Wealthy Affiliate Discounts, Tips & Tricks

I am sharing these Wealthy Affiliate discounts, tips, and tricks to get you started on the right path to success with the Wealthy Affiliate Program.

This is the collection of the best Wealthy Affiliate discount tips and tricks that experienced members have used to help them save the most money with this affiliate marketing training program.

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Intro To Wealthy Affiliate Discounts & Tips

Wealthy Affiliate offers several discounts on membership fees.

You can use these top Wealthy Affiliate Discounts with your hard works to quickly jump start your online business.

I will discuss every discount and show you how to claim all of them.

Wealthy Affiliate discounts include:

  • Free Basic Membership
  • 7 Days Free Premium Discount
  • 60% First Month Premium Discount
  • 40% Yearly Premium Membership
  • 20% 6 Months Premium Membership
  • Yearly Special Black Friday Wealthy Affiliate Discount

You can click on any discount button to claim the savings.

Wealthy Affiliate discount

When launching an online business opportunity, working hard is not enough. You also have to work smart to achieve success. If you want to make the most money with the Wealthy Affiliate training program, you need to read this Wealthy Affiliate Discount Tips & Tricks.

Combining these top Wealthy Affiliate Discounts with your hard works, you should be well on your way to build a successful online business.

Discount #1 – Free Membership

Many people mistakenly thinking the free membership account at Wealthy Affiliate as a trial account, but in fact, this is NOT.

You can use this free account to build an affiliate marketing business using the 2 free website, free keyword tools, and 10 Free Lessons.

You can keep this free account as long as you want.

Discount #2 – 7 Days Free Premium

This first Wealthy Affiliate discount comes with your free membership account, Free. This discount gives you 7 days full access to check out the premium training program. After the 7 days, you have the option to upgrade to premium or stay at a free member.

I recommend you pick up this 7 days premium discount to check out all the Wealthy Affiliate training benefits before upgrading into a paid membership.

Remember, you will only receive this 100% premium discount for 7 days. So take full advantage of it by clicking the button below to claim this discount today.

Wealthy Affiliate discount

The first thing to do after registering for a free account is completing your profile. Creating a profile allows you to ask questions and communicate with other premium members on the Wealthy Affiliate community. This is a good way to connect with other members.

Keep this profile simple, because you can improve your profile later when you have time.

Starts looking around and learning on day one with your 7 days discount premium membership.

Do not make the mistake of spending time building a website. You can do this later.

The priority at this stage is to discover everything about Wealthy Affiliate to see if this training program is right for you.

You only have 7 days free access to advanced training courses, use it wisely. You can build the website later.

Getting involved with the community by talking to other premium members to learn about discounts, tools, and tricks that are helpful for building your online business.

You want to gather as much information about the Wealthy Affiliate program as you can at this early stage.

After the 7 days free premium trial discount, you should have sufficient knowledge of the Wealthy Affiliate training program.

Discount #3 – 60% First Month Premium

After the 7 days free premium trial,  Wealthy Affiliate offers new members a first-month premium discount of more than 60% off the regular $49 per month membership fee.

With this discount, your first-month premium membership is only $19.

You should accept the Wealthy Affiliate 30 days discount offer to give you more time to learn and explore all the benefits inside the Wealthy Affiliate training program.

Claiming this first-month 60% premium membership discount should give you sufficient time to learn and build a fully functional affiliate marketing website and start making money online.

Using the discount Discount #1 together with the Discount #2, you can launch an online business for only $19.

Wealthy Affiliate discount

Discount #4 – 40% On Wealthy Affiliate Yearly Premium

Listen, if you have ZERO affiliate marketing experiences, you must upgrade to Wealthy Affiliate premium account to get access to the latest training and tips if you want to make any serious money online.

You need the latest training courses to compete. Wealthy Affiliate offer lived weekly training lessons to keep you stay current with the industry.

The advantages of claiming this 40% discount

Wealthy Affiliate premium membership without discount costs $49 per month. Claiming this 40%, your premium membership only cost $29 per month.


Wealthy Affiliate discount

This discount offers 50 free websites with hosting, your own personal blog, live chat support, free access to Jaaxy keyword tool, and unlimited access to over hundreds of advanced training courses.

If you are an experienced blogger or affiliate marketers, you know this is a huge discount.


You’ll need all the tools and training offered by the Wealthy AFfiliate to build a successful affiliate marketing business.

    • A few people have told me that get website and web hosting elsewhere for less than $49 per month for.
    • But remember, this is an affiliate marketing training program, not a just web hosting service.
    • With web hosting, you don’t have a personal blog, a keyword research tool, and advanced affiliate marketing courses.
    • Let me tell you this, each online training courses can cost you between $50 to $100. You do not have to believe me, go and check for these classes online yourself.

How To Get A 40% Premium Discount

The way to get up to 40% discount with your Wealthy Affiliate membership premium cost is to pay annually.

Premium members paying monthly is charged $49 per month. Wealthy Affiliate offers a big discount to members paying annually.

The 40% annual discount equates to about $29 per month, that’s $20 off of the regular monthly premium fee.

I do not know how long this annual discount will last. I encourage you to follow the link below and go annually to get this 40% Wealthy Affiliate discount.

Wealthy Affiliate discount

Tip: To maximize Wealthy Affiliate discounts, you should take the 60% first-month discount, then after the first month goes annual to get the 40% discount. Click on the link above will help you maximize the savings.

Discount #5 – 20% On 6 Months Premium

The 6 months, semi-annual, Wealthy Affiliate discount is designed for those cannot afford the yearly membership.

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With this discount, you save 20% of the regular premium price. This will cost you only $39 per month, $120 saving per year.

Wealthy Affiliate offers this account at the beginning of 2019.

Before this, Wealthy Affiliate members must go annual if they want to get any discount from their Wealthy Affiliate membership.

This new discount offers all members a new option to save.

Similar to all discounts above, start claiming your 60% discount before deciding to either or semi or full year.

Taking the 60% discount is a smart choice.

Wealthy Affiliate discount

Discount #6 – Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Discount

Every year, Wealthy Affiliate offers all members a Black Friday Discount.

2019 Black Friday discount gave members a 50% off the regular premium membership fee.

Without this Black Friday discount, regular monthly membership is $49 per month which is a $588 yearly cost.

Applying the 2019 Black Friday discount, the yearly membership cost is now only $299 per year. This discount price is locked in forever.

Members that selected this discount on Black Friday of 2019 will no longer pay $588 a year. Their premium membership going forward is locked in at the discount rate of $299. This is a 50% discount for life.

The Black Friday discount reduce the monthly payment from $49 to $25.

For only $25 a month, you get all the tools and lessons to build your own affiliate marketing business. Where can you get this price?

The Wealth Affiliate Black Friday discount is available to all members, including existing members. You don’t have to wait until Balck Friday to join Wealthy Affiliate discounts today.

Wealthy Affiliate discount

In the next section, I’ll share with you some tips to help you achieve the most from your Wealthy Affiliate membership.

These are tips that have been tested and tried by existing members. You should learn them to achieve online success.

TIP #1 – Start Learning on Day One

The secret to making money online is by attracting large numbers of visitors to your website. How you do this? Simple answer Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

You sign up with Wealthy Affiliate for one reason, to make money online. The only way to do this successfully is by learning the right way.

Your first task after registering for a free account is to locate the Green ‘Certification’ button on the left menu of the dashboard and start your first course in the Online Entrepreneur Certification process.

The Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) courses will teach you step-by-step in building a successful affiliate marketing business.

First, It is important that you complete all the tasks in each training and in the order which the lesson is laying out, never skip a lesson or a task.

Second, visit the ‘Live Video Classes’ under the Training section. Here you can find advanced training courses on building website and SEO. I recommend you focus on SEO training at this stage because this skill is the most important factor in your online success.

Third, used the search box on the top find more training from experienced members. Learn from their blog as well as their training courses. Remember, follow the money. You want to learn from successful business members. 

TIP #2 – Get Connected and Ask Questions

Connected with others not just to make friends, but to build your online network. The more you followed others, and others following you, it builds your online power and authority.

Before you can connect with others, you must create a strong profile. Now it is time to beef up that simple profile when you first sign-up.

Your profile is the gateway to build your online authority and expertise in your niche business.

The personal profile is an opportunity for you to sell yourself. It tells people who you are, your experiences, and why you qualify to give advice on certain topics. It also plays a major role in your SEO plan because Google uses your profile to verify authorship of every article published. So, put this profile on Google Plus.

Successful business owners ask for help from other experts. Use your network to overcome your weaknesses, ask for advice discounts, tips, and helps on subjects that you do not know or understand. You have all the tools available inside the Wealthy Affiliate community.

Here how you can use the Wealthy Affiliate platform to ask for help:

  • The discussion thread at the end of each lesson – You can ask questions related to the class.
  • Live Chat Room (The Blue Button) You can use this to ask questions about upcoming discounts, live training events, and get immediate responses from other experienced members.
  • Private Messaging You can use this for 1-on-1 help from Kyle, Carson, or any members.
  • Site SupportYou can use this to resolve technical issues related to the website, WordPress Plugins, hosting and uploads… etc.
  • Personal Blog – You can use this to ask for other inputs or opinions on different topics. This is a powerful way to test the community response to your ideas on certain issues.

You will not be able to build a successful business by yourself. You will need help, so get connected and ask questions.

TIP #3 – The Principles of Business Success

Have you ever wondered why some business fails and other flourishes? I want to share with you some most important principles that make a business flourish:

  • Follow Your Heart: We all have a dream job. The way to fulfill this dream is to create it yourself. As an entrepreneur, you can create your own dream job. So, the first principle is to do what you love to do or what inspires you. This should be a start with your niche market.
  • Fill A Market Void: Ask yourself this question: What are the problems or needs in my niche market? A business must directly or indirectly fulfill a market need or demands. If there are no needs or demands for your products or services, then there’s no business.
  • Clear Communication of Your Business Value: You must communicate the value of your products or services in a way that adds value or fulfill the clients’ needs. It is important, first, to identify the needs, then convey to potential customers how or why your services or products will help them solve the problem.
  • Understand Your Business Limitation: A business cannot solve all market problems. Yes, you cannot. Just focus on what you do best and deliver the best solution to your niche. Well, this is why I call Niche Market.
  • Prioritize Tasks: You have to identify important tasks that need to be done first to achieve business success. Make sure you are handling priority tasks and delegate non-essential tasks to others. You just cannot do everything by yourself.
  • Control Your Budget: Your budget is your business lifeline. You cannot operate a business without funds. It is vital to monitor your cash flow every month. Always look for discounts and savings to reduce your business expenses.
  • Innovation: Look out for new business opportunities. You need to put time into market research to help your business innovates. Your customers need fresh ideas to solve their problem. They are looking at you for answers, so innovate yourself and your business.
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These are some principles that you can follow to build your online business. It is important that you set business principles to help you achieve success.

Tip #4 – Be Patience and Do Not Quick

There is no such thing in life as getting rich overnight! It takes time to build a successful business no matter if it is online or offline. A business needs at least 6 months to a year to see success. Most brick-and-mortar businesses require more than one year to break even. It is very important for you to give your online business sufficient time to turn profitable, so DON’T quick.

The Wealthy Affiliate annual payment discount can help you solve this problem. I recommend taking the annual discount, not only to save money but to give the business enough time to turn a profit.

If you stick with the training for a year, your online business will generate enough income to cover the yearly cost.

Wealthy Affiliate discount

Setting a one-year goal will take away the constant worry of running out of time and help you better focus on building a strong business. If you can, Set your business goal for one year. Go for the annual discount.

Tip #4 – Work Your Heart Out

Invest your times in the business. The more efforts you put into building the business, the bigger the reward. Your business is your baby. You must care for it. The business cannot grow by itself. You should create daily routines and stick to them. This helps you stay focused on prioritizing tasks. It is the best way to push your business forward.

This is your dream; you should enjoy building it.

Tip #5 – Set Up Your Website Correctly

This is your business website, your source of income takes time to build it rights from the start. Almost everyone makes this deadly mistake.

It takes Google and other search engines between 2 to 6 months to rank a new website. When you start out designing a poor-quality site, then later you have to scrap it and build a new one, you just wasted another 6 months for Google to rank the site again.

Do not rush, take time to build a nice strong website that you can promote for years to come.

Do not worry about getting your site into Google quickly to start indexing, this is not important.

Ignore other people pushing you to publish your site, take time and get it right from the start.

Tip #6 – Promote Your Website

You have to promote your website to find customers and boost your rank on search engines.

This is the reason why I have Tip #5. Promoting your business is time-consuming, therefore you want a well-designed site ready to promote.

  • Posting Your Web Page on Google Plus: If you do not have a G+ page, create one. The reason I recommend posting on G+ because it is the fastest way to get indexed and rank. This should be your first stop promoting your site.
  • Using Site Comment: Site comment has two very distinct functions when promoting your website. You have to use them correctly to avoid negative impact on on-page SEO which in turn will affect your ranking.
  • Giving Comment: The purpose of giving comments on another website is to earn a backlink. Backlinks are very important for SEO. The right way is to find articles related to your post page and is currently ranked on search engines to add your comment. You should give your comment naturally and relevant to the article’s topic, do not add the link into the text, add links in the URL box.
  • Receiving Comment: The purpose of asking for comment from others is to add content to your post page. This is a great way to get a different point of view into your article. However, comments must be relevant to the keyword to boost on page SEO. Many people make the mistake by accepting only comments that praised themselves, this is wrong. You want comments that relevant to your post, edit them if you have to.

Tip #7 – Blog on Wealthy Affiliate Platform

The idea of writing a post on another website to boost your site ranking is called guest blogging. You are using another high domain websites to promote your site.

Your personal blog at Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to start. Your site has already linked to your blog, anything you write on this blog will link back to your website. This is a backlink from an authority domain. The Wealthy Affiliate blog also gets ranked very quickly by Google. Anything you do will benefit yourself because when someone clicked to read your blog, that person is considered your referral which can earn you a commission.

Special Wealthy Affiliate Discount Tip:
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Discount

A lot of people miss this discount including the Wealthy Affiliate experienced members.

After you submit your site for indexing in search engines, head over to search ads and open an account. Just open an account, then log out. Search engines, Google and Bing, will email you a discount to entice you to place an advertisement with them.

    • Bing will give you free $100 ad credits
    • Google will also give $100 ad credits after spending $25.

You now have $200 ad credits toward promoting your new website through SEM. Add this promotion discount ad credit to your accounts to claim and use them.

These are the Wealthy Affiliate Discount & tips for you to use and jump-start your journey with Wealthy Affiliate training program.

Remember, start with your free account to claim the 7 days free premium. Next, take the 60% first-month discount. Just click on the button below to start saving with the Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate discount

Use these Wealthy Affiliate discounts to build your online success.

8 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Discounts, Tips & Tricks”

  1. Absolutely Start Learning on Day One. Your Wealthy Affiliate Tips for Success post did a great job adding to the benefits of the Wealthy Affiliate education. I find it to be the best education an Internet marketer can get online today. If you seriously want to make money online, you need to join Wealthy Affiliate and learn from the Wealthy Affiliate Tips for Success.

    • One of the first steps to become a successful affiliate marketer is to learn and understand the in and out of the online business. Many beginners start out by jumping into building a website. They spend most of the time on building the site and neglect the marketing side of the business. If you come into affiliate marketing without the knowledge of promoting your website, then your online business is worthless.

  2. Great article. I’ve been with Wealthy Affiliate for about 8 months now I can’t believe how much I learn from the Wealthy Affiliate Tips for Success, it’s insane. I had very little computer know-how and I was able to start my own website under a minute! For anyone serious about making money online, I recommend two things: bookmark the Wealthy Affiliate Tips for Success and join the Wealthy Affiliate. It is a great place to learn.

    • Wealthy Affiliate Tips should be part of your online business tool. It is a great way to complement your learning at the wealthy affiliate. The most important part of this is that you must be a member of an affiliate marketing program. If you are looking and want to be an affiliate marketer, then I recommend you join wealthy affiliate today.

  3. This is Wealthy Affiliate Tips a very informative, inspirational and helpful article. I really like tip #5 the principles of business success, because it is speaking to the core value of a success. You have to put all in to create a successful business. Thank you for the inspiration and encouragement.

    • Tips #5 is probably the most important principle of every online business owner. In order to become a successful online business owner, you have to be dedicated to your business. You also have to be creative and innovate to keep your business in front of your competitor, this is the only way you can serve your client well.

  4. You give very persuasive reasons and tips for the wealthy affiliate program. For the life of I cannot see why someone wanting to build an online business would pass up on such an opportunity? The program has so much to offer, the great training platform, the community, a free website, a free blog, easy access to the Wealthy Affiliate Owners, and the list goes on and on.

    • Hello Maurice,

      The reason people passing on a great opportunity it’s because they are a talker, not a doer. These people tend to wander around reading posts and looking for something that they didn’t even know what they are looking for. The Wealthy Affiliate Tips are designed for doers, those that want to act, those that willing to take the risk, those that willing to take a chance in their life.


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