JewelScent Review – Is JewelScent A Scam

JewelScent offers you two ways to win, using the products to discover a hidden jewel inside or get paid to share JewelScent with friends and families.

The idea of finding a gift worth $15 to $7.500 hidden inside each scented product is the foundation of JewelScent success.

When it comes to making money with JewelScent, success is harder a different story.

Hello and welcome to our mlm coffee talk.

I understand you are interested in the JewelScent mlm opportunity to make some extra cash or build a life dream of financial freedom. However, you want to know if the JewelScent consultant is the right opportunity.

It smarts for you to stop by and read this JewelScent review before joining the program.

In this review, we’ll discuss the following:

  • What is JewelScent?
  • How to join JewelScent?
  • How much does it cost to join JewelScent?
  • Can you make money with JewelScent? And
  • Is JewelScent a scam or legit opportunity?

Reading this JewelScent review, you should be able to decide if JewelScent mlm is the right opportunity for you to achieve your financial goals and dreams.

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JewelScent Review Summary

Business Opportunity:
Multilevel-Marketing (MLM)

Initial Investments:
$49, $79 Or $149

Annual Revenue: $14.6 Million

  • JewelScent is an mlm opportunity for you to make money at home by joining as a consultant.
  • JewelScent consultants earn commissions by selling and sharing scented candles and other personal care products.
  • The interesting business concept for this mlm opportunity is combined scent with jewelry. Each scent product contains a hidden jewel with a value between $15 to $7,500.
  • The concern that we have with JewelScent is, the company doesn’t publish an income disclosure statement (IDS). With this financial document, we are unable to verify the income claim by the company. This should be a strong reason to not invest in JewelScent.
  • To make money as a JewelScent consultant, you must have exceptional people and sales skills, especially Face-To-Face recruiting.
  • JewelScent is an mlm company. This opportunity is not suitable for people without direct selling experience.


What Is JewelScent?

JewelScent is a company that manufactures and distributes scent products with hidden jewelry. The company offers people two ways to earn, using scented products to discover the hidden jewelry inside or sharing the scent products with friends and families for commissions.

JewelScent exclusively distributes its products through an mlm network of independent consultants operating in the US.

JewelScent was launched by Catherine Lee, Derin Oyekan, and Nga Nguyen in 2013 as an eCommerce selling candles with hidden jewelry inside. The company adopted the direct sales, (mlm) business model, early 2014.

At the time of writing this review, JewelScent estimated sales revenue is $14.6 Million, which we classify as a small and risky mlm opportunity.

JewelScent doesn’t offer the income disclosure statement (IDS) to the public. This financial document provides important information regarding the profits and losses of operating a JewelScent mlm business.

You must carefully evaluate and compare JewelScent with other home-based business opportunities before joining.

You can use My #1 Business Opportunity to make a comparison.

How To Join JewelScent?

You must have a sponsor to join JewelScent.

You can search for a JewelScent consultant online, then registered through that website, or you visit the company’s website to locate a consultant near you.

To build a business and make money with JewelScent, you are required to purchase a JewelScent consultant kit, remain active, and qualified for commissions. I’ll discuss all of them in the next sections of this JewelScent review.

How Much Does It Cost To Join JewelScent?

The cost to join JewelScent depends on the consultant kit that you purchased. The Virtual Kit costs $49, the Silver Kit $79, and the Gold Kit $149.

The Silver and Gold consultant kits contain scent products and marketing materials for you to launch and promote your JewelScent business.

JewelScent scam consultant kits

Besides the cost of the consultant kit, you must maintain an active and qualified status to make money with JewelScent.

JewelScent requires all consultants to register as a VIP customer and pay $10 each month to remain active.

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Consultants must submit at least $500 PSV (Personal Sales Volume) each month to qualify for team commissions.

There are other qualifications required for bonuses and incentives, which I’ll discuss in the compensation plan section of this JewelScent review.

As you can see, the cost to join JewelScent is more than a consultant kit. You must order scent products every month to stay active and qualified.

Any consultant who fails to maintain an active and qualified status is not allowed to receive the bonus and commission.

The expenses above do not include your time, the marketing costs, travel expenses, and gas.

Be careful when purchasing JewelScent products to maintain the monthly active and qualified status. This can destroy your business profits if you cannot resell them. They become business losses.

Other home-based businesses, such as Affiliate Marketing, you earn the commission on every sale, no need to be active and qualified.

To learn why mlm opportunity, such as JewelScent, requires consultants to maintain active and qualified status, you should read our discussion on the FTC MLM Guideline for more information.

JewelScent Compensation Plan

According to JewelScent, the compensation plan was designed to reward the key behaviors, which is Personal Sales first.

This seems to indicate that the JewelScent compensation plan primary business focus is to turn you into a customer, not a business owner.

I’ll provide a brief explanation of the JewelScent compensation plan below. To see the full version, just download a copy to read later.

As an mlm opportunity, you have two ways to make money with JewelScent: selling JewelScent products and/or building a team.

Make Money Selling Scents Candles

You make money by purchasing scent products to resell or by selling directly from your own JewelScent replicated website.

You start with a based discount of 30%. This commission increases to 46% based on the monthly personal sales volume. Below is the personal bonus schedule:

  • Additional %2 for monthly $100 PV – $249 PV
  • Additional %2 for monthly $250 PV – $499 PV
  • Additional %2 for monthly $500 PV – $749 PV
  • Additional %2 for monthly $750 PV – $1,249 PV
  • Additional %2 for monthly $1,250 PV – $1,999 PV
  • Additional %2 for monthly $2,000 PV – $2,699 PV
  • Additional %4 for monthly $2,750 PV – $3,499 PV

It sounds exciting, right? But, can you sell JewelScent products on the market?

I did a quick search on eBay, the famous site for dumping mlm products. I found many JewelScent candles selling for less than $13.

JewelScent suggested retail price for candles is $28.00.

JewelScent candles review

It will be difficult for consultants to sell JewelScent overpriced candles on the market.

Make Money Recruiting Others To Join JewelScent

You must be a qualified consultant at Quartz Executive rank with a minimum monthly $500 PV to earn downline commissions.

Once you have met the requirements above, you can start earning a 5% downline commission on level 1 and 2% on level 2.

JewelScent only pays downline commission up to 2 levels. Your level 2 commission increase as your rank and monthly PV increase.

There are other leadership bonuses and incentives which require higher monthly PV to qualify. You should refer to the compensation plan for more information.

As you can see, there are multiple ways to earn with JewelScent. But to get paid, you must maintain an active and qualified status.

This is how mlm works. Ways to earn is not the same as qualifying to receive the commissions.

You can potentially earn nothing with JewelScent because the expenses to maintain an active and qualified status might exceed the commissions received.

Can You Make Money With JewelScent?

You must have a copy of the JewelScent income disclosure statement (IDS) to analyze consultants’ earnings.

The IDS is a financial document that reports consultants’ income for the prior year.

Small mlm companies with high consultant failure rates or low earnings rarely publish the income disclosure statement. This might be the case with JewelScent.

The company doesn’t want the public to know the truth regarding the consultants’ income.

So, how do you get a copy of the IDS?

You can request one at the time of enrollment. The law requires JewelScent to provide you a copy together with the compensation plan.

As a business review writer, I look to the actual incomes to evaluate a business opportunity.

If JewelScent refuses to provide you a copy of the income disclosure statement, don’t join. This is a bad sign. It’s a scam.

But you don’t need a copy of the IDS to know that 99% of mlm businesses failed.



Because the JewelScent compensation plan was designed with the primary purpose of encouraging you to use the products, not selling them.

Just go back and review the compensation plan discussion above, why you think consultants must maintain an active and qualified status to earn commissions?

Is JewelScent A Scam?

JewelScent was launched to promote and sell candles and other scent products, not for you to get rich. But this doesn’t make JewelScent a scam.

JewelScent is a business opportunity. Every business has risks.

You are responsible to carefully research, study, and investigate the JewelScent business opportunity before investing.

Reading this JewelScent Review is a good way to learn the risks and rewards associated with this home-based business.

As the owner of an Online Business Review, I have evaluated hundreds of mlm businesses to help investors identified and discover the right opportunity to invest.

JewelScent is not a scam. It is a risky and unprofitable opportunity.

Is JewelScent A Pyramid Scheme?

JewelScent is a legit mlm company if they follow the FTC guideline.

Being a legit company doesn’t mean this is a good investment.

You need to look at the JewelScent compensation plan and consultants’ income to determine a pyramid scheme.

Under the JewelScent compensation plan, consultants are forced to purchase products to earn commissions.

Consultants are customers of JewelScent, purchasing products to stay active and qualified.

Recruiting is the best way to make money. The more people you recruit, the more money you make. This is how a pyramid is built.

Well, you don’t have to agree with me.

But you can’t deny that the primary business purpose of the compensation plan is to turn you into a customer, not a business owner.

Is JewelScent Worth It?

Many online JewelScent reviews that promote the opportunity seem to think JewelScent worth the investment. Their argument in supporting this mlm opportunity based on great products and the chance to discover small jewelry hidden in each scent jar.

But when you evaluate JewelScent as a real home-based business, it doesn’t look good.

It is unlikely that you will achieve your financial dream with this opportunity because it’s not easy to make money under the JewelScent compensation plan.

However, the decision to join JewelScent is yours to make.

Let me ask you this,

Do you know why you want to start a home-based business?

To earn extra money from home, to be your own boss, or to achieve financial freedom?

And to make money, we invest in a PROFITABLE business!

There are much better and less risky home-based business opportunities.

If you want to be an owner of a lucrative and profitable business that generates six-figure passive income, then read my #1 recommended online business opportunity.

You should use the writing skill to start your own highly lucrative online writing business, TODAY!

There’s NO traveling around town to attend late-night meetings and NO face-to-face sales or recruits with my online business.

The best part, you are working on the computer in your own home or anywhere you like.

Before investing with JewelScent, one thing you must carefully consider is “Business Control”.

JewelScent consultants are required to obey JewelScent rules and policies to stay in business.

You have ZERO control over what products to sell or how to promote your business.

What happens if JewelScent goes out of business?

You are out of business! You lose everything and nothing you can do about it.

This business risk is very high with small mlm companies.

You start a business to build long-term incomes.

You want to create a system that generates money far into the future. Isn’t this the #1 reason you want to build a successful business?

There’s a lucrative method that I and millions of people have been using to generate six-figure passive income online.

You must read my #1 recommended online business opportunity.

Can you write?

If your answer is “YES”, then why not use this skill to start your own highly lucrative online writing business, TODAY!

JewelScent was launched to recruit and convert people into customers, not business owners.

If you are a good recruiter who only cares about forcing downlines to purchase products, then you will make a lot of money with JewelScent.

For those thinking of joining JewelScent to distribute and sell products, you will have a hard time making money with JewelScent mlm.

There are much better home-based business opportunities compared to JewelScent, which doesn’t require recruiting to make money.

But this is your decision.

I hope this JewelScent review answers your question, is JewelScent a scam or legit?

Until next time.

Please share your own JewelScent experience below.

2 thoughts on “JewelScent Review – Is JewelScent A Scam”

  1. Sadly you are wrong on a few things. Starting with Jewelscent doesn’t cost anything more than $10 to start and an additional $10 a month for your back office. Where the company does all the big work for you as for keeping track of customers, sales and all that. Second there is no levels or kits. Even the compensation plan has changed. The quality of the products are amazing and worth the price in the end. Buy a $46 candle and the ring inside is worth $40 so you are only paying $6 for the candle itself. Same if you do the math on everything they sell. The quality of ingredients that go into each product is amazing and truly the best i’ve seen on the market. It saddens me that these articles are written without updated information or the correct information. Many great things come from this company. Earnings wont make you rich if you just sit and do little. Ive seen plenty of women really make this business their own and support families, go on trips (you can earn one every year to a new exotic place), and really have fun selling these wonderful products. Something most articles miss. And this year alone all items dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness that were sold a percentage was then given to charity. Another key point missed. Just sad that people write reviews or thoughts on something and really dont give its its full coverage.

    • Shay,
      I understand you are passionate about Jewelscent. This has always happened to people just join the mlm business.
      It’s normal for an mlm company to change the compensation plan. But it’s to help them make more money, not you Shay.
      Shay, are you in the business to make money or to buy candles? Buying a candle for $46 and burning it to get a ring that might worth $40 is not making money! You are just wasted $6. This is a loss, not a profit.
      I am in business to make money, not to search for worthless jewelry. Nothing you post in this comment tells me that you make a living as a Jewelscent distributor.


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