The Modern Millionaires Review – Is The Modern Millionaires Legit

The first thing people do after watching Abdul Farooqi Modern Millionaires webinar is searching for this on Google.

Is The Modern Millionaires legit? Or The Modern Millionaires review.

Everybody wants to know, what is The Modern Millionaires? And can you really make $100K, $400K, or even $1 million per year with online billboard ads?

This Modern Millionaires review is written to share with you what this is all about.

Before you go out and spend $7,860. I must warn you; the Modern Millionaire is not for everyone.

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Modern Millionaires Review Summary

Name: Modern Millionaires

Business Type: Digital Ad Agency


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  • The Modern Millionaires helps you launch a digital ad agency serving local businesses.
  • You’ll learn how to assist small businesses in setting up digital ad campaigns using online billboard ads.
  • Small businesses will pay your agency a monthly retaining fee to manage their ads.
  • The digital advertising industry is booming. So is the competition.
  • Launching a successful digital ad agency requires a big investment and a good reputation. You have to show results to get hired.
  • The Modern Millionaires webinar doesn’t mention the cost because Abdul wants to make sure you have enough cash on hand to launch this business.
  • This opportunity is not for those in financial distress or looking for a quick way to make money online.


What Is The Modern Millionaires?

The Modern Millionaires is an online marketing course teaching the processes of building a profitable home-based digital ad agency. The agency generates revenue by assisting small businesses with their online marketing campaigns.

Modern Millionaires was created by Abdul Farooqi and Chance Welton in May 2020 after achieving success with their agency, The Millionaire Middleman.

Both Abdul and Chance are successful digital entrepreneurs. These two are legit. They have been mentioned in Forbes and other popular magazines.

You are not required to have technical or marketing skills to participate in the Modern Millionaires marketing course. You just need a big investment budget to start this business.

The Modern Millionaires will conduct a private interview to verify the funds before allowing you to join. This is a good way to show the Modern Million legit and care about your success.

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Modern Millionaires Course

The Modern Millionaires course covers all the steps needed to build a successful digital ad agency to service local small businesses.

The course curriculum consists of 6 training sections organized into 4 modules.

Module 1 – The Foundation

This module covers the introduction to the Modern Millionaires business opportunity.

You learn to set up an ad agency. The lessons start with niche selection, domain selection, website creation, tax, and all necessary legal paperwork to launch the agency.

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Module 2 – Prospecting & Sales

This is all about finding the first client. You learn the Modern Millionaires process of prospecting, email marketing, professional networking, and more.

The module will teach you the art of deal-making from the sales presentation to closing the deal and signing the contract.

Payment processing is covered in this training module.

Module 3 – Driving Traffic

This is the core of the Modern Millionaires online marketing course. It consists of 3 training sessions covering traffic generation and traffic conversation.

Module 3A

This lesson covers Google Ads traffic. You learn everything about Google Ads, creating a Google ad account, set up ad campaigns, and qualifying the traffics.

Module 3B

This is about Facebook ads. This lesson focus on online billboard advertisements. You learn to set up, manage, and scaling FB ads.

Module 3C

Once you generate the traffics you need to convert them into qualified leads. Your clients pay you for lead generation, not traffics.

Module 4 – Create an AutoPilot System That Works For You

As your business grows, you need helpers. Modern Millionaires teaches you the process of hiring, managing, and working efficiently with your team.

The Modern Millionaires Cost

It costs anywhere from $5,000 to $7,860 to train with the Modern.

There are expenses to operate this digital ad agency. The biggest expense is digital advertisements.

You have to pay for Google and Facebook ads until you can convince a client to hire your agency. This cost can be substantial.

The biggest concern for small business owners is non-conversion. You can waste thousands of dollars on digital ads that generate ZERO sales.

Be prepared to spend money on this business opportunity.

How Do You Make Money With The Modern Millionaires?

You make money when small businesses hire an agency to run and manage their digital advertisements.

However, there is a long process, from finding a client to signing a contract.

The Modern Millionaires teaches you how to identify small businesses that already utilized online advertisements but advertising badly. Your opportunity is to show them how you could improve their online marketing at a lower cost. If the business owners like your proposal, they will hire your agency.

Modern Millionaires is not a work-at-home business opportunity.

If you love hitting the road, pounding the floor, and knocking on doors, then you can make money with Modern Millionaires.

For me, I love to roll out of bed and take five steps to my office. I prefer working as a wealthy affiliate marketer over the Modern Millionaires ad agency.

The Modern Millionaires Pros and Cons

I want to share with you the good and the bad things about The Modern Millionaires.

The Modern Millionaires Pros

  1. The business concept is legit. You can make money as an owner of a digital ad agency, but the business is competitive.
  2. Chance and Abdul are real, and they are successful digital marketers.
  3. The course is comprehensive. You will learn everything about the business of lead generation.

That’s all I have for the pros.

The Modern Millionaires Cons

  1. Not upfront with the price. They use the one-on-one interview to milk you. You can end up paying more than $7,000 for the course.
  2. The digital ad agency business is too competitive and not profitable.
  3. The Modern Millionaire is not a work-from-home business.
  4. There are too many hidden fees, including the costs of running Google and Facebook ads and additional monthly fees to operate and run the business.
  5. It is just a digital course. There’s no promise of success.

Is The Modern Millionaires legit?

The Modern Millionaires is a legit online marketing training course. Because this is a training program not everyone will make money with this program.

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This is not a get-rich-quick opportunity. You must be ready to learn and work hard to make money as an ad agency business owner.

The digital ad agency business is very competitive. It’s very difficult to break into this industry because everything is built on a reputation. How can you convince a small business owner that your new agency is better than Google Local Services?

The Modern Millionaires is not designed for average investors. You need to have a big budget to launch this business.

The good thing about Abdul and Chance is they don’t accept everyone into the business. You must first get qualified. This private interview requirement causes many to wonder, is this a trick? Or is the Modern Millionaires a scam?

Now you understand why people get upset after watching the Modern Millionaires webinar without knowing the cost.

Complaints Against Modern Millionaires

There are not many complaints against the Modern Millionaires since it launched in May 2020.

I have searched the BBB, but nothing has come up for this company.

The complaint that I was able to find online accuses the Modern Millionaires of a scam for not disclosing the cost.

According to Modern Millionaires, the private meeting is to protect people from scams. They want you to know everything about the company before investing.

Still, why not tell us upfront the cost to save time? This complaint against the Modern Millionaires is to be legit.

As a successful Online Business Reviewer, I have evaluated hundreds of investment offers and online moneymaking opportunities to expose scams. I am going to tell you the truth.

Even though the Modern Millionaires is legit, it will take you years to generate over 100k. This business requires hard work to achieve success.

Modern Millionaires Alternatives

Modern Millionaires is promoted as a business opportunity, but this is an online marketing training course. Success depends on your ability and the willingness to invest time and money.

The cost to purchase Modern Millionaires is expensive. You need to win a lot of clients to break even.

You must be ready to hit the road, knock on business doors, and do sales presentations. This is not a work-at-home business opportunity.

Are you searching for a work-from-home opportunity to generate long-term incomes?

I understand you are here to read the review of The Modern Millionaires.

However, I suggest you read this article about The #1 Online Business To Generate Passive Income to learn more about this alternative and less expensive opportunity.

Millions of people have used this same business strategy to earn six-figure passive income every year.

Don’t waste a few grands with the Modern Millionaires unless you enjoy and can successfully create winning digital ad campaigns.

The digital agency business is a cut-throat business. If you cannot bring results, the business owners will execute you, and your agency reputation will go down the drain. Wining the next client will become more and more difficult.

But why take on so much risk?

There are less expensive opportunities that you can earn a full-time income at home today.

I choose This #1 Home Investment Opportunity to build my fortune.

I am working from the comfort of my home and on a laptop. No driving around town and no boss. I work whenever I want and where I like.

Before purchasing the Modern Millionaires course, I invite you to read “What I Do Every Day To Make Money At Home Online”. I spent less than $300 to launch my business.

I hope this Modern Millionaires review answers your question, is Modern Millionaires legit?

Until next time.

Please share your experience below.

30 thoughts on “The Modern Millionaires Review – Is The Modern Millionaires Legit”

  1. I just want to say thankyou for all your hard work and research on Modern Millionares. I lost the $36.94 as well before i realized that i should of Googled the company first or done the research myself to see what was really invovled. After reading your research i will have to say that i was glad that you highlighted the “FACTS” and exposed the truth of what it really takes to succeed in the online digital billboard buisness through Modern Millionares. No offense to Chance and Abdul but what they tell you is not really the facts or the total truth, and it is a little misleading that they say its going to be that easy then what it really takes espeacially when they say its a work from home buisness right off the batt making 100k a year with their automated system and no cold calling or having to talk to anyone. If they would of told us up front the cost and what you need to do like what you researched, that would of been more believable. Maybe after you invest a ton money and do alot of selling to get your buisness up and running. And like you said its a CUT THROAT buisness and very competitive which leads be to believe its not wise to invest in this type of buisness when there is to many obstacles for you to succeed. You made the research very clear for alot of us looking to start their own online buisness. If you take all the people that invested $5000 to $8700 by buying their Modern Millionares course wich they said was 2000, $5000×2000=10 Million dollars of the people just on the low end if that what their course really cost. I wonder how much money was lost on the people that invested in their course that didn’t have enough money to see it work out for them. That is free money $ for Modern Millionares who pocketed someone elses hard earned money. That is where its a little misleading because they charge you $36.94 then its three payments for $97.00 then $5000 to $8700 to pay for the advertisements to get your buisness going and that is if you even get it going. Thankyou again for the education and i will definatley check out other possibilities for online buisness work from home because i will tell you this, i would rather roll out of my own bed and take 5 steps to my office and have all that free time. That’s me.

  2. I joined MM. The pros: the FB group is very, very supportive and the more experienced put in a lot of time to help the newbies. The training modules are being redone….because frankly, the training modules suck. They are “all over the place” and make little sense. One is forced to go over them time and time again – simply hoping to gain enough understanding to move forward.

    But here are the real cons: The sales call with the “coach” that “interviews” to see if you “qualify”, well, they are not honest about costs. At all. One is lead to believe that one needs 1 domain name at $12, and purchase a website at $97/month. Despite repeatedly asking, I was assured that is all I would need to spend after joining MM. And that is a flat out lie. A person needs a whole hell of a lot more.

    One is also lead to believe that everything is very automated with zero cold calls. Not true.

    The “qualifying” that they do is to simply see if you have enough money to buy the course (which again, you are told that the course is all you need). If you have the money to buy in, they accept you. And I guess it is each person’s “problem” when they start the course and start realizing that they were lied to and the amount of money needed every month to pay various required platforms (if you want to succeed) is significant. Can you earn it back? Yes. If you are successful. Some people are very successful with MM. And that brings me to the next issue; If a person joins with zero tech background (which of course the sales call insisted that no one needs a tech background), it will be a very, very hard road to learn the in-depth tech that is required to be successful with MM. The people that join that are successful very quickly – they all have solid tech backgrounds.

    So while Modern Millionaires isn’t technically a “scam”, they are not truthful as to the amount of money that is needed to succeed, or how the ad process truly works, or the heavy tech that is required to succeed. They refuse any refunds for any reasons and they don’t track who is successful and who gets overwhelmed and drops out despite spending thousands of dollars. My guess is the drop out rate is very, very high.

    Would I sign up again if I had been told the truth at the sales call? No, I would not. I have zero tech background, I would not have “qualified” with the money if I had been told the truth about setting up and maintenance costs. I am struggling to hold on… but do because I spent half my savings to join MM and have no backup plan(I have no other job). I was prepared to work hard to succeed. I was not prepared to spend a lot more money, nor go so deeply into the tech aspect. There may not be any BBB complaints yet…but there will be. Chance and Abdul are just cashing in with anyone that wants to join and has the money. Their ethics are very questionable.

    • Ann,

      Thank you for an honest review and insight into the Modern Millionaires operation. The lead generation or ads agency business requires a lot of capital to become successful. You have to make cold calls to sell your services to small business owners. This business is competitive.
      I wish you much success. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and move on. Continue holding on to an unprofitable business will only result in more debts and financial troubles.

    • Dear Sarah Ann,
      May The Holy Almighty Abba in Heaven help you by strengthening, guiding, and helping you to timely land enough small business clients to both at minimum earn back the funds from your savings account you need back and some extra funds too all sufficient for you to cease unaffordably trying to run TMM heavy cash cow digital online business start-up. Though so very grateful to you for your detailed honest assessment evaluation following the great evaluation article on TMM by the author, both of which will prevent me from tomorrow Aug. 3, 2020 signing up/forking over funds I totally cannot afford to lose in a wasted effort given I haven’t any online digital IT background period nor sufficient time required to timely enough learn/master such e-digital mechanicals needed to make lots of money creating and selling online digital billboard ad campaigns nor significantly more funds period further required to effectively finance, run, and build a highly successful digital online ad agency
      I am so sorry about your situation given your unemployed status upon signing up. Everything you said is absolutely true together with what the author of article stated as well. I asked TMM contact “coach and mentor” Ravi a lot of questions. Many of his answers merely prompted more questions in my mind and especially the fact TMM Training Course isn’t literally taught by a live instructor online but is more so a “Self-Study” experience I just have time for unless it is literally interactively taught for far faster learning and mastering. Plus though employed I’m still juggling increasing work responsibilities together with others including working to achieve restoration of full financial stability deliberately and illegally wrongfully taken away from me and my family several years ago by extremely evil people. So, again, thank you Sarah. TMM isn’t for someone like me who’s excellent at selling/creative marketing proposals/sales presentations but both without sufficient investment funds upfront required to further heavily invest, to risk gambling on whether/how fast I can daily learn/master TMM course especially the online digital ad e-mechanics without having to outsource/pay others to do the mechanics and together with both handling my daily full-time job responsibilities while also daily handling reaching out to contact, schedule appts. to go meet,/present sales pitches/proposals to small business owners. I am a Strategic Marketing Communications Expert but without online digital ad mechanics expertise to hit the ground running. I was very excited given I saw TMM biz model as a way to far more quickly make the high volume earned income/savings I need within a relatively short period of time given my tremendous past professional experience, high confidence, and relentless determination. But, I haven’t money to lose nor enough to further significantly invest right away beyond TMM Company’s hefty Training Course fee. Yet, if I had the money, I’d likely dive in hardworking to earn and excavate a great and huge ongoing non-stop high monthly and annual income stream needed and desired to timely achieve some very important and immediate goals. Oh well, guess it’s back to running across or being presented with something else far less expensive. Wish you all the best.

      • Hi Debra,
        You did the right thing. Carefully research and personal evaluation are the first steps to achieve success in business. There’s no need to rush into an opportunity just because someone makes money. You have to find the right one for you.

  3. You will have to buy into the program to really know what’s up. All their intro packages do nothing for you. Just be upfront they are not. A lot of baiting emails until you buy the mentorship. I would pass, not worth it.

  4. I really, truly, wish I had found this post way before I (unfortunately) joined MM. I too, feel mislead and LIED TO. Everything discussed in this post is accurate.
    I’m employed (luckily) but don’t make a lot of money. And now that we’re all struggling through a pandemic makes things worst. I feel totally “suckered” into buying such an expensive course that I had no business getting into considering my circumstances. I paid $6,000! and got nothing out of it. The training course was definitely overwhelming, and although they do provide “support” through the FB community and tech support, I STILL felt lost.
    I’m not a “dummy” by any means. I have two college degrees and consider myself to be fairly intelligent. But I’m not tech savvy. And I think this type of business is more suitable for people who ARE. Since they don’t offer refunds, I won’t bother to ask. I will have to accept the fact that I made a foolish MISTAKE and move on. There are quite a few GOOD AND TRUE online money making opportunities that won’t break your bank account and are HONEST about what to expect. You just have to do your research and find the one that fits.
    Good luck to all those that decide to stick it out with MM. I wish you much success.

      • You are very welcome TQ. I will always speak the TRUTH. And I hope this post helps others that are contemplating if they should join or not. I’m glad I realized early on that this will end up costing me way too much in the long run. Especially since I already dropped a load of money upfront.
        IF they were totally honest during the “qualifying” interview….They would have stated that you 1) Need to be TECH SAVVY, 2) Are joining an extremely competitive field that will require LOTS and LOTS of additional cash, And 3) should expect to really bust your buns working very HARD because it’s not gonna be easy. (They made it sound so simple and easy in the Ads)
        I’m not saying it’s impossible to be profitable with this…..I’m saying it’s no cakewalk. I finally found a LEGIT and profitable way to make money online which didn’t require a lot of money to start, actually less than $50, and I’m SO HAPPY!
        Take care…..and God bless.

        • MS,

          With your personal testimonial, we can say Morderrn Millionaire is a scam. It’s a scam because these guys don’t tell people the truth. They are using the qualification interview as an opportunity to extract more money from investors. This is a shame.

          • The Modern Millionaires is a legit training course. But I am not so sure about profitability. As I have stated in the review, you make money when small business owners willing to hire your agency to manage their digital ads portfolio. This is a very competitive industry. You must bring real results to get hired. You can make money if you are good at digital marketing. This skill requires technical knowledge beyond the Modern Millionaires training.

  5. Yes, don’t buy the course. It’s not for everyone. Whatever you spend is not worth it. The videos are clumsy and not clear.
    Digital marketing is a very good domain. It has a good future. But don’t buy this course. You will not make 6 figures with the Modern Millionaires.
    I can’t say the Modern Millionaires is a scam. I bought the course, but I left. It is not working for me. I am telling you guys don’t buy it.
    The Modern Millionaires doesn’t let you comment on their Facebook page either. Every comment will be monitored.
    This course is too expensive. You can learn this for $10-$15 from Udemy or any other online course.
    They tell you a company will assist you to open a company for a fee of $350. They will try to sell you some credit score improvement for another $950. They offer a discount if you purchase both products for $950. I am telling you they are not worth it. You can open a company for $35 or $50 with your state, no need for their assistance.
    I feel it’s a waste of time and money. If you have $4000, invest the money somewhere else or donate it. Don’t invest with the Modern Millionaire course.

    • Thank you for your personal review of the Modern Millionaires. It will help many investors from wasting their time and money with a worthless course.

  6. If you are going to give thousands of dollars to somebody online without doing a simple google search on these people first, then you deserve to lose it. I googled them, saw the BBB complaints and warnings and it took less than a minute. Wake Up People! If it sounds too good to be true, then it’s probably NOT TRUE! Idiots

  7. This is undoubtedly the best thing that I’ve come across today in the internet. It was a long time that I have been thinking on this topic but I couldn’t satiate my quench for knowledge through any post that I read. However, today that I came across your article, I seem to have learnt a lot and I have also gained enough knowledge on this topic. Thanks once again.


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