Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp – WA Bootcamp Review

The Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp is designed to teach people the process of making-money-online with affiliate marketing.

The Wealthy Affiliate (WA) Bootcamp was initially designed to train a dedicated group of members to help promote and recruit people into the Wealthy Affiliate University.

Even though this Affiliate Bootcamp is for Wealthy Affiliate Members, but admin decides to open to all affiliate markers, everyone can join.

Many beginners and non-members find success in using this affiliate bootcamp to build their online business.

Best of all, the Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp is Free to Join. You only need a valid email to register for a Free WA Bootcamp Account, no payment required.

I took advantage of this free offer and register for a Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Account. Here’s my profile inside this community.

As an affiliate marketer for many years, I don’t need this affiliate bootcamp to learn about affiliate marketing.

I am glad that I have taken on this WA Bootcamp challenge. I actually learn a lot of powerful affiliate marketing skills with this Bootcamp training.

You will learn something from this affiliate bootcamp. Get your training going, It’s FREE!

As a free training program, Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp is the #1 choice for many beginners starting their affiliate marketing training.

Hey, what you got to lose when it is Free!

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Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Overview

The #1 reason many affiliate marketers use this affiliate bootcamp to help boost their online income because this is a real affiliate marketing training program.

The WA Bootcamp teaches the process of building an affiliate marketing business through Blogging.

The program was designed to train Wealthy Affiliate members the right way to promote the Wealthy Affiliate University to make money online.

However, many members decide to use this bootcamp to promoting other products and services besides Wealthy Affiliate. This strategy is a big hit.

People start sharing how to use the free WA Bootcamp to build a successful affiliate marketing business. There is nothing the Wealthy Affiliate admins can do.

You can use this affiliate bootcamp to launch a profitable niche business online.

The WA Bootcamp Training Lessons

This affiliate bootcamp has 70 lessons cramping into 7 Courses with each course consists of 10 lessons together with tasks at the end of each lesson for you to use and apply right away on your Free Websites.

Every Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp member receives 2 Free WordPress websites and to use as a practice tool.

Free practice tools together with video training lessons make the Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp the #1 affiliate marketing training program online. I’ll discuss more on these tools in the next section.

You can watch the training lessons at your own pace. However, you only have 7 days to complete the bootcamp free.

After the 7 days, Wealthy Affiliate will charge you a fee if you want to continue the training. This bootcamp is designed for people who are serious about building an online business.

I completed this bootcamp in 4 days. You can do this challenge in 7 days. It’s not that hard. This is a dream for every beginner.

Are you ready to take the Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp? Let’s begin!

Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Course 1Starting Your Foundation

Before continuing with the discussion, here is a link to the 1st course 10 Lessons of Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp. You can click on the link to see the lessons.

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This course starts with the introduction to Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp, and what it means to be an affiliate marketer.

After the introduction, the training goes right into the processes of creating a profitable niche website.

Yes, this affiliate bootcamp requires you to build a website to continue with the training. Well, you need a website to start an online business.

As I have stated above, the bootcamp provides you two free websites. You can use these websites along with the lessons to set up your own affiliate marketing website in less than 1 minute.

Below is the training lesson on how to set up your WordPress website from the WA Bootcamp.

build a business website in 30 seconds

Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Course #2Understand Content, Keywords, And Conversion

This course covers the importance of affiliate content creation.

Affiliate marketing is also known as content marketing. So, content creation will be the focus of course #2.

You will learn how to create content for your niche website, how to incorporate keywords into your content for Google ranking, and how to add affiliate links into the content to make money.

Content marketing creation requires the use of a Keyword Tool’ to find the money keywords.

The Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp provides every member with access to the ‘Jaaxy Keyword Tool that they can use to conduct keyword reaseches. This keyword tool alone can save you hundreds of dollars.

I suggest you bookmark this page because you will need this keyword tool as an affiliate marketer. Jaaxy is a Free Keyword Tool that you can only get by taking the Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp challenge.

Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Course #3 Giving Social Value To Your Website

We all know social media sites are the dominant force of driving consumers’ behavior.

Course #3 of this affiliate bootcamp will introduce you to the process of using social media to build an audience for your affiliate marketing business.

You will learn how to use social media as a marketing tool and incorporate it into your content to make money online.

You learn to create contents that are socially engaging and search engine friendly.

Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Course #4 – Get Visual. Get Aesthetic. Get A Brand Through Media

This course covers the use of images, videos, and other visual design techniques to improve the appearance of your website and brand.

You will learn the importance of incorporating images in your marketing content, and how to promote images on social media like Pinterest and Instagram.

Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Course #5 – Knowing Your Audiences & Catapulting Your Referrals

Niche affiliate marketing is about understanding your audience.

The bootcamp will help you to better understanding of your audiences and improving your skills in creating content that converts.

This course is essentially about using different digital marketing tools to get more sale.

This is also known as the website monetization process.

Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Course #6 – Bing, Yahoo, & The Power Of PPC

Traffic diversification will be introduced in this course of Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp.

You will learn how to generate traffic from other sources on the internet such as Yahoo and Bing, besides Google Search.

The course also introduces you to digital marketing with Pay-Per-Click (PPC), and you learn to create an ad campaign, track its conversion rate, and build landing pages.

Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Course #7 – How To Scale Successful PPC Campaigns

The final course of this affiliate bootcamp is more advanced and requires more investment.

Once you learn to create successful PPC campaigns, the next step is knowing when to scale your ad campaigns to generate more income.

The lessons in this course will show you how to take advantage of the PPC data and tactics to catapult more traffic to your website.

As you can see, the Wealth Affiliate Bootcamp teaches the entire process of buidling an online business. This is everything you need to build a successful affiliate marketing business.

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Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Costs

The Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp is free to join. You don’t have to pay to start the bootcamp.

You can start the Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp right now by taking Course 1 – 10 Lessons.

You can also earn up to 24% commission with this free affiliate bootcamp account if you decide to promote the Wealthy Affiliate University.

The Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp allows non-paying members to earn the commission. This is huge.

Most affiliate bootcamps, such as the Clickfunnels Affiliate Bootcamp, the ClickBank Super Affiliate Bootcamp, the Affiliate Superstar Boot Camp, and the Summit Affiliate Bootcamp, require you to become a paid member to earn the commission.

This is an opportunity for you to launch an online business with zero investment.

However, you have 7 days to complete the bootcamp for free. This is a Bootcamp!

If you are unable to finish in 7 days, you can purchase another 30 days for $19.

After 30 days, you can continue the training by becoming a premium member of the Wealthy Affiliate, but not required.

Premium members earn up to 50% commission on each transaction.

Besides the commission, premium members receive 50 websites with hosting, unlimited access to training lessons including live training, and 24/7 support. You can visit the Wealthy Affiliate Program to learn more.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp A Good Investment?

Well, you decide this for yourself. This affiliate bootcamp is free. You can try the first 10 Free Lessons, and if you don’t like the program, just leave.

I understand some people believe paid affiliate bootcamps are better. But from my experiences, this is not true. Some free affiliate bootcamps are much better than the paid ones.

Also, the bootcamp is free. What do you get to lose?.

Remember, the WA Bootcamp was designed to teach members promoting the Wealthy Affiliate University.

However, members discover that they can use this bootcamp to build their own online business for FREE!

I personally think that the Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp is worth it. It’s FREE!

Build An Online Business With Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp

The focus of Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp is teaching members the affiliate marketing business of writing product reviews.

However, you don’t have to write reviews promoting the Wealthy Affiliate University. You can use this skill to write product reviews to start your own Amazon Affiliate Business.

Building an Amazon Affiliate Business is much less competitive than promoting the Wealthy Affiliate. It’s also faster to make money online.

Here’s the way to use the WA Bootcamp to build your online business:

  • Take the free website from the Wealthy Affiliate bootcamp to build your own niche website, choose a niche that you enjoy promoting.
  • Learn to create review articles. You don’t have to write reviews about Wealthy Affiliate. Even though the Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp recommends you to.
  • Learn to promote your niche website using the marketing techniques from the bootcamp.
  • Join Amazon Affiliate and other affiliate programs to expand your online income.

That is how I use the Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp to build my own affiliate marketing business.

The Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp is a great way to learn affiliate marketing for free.

I always recommend this bootcamp program for beginners. It is better to try affiliate marketing first before you invest a lot of money. Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp is a smart way to start your affiliate marketing business.

You don’t have to feel obligated to Wealthy Affiliate after finishing the affiliate bootcamp. Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t require or force you to promote their products. But if you do, you can make a commission on every sale.

That’s everything you need to know about this free bootcamp. You can join the Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp and start building your own successful online business today.

Now, you understand why the WA Bootcamp is the #1 choice by most affiliate marketers.

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