OK, you want to become a blogger, but don’t know where to start? How about this: I’ll write this article to show you how to become a blogger?
Let talk about you want to become a blogger.
Can I ask you some questions:
- do you enjoy writing?
- Can you write articles about the topics you know and love?
If your answer is YES, then become a professional blogger is a great way to make a living.
You can start your own blog, those not required, or blog full-time at large and small companies around the world.
Whether you’re trying to become a blogger to make a living or to share your passion for writing, just know the opportunities are out there.
But before you can become a blogger, you need to know HOW?
Here’s how to become a blogger?
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How To Become A Blogger
Before you can become a successful blogger, there are some prep works you need to do first.
As a blogger, the tool that you need the most is your writing skills. You don’t have to be the best writer to become a blogger, but your writing must be of value or engaging to readers. The trick to becoming a blogger is having something interesting to write that people want to read.
Remember, you cannot be a blogger for everyone. All you need is a large group of audience that interests in hearing what you have to say. Blog experts call this a ‘NICHE.’ It is important for you to define or identify your niche before becoming a blogger. Here is an article to help you discover your own niche.
It’s not difficult to become a blogger if you know what are you going to writing about? And who you are going to write to? These are the two things that you need to determine before becoming a blogger.
What you write about is your BRAND, and who you write to is your MARKET.
Tools and Skills You Need To Become A Blogger
You must have heard the expression ‘A blogger is someone who gets paid to write.’
Well, the statement above is not entirely true. Let me share with you one blogger secret, ‘No one will pay you to write!’
To become a blogger, you need to know more than just writing. You need to know how to use a few common blogging tools to make money with your writing skills.
Yes, you don’t need to be a technical geek, but you will need to know how to post your article on a blog site, how to use a Keyword Tool
to research content topic, and how to use SEO to writing ranking content.
Those are the basic blogging skills that you must possess to become a successful blogger.
If you already have a solid knowledge of these skills, then you can skip this section. If not, I’ll cover in detail each topic below:
Learning The Platform and Hosting of The Blog
The first tool you need to learn is how to use the platform where the blog site is built.
There are many different blog platforms online. However, the most used and popular platform is WordPress.
I’m going to assume you’ve heard about WordPress. This is the platform that I suggest you learn if you want to become a blogger because more than 90% of blogs use this platform.
This free lesson on ‘How To Use WordPress’ will explain everything that you need to know about this platform.
Once you understand the platform used by the blog, then you must get familiar with the web hosting service.
Web hosting is a service that stores all the blog articles and allows people to access the blog on the Internet.
You have two options: hosting your own platform or Signup for an online hosting service.
Most bloggers use an online hosting service. It costs a lot of money to set up a self-hosting. I am assuming you’re not interested in self-hosting because you want to become a blogger, not a web hosting service.
You have lots of choices when selecting a hosting service. However, if you choose WordPress as a platform, you will have to look for a WordPress hosting service.
There are free blog hosting and paid blog hosting services. For learning to become a blogger, I suggest you use a Free WordPress Hosting.
Many bloggers advocate against free hosting because of the limitations that hosting providers place on the free account. This is true if you are launching your own blog, but you are learning to become a blogger. Why spend money on a tool when you can get it for free. Use the free account to practice and learn about WordPress, when you are ready to launch your blog, get a paid account.
I am going to use the Free Wealthy Affiliate WordPress
hosting services for this article. I suggest you get this free account because it has no limitation and comes with 10 free lessons on how to start a blog. I have used these lessons to learn how to become a blogger. This is why I recommend them to everyone.
You can launch a free blog with this hosting in less than a minute. Here’s is a video teaching you how.

I suggest you create a blog, with any hosting service, to use as a practice platform. Once you have your own blog, then use these Free Lessons to learn how to become a blogger.
The Right Way to Write a Blog Post
After learning the blog platform and hosting, the next step is learning how to write blog posts.
You cannot just write anything and expect to make money as a blogger.
A blogger that wants to make money must learn how to create ranking content.
This writing concept might be new to some of you, but it is a well-known practice that every successful blogger uses to make money online.
The process of creating ranking content is not complicated.
If you prefer to watch instead of reading, the training video below will show you all the steps to create ranking content.

Let talk about ranking content.
You have an interesting topic that you think is good to write a blog post.
Before you sit down and write, you have to do a little research on the topic to learn more.
The initial research that a blogger must do is to determine if there are any people interested in the same topic, an audience? To do this research, the blogger uses a keyword tool.
A keyword tool is an online software that helps bloggers identify search term that users search on the internet. The monthly search volume is a good indicator of audience size.
Basically, you want to know how many people go online looking for information on a topic that you are about to write. The larger the number of searches, the better.
Other important information that keyword word tool offers is the ranking completion, also known as SEO.
Ranking competition tells you how many bloggers are competing on the same topic you are about to write. The higher the competition, the more difficult to get your content rank on the search result.
Learn and understand how to use a keyword tool is the most important part of creating ranking content. So, I suggest you follow the link to learn more.
You must be wondering what is rank? And why is it so important?
Well, ranking refers to how likely people will be able to find your blog on the internet. When people need to find something online, they type a string of word or words into the Google search bar. Google then recommends web pages to the searchers, which we call ‘search result.’ If your blog did not show up on the first page of Google search result, then no one will visit the blog. If you want people to find your blog, you have to learn how to get your blog on the face page of Google. This is ranking position.
The process of achieving better ranking is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
SEO is a continuous learning process due to the constant changes in search engine algorithms. SEO techniques work today might not work in the future, even worse it penalizes your blog.
A successful blogger must always keep pace with the changes in SEO practice. It is the only way to stay ahead of the game.
I have selected a few basic SEO lessons for you to learn and build the foundation. These foundation techniques do not change. To become a blogger, you need to understand the basic of how SEO works? What is On-Page SEO, and Off-Page SEO? And How SEO plays a role in ranking content?
The basic skills and tools listed above are the least, you must learn to become a blogger. No one will pay you, or you cannot become a blogger, if you don’t know how to use the platform to post an article, don’t know how to use the keyword tool, and don’t even know what is SEO and ranking content?
All these skills and knowledge can be learned through practice.
Build Your Own Blog to Learn How to Become A Blogger
A successful blogger must learn and constantly practice to improve his/her blogging skills.
If you think reading this article ‘How to Become a Blogger’ and a few more online will help you become a successful blogger, then please don’t waste your time.
The best way to become a blogger is creating your own blog site to practice blogging. Practice is the only way to know how to do something.
Many businesses require bloggers to show their blogging skills and experiences before hiring them. The best way to do this is by having your own blog site. I use my blog to demonstrate my skills, experiences, and knowledge.
It’s perfectly fine to use a free blog to practice. However, you should use the Free Training Program that offers all the tools and training lessons needed to launch a successful blogging career.
The program that I have used to start my blogging career is called Wealthy Affiliate. This program offers you everything:
- 2 Free Blog Site (Websites) with hosting
- Free Keyword Tool, Jaaxy
- 10 Free Lessons to start your blogging career
I use this program because they offer everything you need, tools and lessons, to learn how to become a blogger. It’s FREE.
This is the only program that offers everything for free, so bookmark this page for future reference.
You can also make money with your own blog site. This is what I call earn while you learn. It is the best place to become a blogger.
I also suggest you join a blogger community. Communities are a wonderful way to exchange ideas and learn new skills from experienced bloggers. I am a member of this #1 Online Community with over 1 million active members sharing the same interest, Making Money Online. I invite you to join us and learn how to become a blogger.
Once you master the blogging skills, the opportunities are endless.