Affiliate Program Of Amazon – The Art To Become A Successful Amazon Affiliate

The affiliate program of Amazon is the world’s most popular affiliate marketing program for bloggers and online affiliate marketers to monetize their websites and become millionaires.

Members of this affiliate program are called the “Amazon Associates.”

The process of becoming an Amazon affiliate is simple. But, the process of building a successful online business with the affiliate program of Amazon is not that EASY.

I am not trying to scare you. I am just showing you the art of becoming a successful Amazon affiliate.

It requires more than promoting affiliate links. It requires understanding and learning of the online digital marketing business.

If anyone tells you that they know a secret to get rich with the affiliate program of Amazon, be careful, they are trying to scam you.

The article discusses the requirements, process, and determination to become a successful Amazon Associate.

Let review the Amazon Affiliate Program.

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Overview Of The Affiliate Program Of Amazon.

Online affiliate marketing did not exist before the year 1996. I was still in school living a careless life as a broke student.

Amazon was just an infant at the time. It’s just an online book club.

Then one day in 1998, Amazon launched the first online affiliate program to help solve the company limited advertising budget.

The affiliate program of Amazon offers to pay people a commission for referring customers to buy books on the company website.

The marketing concept of paying commissions for referrals has built Amazon into a multibillion-dollar company. It is the core concept of every online affiliate marketing program today.

The idea of making millions of dollars with a link was laughable in the years 1998.

The problem was the low commission. You had to sell tons and tons of books under the affiliate program of Amazon to make money. This was impossible at the time.

No one knew what Jeff Bezos had in mind. He begins to expand Amazon product line offering everything from A to Z.

As more and more products are introduced into the Amazon affiliate program, the reality of making a full-time income as an Amazon associate becomes much easier.

Today, you can easily make six figures a year with the affiliate program of Amazon.

The Affiliate Program of Amazon Requirements.

The Amazon affiliate program has two important requirements that people have to meet to register for an account and stay active as an Amazon Associate.

The two requirements are: an online platform to promote Amazon affiliate links and the minimum number of sales.

Amazon Affiliate Program Registration Requirement.

This requirement does not explicitly state by the Amazon Affiliate Program. However, as part of the registration process, Amazon requires you to describe the online platforms that you will be using to promote your Amazon affiliate links.

Online platforms that you can use include websites, blog sites, email, social media sites, and app.

You cannot register to become an Amazon Associate without meeting this requirement.

I’ll explain more which online platform is best to use in the art to become a successful Amazon Affiliate section. You can click here to skip to that section if you like.

If you need a free website to promote your Amazon Affiliate links, I recommend using SiteRubix below, because this hosting service offers 2 free websites without ads.

Amazon Affiliate Minimum Sale Requirement.

New Amazon Affiliate accounts are initially approved for 180 days, 6 months.

During this approval period, an Amazon Associate must make at least one sale to avoid the account being suspended.

The one sale must be a qualified sale. This mean personal purchase doesn’t qualify.

The minimum sale requirement is the most difficult requirement for new Amazon Associates to meet. Many people get their account revokes for failing to satisfy the minimum sale in the first 180 days.

I’ll show you ways to meet this minimum sale number, including strategies to extend the 180 days. You can click here to jump to that section or continue reading until you get there.

Steps To Become An Amazon Affiliate?

Before you can make a commission with Amazon affiliate program, you first have to become an associate.

The process of becoming an Amazon affiliate is simple, quick, and free.

Step 1. You need to visit then scroll down to the bottom and click on the ‘Become an Affiliate’ under the Make Money With Us column.

Step 2. Once you’re on the Amazon Associates home page, on the top right you will see a button “Join Now for Free,” you can click on this button to start the application process. The next screen will ask you to sign in, but you need a new Amazon Associate account, so click on the ‘Create your Amazon account’ button to start.

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Step 3. Create an Amazon Associate by entering your name, email, and password.

Step 4. Completing your Amazon Associate application by filling out payee name, home address, and phone number.

Step 5. Registering your website, blog, social media accounts, or app which you will be using to promote your Amazon affiliate links.

Step 6. Building out your Amazon Associate store by choosing a preferred ID. This preferred Associates store ID will be used to identify you as an Amazon Associate. You are also required to provide a detail description of your website, blog site, app, or any online platform that you will be using to promote your Amazon affiliate links to make money. The affiliate program of Amazon asks about the site traffic, the methods of monetization, the link building technique, and the monthly visitor counts.

Step 7. Identity verification requires accepting a phone call from the Amazon affiliate program. You need to enter a phone number, then press the ‘Call Me Now’ button to receive a call. The affiliate program of Amazon will provide you with a verification code over the phone which you must enter to verify your identity. Once your identity is confirmed, the process of setting up your Amazon Associate account is completed. You are now an Amazon Associate.

Step 8. Asking for tax ID and method of receiving your affiliate commissions. You can choose to complete this step now or later.

Your Amazon Associate account is now activated. You can proceed to your dashboard and generate affiliate links to start making money.

The Amazon Affiliate Link.

Setting an Amazon Associate account only gives you an opportunity to earn a commission with the affiliate program of Amazon.

You must know how to generate and promote your Amazon affiliate links to make money.

I will discuss the promotion of affiliate links in the next section.

In this section, I’ll talk about the steps to generate your Amazon affiliate links, and how you make money with these links.

How To Generate An Amazon Affiliate Link?

The affiliate program of Amazon offers its associates two options to generate their affiliate links.

Amazon affiliate links can be created through product search or by category selection.

Affiliate links generation can be found by login the account and visiting your personal Amazon Associate home page, also known as “The Dashboard.”

Once you are on the dashboard, you see two options to create links by Searching for Product and Browsing for Product. You can choose either option.

Quick Link allows you to search for a specific product that you’re interested in promoting. This is the quickest way to create an Amazon Affiliate link.

Browse for Product allows you to search for a relevant product to promote. You use this option when you don’t have a specific product or want to find more product to promote and make money.

After you find a product, you simply click on the ‘Get Link’ button to generate an Amazon affiliate link for that product.

The affiliate program of Amazon does allow people to customize their affiliate links. You can select text and image, text only, image only, or widget link. You can also set the color to the background. Tile, and image size adjustment.

You can promote the new Amazon affiliate links as Short Link or copy and paste the HTML codes into your website.

Now, you are ready to make money as an Amazon Associate.

The Art To Become A Successful Amazon Affiliate.

There is a big difference between promoting the Amazon affiliate links and building an Amazon affiliate business.

Promoting affiliate links mean you are posting links all over the internet. This method worked well before the major changes in search algorithm and SPAM policy.

Today, posting Amazon affiliate links on the internet, especially on social media sites, can get you into trouble. Most social media sites consider this activity as SPAM. You can get banned from these sites. I DON’T recommend using this method to promote the affiliate program of Amazon.

The art to become a successful Amazon affiliate is about understanding and knowing how to use the affiliate program of Amazon to build a successful online business.

This is a business. It requires learning, planning, and proper execution to make money as an Amazon Associate.

You can become a successful Amazon Associate and make six figures a year by applying this Amazon Affiliate Business Plan.

Building A Website or Blog Site For The Affiliate Program Of Amazon?

This is one of the requirements to become an Amazon affiliate. You must have a website or blog site.

Some prefer using a blog site due to designing simplicity and easy to manage.

I, however, utilize both to build my online business.

There is not much difference in the process of creating a website and a blog site. The only difference is that a blog is more dynamic and can be updated regularly, where a website is static in nature.

I use the website, web pages, to create affiliate product descriptions and specifications. This requires little or no changes. A Static website is best for this.


I use blogs, blog posts, to promote and market the affiliate products. Blog posts allow me to demonstrate the affiliate product application in everyday life. This is also known as writing Product Reviews.

You link all blog posts to the web pages giving readers easy access to more information about the products. This marketing technique is called ‘Content Marketing.’ It is the best way to promote your Amazon affiliate business.

Of course, all the product links on both the website and blog site are Amazon affiliate links. This allows customers quick excess to the product when they are ready to buy.

It is very easy to launch a website and blog site with today’s technology. You don’t need technical skills to do so.

I learned to build my website with this FREE LESSON from the Wealthy Affiliate. This free training program offers people 2 Free websites and 10 Free Training Lessons teaching the process of building an Amazon affiliate business.

I use this Free Training Program to create my websites and blog sites for my business. You can do the same. It’s free! You can JOIN AND TRAIN WITH ME FOR FREE.

The Proper Method To Promote Amazon Affiliate Links On Social Media.

Directly posting Amazon affiliate links on social media sites are considered SPAM.

However, posting a website or a blog post containing Amazon affiliate links is NOT.

Promoting your blog posts on social media is the best way to run an Amazon affiliate business.

I find the best type of posts for social media marketing is Product Reviews.

People go online, especially on social media, to search for information that helps improved their life or solved a problem.

Product reviews offer information to solve an immediate problem. Is this product good or bad? Or will this product solve my problem?

Promoting Amazon affiliate links through product reviews are the most effective method, and the conversion rates are higher.

The majority of successful Amazon Associates uses product reviews as a vehicle to reach potential customers.

Consumers are more likely to click on a link taking them to a product review post then a direct affiliate link.

There are many techniques and lessons on using social media sites to promote affiliate links.

I have used these 10 Free Social Media Marketing Lessons
to amplify social media presence by promoting my blog site. It introduces you to different techniques of using social media to promote affiliate marketing.

I suggest you follow the link above to check out these free lessons and learn in-depth the application of social media marketing with your Amazon affiliate business.

Using Email To Promote The Amazon Affiliate Links.

Email marketing is the most effective online marketing in term of conversion.

Most high paid affiliate marketers use email marketing, including me.

You cannot run an email marketing with an email list.

When I say email list, I don’t mean a few friend and family names. You will destroy any relationship with your close relatives if you bombard them with emails of Amazon affiliate links every day. This is considered SPAM by email providers.

You have to build or generate your own email list to conduct an affiliate email marketing.

The best method to collect email addresses is by using a webpage or a landing page.

When people visit your website or your blog, they might not be ready to purchase anything. But, you can offer them something free in exchange for their email addresses. This is how you build an email list.

The people on your email list are already expressing an interest in your blog. When you email them new product reviews or product recommendations, they are more likely to purchase than emailing random people.

Promoting your Amazon affiliate links with email marketing will generate more sales and profit for your online affiliate marketing business.

If you haven’t involved with affiliate email marketing, I recommend you take this ‘Introduction to Email Marketing lesson to get started. 

The affiliate program of Amazon is a lucrative business opportunity if you understand the art of promoting affiliate marketing links.

You cannot become an Amazon Associate without a website or blog site. I suggest you take this free lesson on Creating a Website In Less Than 1 Minute to launch your Amazon Affiliate business before registering for an Amazon Associate account.

The best method to promote your Amazon affiliate is through product reviews. You can use this lesson ‘Write Product Review & Share It‘ to learn more about this content marketing technique.

Finally, remember to promote your Amazon affiliate business with email marketing. Email marketing generates the highest conversion rate. To become a successful Amazon Associate, you have to make sales. Click here to learn email marketing if you want more sales.

The process above is my art to become a successful Amazon affiliate. This is how I build an online business with the affiliate program of Amazon, here’s is my profile as proof.

You can use this lesson to create your own online success story.

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