Is Tori Belle Cosmetics A Pyramid Scheme – Tori Belle Review

“I like to invite you to become a founding affiliate of Tori Belle Cosmetics.” This sounds prestigious, but what is Tori Belle?

You start searching for Tori Belle and Tori Belle Cosmetics. You discovered this is an MLM company.

You are thinking, is Tori Belle Cosmetics a pyramid scheme?

Your curiosity wants to know more about this company.

So, you are here to read this Tori Belle Review.

I understand your concerns. You have lots of questions. I hope this Tori Belle Cosmetic review can help.

Let me be honest with you; the MLM business is dying. People don’t want to invite strangers into their homes. How can you build your MLM business?

Today, the opportunity is an online business. The internet allows us to reach customers around the world. It’s the best way to generate passive income from home.

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Your Work From Home Opportunity!

Tori Belle Review Summary

Name: Tori Belle

Business Type: MLM

Investment: $199

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  • Tori Belle Cosmetics is an MLM company created by The LashLiner System to promote and sell magnetic eyeliner and false eyelash system.
  • You can join Tori Belle to build a home-based business. You earn commissions on the sales of products and recruiting new Affiliates.
  • You don’t have to carry inventory, but you have to meet the monthly sales quota to remain active and earn commissions. Active Affiliates are required to place at least $200 of product order every month. This is the MLM marketing trick. We’ll discuss it more later.
  • At the time of writing this Tori Belle review, the MLM company is brand new with little financial information. It doesn’t even publish an Income Disclosure Statement (IDS).
  • Joining a startup MLM is very risky.


What Is Tori Belle?

Tori Belle is a cosmetic is an MLM company launched by Laura Hunter in June 2019. The company is a subsidiary of The Lash Liner, LLC.

Tori Belle Cosmetic distributes and sells a line of products including, magnetic mascara, magnetic eyeliner, magnetic lashes, and other cosmetics.

The company claimed to have 22,000 Affiliates in the first 9 months of business and paid out over $2 million in commissions.

For a fee, you can join Tori Belle Cosmetics MLM to make money from home.

Tori Belle is a startup company. It’s considered a high-risk investment.

I strongly recommend comparing Tori Belle with other home-based business opportunities before joining.

You can use My #1 Business Opportunity to make a comparison.

Is Tori Belle An MLM?

Tori Belle is an MLM. The company calls its MLM an Affiliate Program.

You can become one of Tori Belle affiliates to make money selling magnetic mascaras.

The process of joining Tori Belle Cosmetics is no different from other MLM opportunities.

How To Join Tori Belle Cosmetics?

Tori Belle Affiliate enrollment is only available in the USA and Canada.

You can join Tori Belle MLM by completing an application online at the company’s website or through a sponsor.

New Affiliates are required to purchase one of the three Tori Belle Starter Kits at the time of joining.

OK, let look at the costs to join Tori Belle.

How Much To Join Tori Belle?

The cost to join Tori Belle depends on the Start Kits you purchased. Tori Belle has three starter kits:

  • Ladies Night Affiliate Starter Kit – $120.00
  • Nature Bunny Affiliate Starter Kit – $129.00
  • Magnetics Only Affiliate Starter Kit – $149.00

The highest cost to join the Tori Belle is $149.

Tori Belle starter kits

Besides the initial investment, there are additional expenses to run and operate your Tori Belle MLM business.

All Affiliates are required to generate at least $200 of products order each month to maintain an active status and receive all commissions. Those who fail to meet this sales volume requirement will get terminated after 6 months.

So, the annual cost to maintain your Tori Belle MLM business is $2,400.

I hate MLMs because of the monthly order requirement. It’s designed to force you to purchase Tori Belle Cosmetics magnetic lashes.

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Think about it.

Why do you have to buy mascaras for a chance to promote Tori Belle Cosmetics?

Tori Belle should be paying you for promoting the company.

As an Affiliate Marketer, companies pay me to promote their products on the internet.

The monthly order requirement is used by MLM companies to avoid being classified as a pyramid scheme. You should read our discussion on MLM vs. Affiliate Marketing to learn more.

Tori Belle Compensation Plan Review

The Tori Belle compensation plan has two pages. The company claims to offer the highest payouts in commissions.

But I must warn you, it’s not easy to make money with MLM opportunities.

I’ll discuss the main parts of the compensation plan so it’s easier for you to understand the commission structure.

Your commission rate is based on your monthly sales volume and rank.

Tori Belle Ranks

  • Affiliate
  • Advanced Affiliate
  • Leading Affiliate
  • Senior Affiliate
  • Nano Influencer
  • Micro Influencer
  • Influencer
  • Leading Influencer
  • Senior Influencer
  • Director of Influencer
  • Executive Director of Influencer
  • Senior Executive Director of Influencer

Every time you are advanced to a higher rank, Tori Belle will pay a one-time advancement bonus.

Since Tori Belle is an MLM, Affiliates can make money two ways:

  1. Sell Tori Belle Cosmetics mascaras for profits.
  2. Build teams to earn commissions.

Product Sales Commission

Tori Belle Affiliates start with a 25% personal monthly sales commission. This commission rate increases as the monthly sales volume increased. You can earn up to 40%.

tori belle sale commissions

You can use the personal sales commission to purchase Tori Belle Cosmetics products and resell for profits. The more you buy, the more profit you will make.

You can sell directly from your Tori Bella replicated website to avoid carrying an inventory. But this business strategy will earn less commission and might not qualify you for team commissions.

We all know the best way to make money with MLM is team building, not selling products.

Team Override Commission

Tori Belle offers two types of override commissions:

  1. Team sales commissions from 2% to 8% up to 5 levels, and
  2. Group sales commissions from 1% to 2% up to 5 group levels

The team overrides commission might look impressive. But before you can receive a dime, you must meet the following qualifications:

  • You must be an active Affiliate generating at least $200 of personal volume (PV) a month. The PV increases up to $600 as you advanced in rank.
  • You recruit 1 active Affiliate.
  • You meet the team sales volume (TS) each monthly. The TS starts at $600 and goes up to $250K based on your rank.

Once you have met all the requirements above, you might not receive team commissions.

According to the compensation plan, only 50% of your TS can come from one leg (one Affiliate).

Here’s how difficult this is:

Let say you have achieved the rank of Micro Influencer with TS requirement of $4,000 per month, and your team sales for the month are:

  • You (PV) $1,000
  • Team member #1 total sales – $500
  • Team member #2 – $2,500

You do not receive commissions, because you fail to meet the TS requirement for the month.

Yes, your entire team has generated $4,000 in sales for the month. However, only 50% of TS can come from any 1 leg. When you apply this rule, your month TS is only $3,500 ($1,000 + $500 + $2,000). You are not qualified.

As I have stated earlier, it’s not easy to make money with Tori Belle. You need to read the fine print of every MLM compensation plan.

There are other leadership and travel bonuses which I am not going to discuss in this Tori Belle review. I am not going to waste your time. You can read the compensation plan to learn more.

I hope you can see the Tori Belle Cosmetic compensation plan is designed to sell products, not to help you make money.

Tori Belle Affiliates must commit to ordering at least $200 every month to receive commissions, even they cannot resell them.

You will end up with a garage full of Tori Belle Cosmetics inventory.

How Much Do Tori Belle Affiliates Make?

Based on data available to us, 22,000 Affiliates with $2 million payouts, the estimated earning for a Tori Belle Affiliate is about $90.91. When you take out the $200, the Affiliate loses $109 every month.

We don’t know exactly how much Tori Belle Cosmetics Affiliates make. The company doesn’t have an Income Disclosure Statement (IDS).

But you don’t need the IDS report to know that over 99% of MLM owners make no money.

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Do you know why?

The answer is simple, overpriced products, excessive fees, and the compensation plan are all designed to make money for Tori Belle Cosmetics.

The chance of making money with Tori Belle is low.

Is Tori Belle A Scam?

Tori Belle is a scam. Some will disagree with me. But I have my reasons.

The ‘MLM Opportunity’ is used to build a loyal customer base. Affiliates are forced to buy products every month for a chance to make money.

Tori Belle doesn’t look for business partners. The company sees Affiliates as customers.

As a Business Review writer, I have evaluated hundreds of home-based and MLM business opportunities to expose scams.

Yes. MLMs are scams. This Tori Belle MLM is not a good business opportunity.

Is Tori Belle Cosmetics A Pyramid Scheme?

All MLMs are pyramid schemes. Yes, Tori Belle is a pyramid scheme. This is why Tori Belle Cosmetics called its MLM an Affiliate Program.

The best way to make money with any MLM opportunity is through team building, not selling products.

The Tori Belle compensation plan is built on the business theory of ‘Large Numbers.’ The larger the team, the more money you make. This is how you build a pyramid scheme.

A small group at the top of the Tori Belle pyramid earned big residual incomes. While news Affiliates earn little or nothing.

I know some of you will not agree with me on this. But you can’t deny that the Tori Belle compensation plan looks like a pyramid scheme. The whole thing is designed to take money from you, not for you to make money.

Is Tori Belle Worth It?

A good recruiter who doesn’t care about others will make a lot of money with Tori Belle MLM.

Those who join Tori Belle to sell magnetic mascaras and lashes, don’t waste your time. You cannot make money by selling overpriced products. Tori Belle Cosmetic is not worth it.

As a business opportunity, Tori Belle Cosmetics has more risks than benefits.

Good things about Tori Belle Cosmetics:

  • Exclusive products.
  • A New MLM company with lots of room to grow and expand.
  • Fewer Affiliates, less competition.

Bad things about Tori Belle:

  • Tori Belle is a startup MLM. The rate of failure for startups is high.
  • Affiliates must purchase products every month to stay in business.
  • It’s not easy to make money under the Tori Belle compensation plan.
  • Affiliates are customers, not business partners.
  • Very little financial data are available.
  • Low Return On Investment (ROI), It is unlike you can achieve financial success with Tori Belle Cosmetic.

It’s nice to join Tori Belle MLM as a founding affiliate. It doesn’t mean you can make money.

The majority of startup MLMs fail. You will lose everything if Tori Belle Cosmetics goes out of business.

Ask yourself this,

Do you know why you want to start a home-based business?

To earn extra money from home, to be your own boss, or to achieve financial freedom?

And to make money, we invest in a PROFITABLE business!

There are much better and less risky home-based business opportunities.

If you want to be an owner of a lucrative and profitable business that generates six-figure passive income, then read my #1 recommended online business opportunity.

You should use the writing skill to start your own highly lucrative online writing business, TODAY!

There’s NO traveling around town to attend late-night meetings and NO face-to-face sales or recruits with my online business.

The best part, you are working on the computer in your own home or anywhere you like.

Honestly, what you are looking for is a profitable home-based business that generates consistent incomes every month.

The #1 reason we work hard to build a successful business is to make money. Isn’t this what you want?

The MLM opportunities are no longer a lucrative option to make money from home. Everyone hates face-to-face sales and recruiting. You will have a hard time building a successful business with Tori Belle Cosmetic MLM.

The most profitable home-based business opportunities are online businesses. This business model doesn’t require face-to-face selling or recruiting.

You can use This #1 Home Business Opportunity to create a full-time passive income. You can work from the comfort of your own home and on a laptop, with no commute and no boss. You work whenever you want and where you like.

I invite you to read What I Do Every Day To Make Money At Home Online. Let me show you the real system of generating passive income.

I hope this Tori Belle review answers your question, is Tori Belle Cosmetics a pyramid scheme?

Until next time.

Please share your own Tori Belle experiences here.

2 thoughts on “Is Tori Belle Cosmetics A Pyramid Scheme – Tori Belle Review”

  1. First of all, the basis of your negativity over and over is that Tori Belle requires you to purchase $200 of product every month to receive commissions, thus you will end up with a” basement full of product”. I have been with Tori Belle since day 1 and they do NOT require you to have $200 of sales per month to earn a commission. Every affiliate earns (and gets paid) on every sale you make. There is no monthly requirement. The $200 is ONLY to receive bonuses and downline pay. You will ALWAYS get paid commission on your personal sales even if you only sell one set of lashes.

    Secondly, Tori Belle Affiliates are NOT yet open to CANADA, we offer sales in CANADA, but there is no affiliate program launched there yet.

    Please review your material and adjust accordingly, you are welcome to contact me if you need any clarifiaction.

    • I am offering facts, not negativity. I have nothing against Tori Belle. Here are your own words: “The $200 is ONLY to receive bonuses and downline pay.” OK, let honest, how many people join Tori Belle to make money that doesn’t want team commissions, bonus and downline pay?
      You’re probably telling all your recruits “the best way to make money with Tori Bella is building a team!”
      Hell Yes! you have to meet the $200 monthly requirement to earn all commissions with Tori Bella.
      And thank you for letting us know Tori Bella is not taking affiliates in Canada. This is good news for Canada.


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