sites is an affiliate marketing business. You earn online income by promoting other people’s products and services.

Affiliate marketing is the top way to make money online, but it is a very competitive business.

Can You make money with Five Minute Profit Sites?

Yes, you can. But, it is tough to get rich with this online business opportunity.

Five Minute Profit Sites offers all 4 fundamental steps to build an online business. However, to be profitable you must invest more than 5 minutes into this business.

In their marketing materials, Five Minute Profit Sites states that you must invest more than 23 minutes a day to see results. This earning disclaimer proves that you earn nothing by investing 5 minutes to create a website.

There are two more business challenges that you will have to overcome with this online opportunity.

The first is the issues with the duplicate website. You have to understand that duplicated contents are not unique and not original. Therefore, your 5-minute profit website will never get ranked on search engines like Google and Bing. Click here for more discussion on this issue.

For the reason above, Five Minute Profit Sites focus only on paid traffic, not free search traffic. A big loss of online revenues.

Online advertisements, paid ads, are very costly and challenging. Paying for online ad placement with Solo Ads doesn’t mean you will get paid customers. Sorry Five Minute Profit Sites, this one is not the truth!

All online advertising agencies only offer website visitors, or traffic, for their advertisers, not paying customers.

If your ads do not convert, you can potentially lose a lot of money. This is a warning to any of you looking to invest in this opportunity.

Members will face some challenging business decisions with this online business opportunity.

You must invest at least 23 minutes per day to see results, not 5 minutes.

No free search traffic with a duplicate website.

No conversion system to convert paid traffic into paying customers.

These are major business issues that must be addressed if you want to make money online with Five Minute Profit Sites. They are not impossible to fix, but they will require time and money to solve.

I have presented a complete business analysis of Five Minute Profit Sites. Now, it is up to you to make the business decision.

The right way to make money online.

Making money online does not have to be difficult at all. You just need to learn the right way to build an online business.

As a full-time affiliate marketer, here’s my profile, I can tell you the one thing you have to learn is ‘The Steps to Make Money Online.’

Every successful online business is built based on these fundamental business principles. This is how I create my online success story.

The best way to build a successful online business is by using the right training. Join the Free #1 entrepreneur network community to discover the real process of making money online. 

Five Minute Profit Sites ‘Automated System’ is not the way to make money from home.

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