Country Naturals Review – Country Naturals CBD

Country Scents Candles has launched a new mlm company called “Country Naturals” to promote and sell CBD oil products.

In this MLM business opportunity Coffee Talk, we are going to review Country Naturals CBD.

We will analyze Country Naturals CBD mlm opportunity to find out, “Is Country Naturals legit? Or is Country Naturals CBD a scam?”

We know not all mlms are a pyramid scheme. We have discussed this in our MLM vs Affiliate Marketing.

However, we are interested in Country Naturals CBD business opportunity.

Remember, why we want to start a business?

We start a business to make money and achieve financial freedom.

Before investing money and time to start a Country Naturals CBD oil business, we want to know more than, “Is Country Naturals CBD a scam?”

We need to determine,

  • Is Country Naturals CBD oils a profitable business opportunity?
  • What are the costs to start a Country Naturals CBD oil business?
  • The process to become a Country Naturals CBD Consultant, and
  • Can you make money promoting Country Naturals CBD oils?

If you are interested in starting a CBD oil home-based business with Country Naturals, you should at least read this Country Naturals CBD Review to fully understand the risks and rewards of becoming a Country Naturals CBD Consultant.

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Country Naturals CBD Review Summary

Business Opportunity:
Multilevel-Marketing (MLM)

Initial Investments:
$0 With $10 Quarterly Purchase

Business Earnings Estimate: 
$100 for the year.

  • Country Naturals CBD is an mlm company that promotes and sells CBD oil products.
  • The company is owned by Country Scents Candles located in Shepherdsville, Kentucky.
  • Country Naturals CBD was launched in early 2019.
  • Based on our Country Naturals review, the cost to join this mlm opportunity is $0 with a single purchase requirement every 4 months.
  • We consider Country Naturals CBD is the cheapest mlm business to start.
  • To make money with Country Naturals CBD, you can sell CBD oils online and recruiting people into your organization.
  • This is an opportunity to join an mlm business as an original consultant.
  • The best way to build your Country Naturals CBD mlm business is through Affiliate Marketing.


What Is Country Naturals CBD?

Country Naturals is an mlm company founded by Naomi and David Myer, the founders of Country Scents Candles, in 2019.

Country Naturals CBD offers individuals an opportunity to start a CBD oil retail business with little or no cost.

The company sells and promotes a variety of CBD oil products.

Country Naturals CBD annual sales revenue is estimated at less than $1 Million dollars.

Country Naturals CBD sells its products through an mlm network of primarily in the United States.

Based on the information available to the public, we can conclude:

  • Country Naturals CBD is a new mlm company based in Shepherdsville, Kentucky.
  • As a Country Naturals Consultant, you will be selling CBD oil products.
  • Country Naturals CBD is a free home-based business opportunity. However, to make money you have to invest time to build a profitable business.
  • Country Naturals is a good opportunity to start a CBD oil business.

If you are interested in starting a CBD oil retail business, it’s smart to read this Country Naturals review before investing.

You can use My #1 Business Opportunity to make a comparison.

How to Join Country Naturals CBD?

You have can join Country Naturals CBD as a:

  • Retail customers to purchase high-quality CBD oils, or
  • Consultant to receive a 25% discount, and the opportunity to launch a business selling CBD oil products.

This is a business opportunity which gives you the rights to sell Country Naturals CBD products, recruit other promoters, and participate in Country Naturals CBD rewards and bonuses.

This Country Naturals CBD review is an analysis of Country Naturals CBD mlm business opportunity.

Therefore, we will be focusing our discussion on the process of becoming a Country Naturals Consultant.

The Process To Join Country Naturals CBD As A Consultant

You can join Country Naturals CBD business opportunity by registering for a free account.

If you are interested in starting a CBD oil business, you can follow the link above and reserve your free Consultant account with Country Naturals.

Once the online registration process completed, you can start promoting your CBD oil business.

But, before you can make money, you have to sell or recruit others to join Country Naturals.

The Costs to Join Country Naturals

It is free to become a Country Naturals CBD Consultant.

Is it really free to start a Country Natural CBD oil business?

True, Country Naturals does not require a consultant to purchase at the time of registration.

BUT, there are other costs to build successful Country Naturals CBD mlm business.

These costs are business operating expenses.

We’ll discuss the two biggest operating expenses in this Country Naturals Review:

1. Time Expenses

You must invest time to promote and build the Country Naturals CBD oil business.

If you want to become a successful Country Naturals Consultant, you must set aside time to promote your business.

You can promote the business part-time or full-time all up to you.

Let say you invest 40 hours per month, with a minimum wage of $8 per hours, this means you invest $320 each month in building your Country Naturals CBD oil business.

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2. Country Naturals CBD Purchase Requirement

All mlm businesses require their Consultants to purchase a minimum amount of product, which refers to as Quotas, to remain active and receive commissions.

However, with Country Naturals, there is no monthly quota. Every Consultant only has to purchase 1 CBD oil product every quarter, 4 months.

You can purchase this CDB Lip Balm for $8 every 4 months to remain active as a Country Naturals Consultant.

Country Naturals CBD product

This is the cheapest mlm quota requirement.

So, the real investments to launch a Country Naturals CBD business is your time and a minimum of $8 every 4 months.

This quarterly quota is so small. It costs the Country Naturals Consultant approximately $2 per month to operate a CBD oil business

Do you understand why Country Naturals has this minimum quota?

  • To help Consultant to sell products, and
  • New Consultants can test the CBD products that they sell.

If purchasing only $2 of CBD oil products each month is too much, then mlm opportunities are not for you.

Most mlms require hundreds, even thousands, or dollars to stay active. You can check my MLM Directory to learn more.

Yes, starting a Country Naturals CBD oil business is not free. It’s $2 per month.

However, we start a business to make money.

Don’t you want to know how you can make money with Country Naturals CBD?

Of course, we all do!

We can look at

Country Naturals Compensation Plan

Country Naturals CBD adopts a simple Unilevel mlm compensation.

Unilevel compensation is considered better to make money with mlm business.


Because all recruits are placed directly under you in one big organization.

Whereas in Binary compensation, you must build two separate organizations to make money.

If you are looking to join an mlm, I suggest you look for Unilevel compensation and avoid Binary.

I’ll provide you a quick overview of the Country Naturals CBD compensation plan. If you want to see it in detail, just download a copy.

Country Naturals CBD is an mlm company. So, we know there are two ways to make money.

  • Product sales, and
  • Recruiting others to join Country Naturals CBD.

There are bonuses and rewards for sales and leadership performance. We will briefly discuss the rewards in this Country Naturals review.

But before you can earn a dollar as a Country Naturals Consultant, you must sell products and recruit others.

Make Money Selling Country Natural CBD Products

Every Consultant receives 25% off the retail price.

This allows the Consultants to buy wholesale and retail for a profit.

Retail profit is the difference between Retail and Wholesale prices.

But can you make money selling Country Natural CBD products?

We’ll do simple online market research to find out.

I did a quick search online and found a bottle of CTFO 1500 mg CBD Oil drops for $109.97 with $3.78 shipping.

You can purchase the same item 1500 mg CBD oil drops at Country Naturals wholesale price of $90.00 with free shipping.

Country Naturals CBD oil

You decide if retailing is profitable.

The Consultant can sell CBD oils directly from their website and earn the 25% profit without the need to purchase inventory.

A Consultant can simply direct customers to their personal website to purchase the CBD oil products at a discount.

Recruiting Incomes

Country Naturals downline compensation is not as complicated as other mlm opportunities.

You know exactly what you earn with every sale.

Country Naturals CBD pays up to 4 levels.

Here’s the commission for each level:

  • Level 1 (You) – 25%
  • Level 2 (Your Personal Recruits) – 4%
  • Level 3 (Your Downline) – 4%
  • Level 4 (Your Downline) – 2%

But to earn the commission, you and your recruits must make a sale.

Leadership Bonuses and Rewards

Country Naturals offers 8 different rewards. The bonuses are ranging from $20 CN Voucher to $5,000 CN Voucher.

The Consultants can use these bonus vouchers to obtain free CBD products.

Below are the leaderships rewards and bonuses:

Country Naturals review compensation
Country Naturals compensation

The Country Naturals compensation plan is easy to understand.

BUT, it doesn’t tell us if you can make money with Country Naturals CBD.

Compensation plan doesn’t give us the actual earnings. It offers an estimate.

Actual earning is the information that helps us determine profits.

As a business review writer, I look to the actual commission/earnings to advise clients on an investment. Potential earning is just a guess, an estimate.

Then, why we discuss the Country Naturals CBD compensation plan?

To prepare us for the following discussing,

Can You Make Money With Country Naturals CBD?

This question takes us a step further with this Country Naturals Review.

Above, we discuss how you make money as a Country Naturals CBD Consultant?

Now, we want to find out, can you actually make money under Country Naturals CBD compensation plan?

Can you make money?

Country Naturals CBD is a business opportunity. Earning directly depends on your efforts.

I will tell you this, you will not make money with Country Naturals by registering for a free account then do nothing.

If you invest ZERO time in building up your CBD oil business, you will earn nothing.

What does this mean?

It means you have to work, either part-time or full-time.

You have to invest time to promote and sell Country Naturals CBD products to make money.

As an mlm business, you have another option to make money by recruiting others to join Country Naturals.

Many people think is easy to recruit people because this mlm business opportunity is Free.

But, if everyone joins free without purchasing CBD products, then how are you going to make money?

The best way to make money with Country Naturals is by recruiting people who are interested in starting a business.

If you are looking to start a CBD oil business, then this is a good opportunity for you to join to make money.

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Well, to make money with a startup, first you have to generate enough sales to breakeven.

The breakeven point with Country Naturals CBD oil business is $2, plus your time.

If you cannot make $2 sale, then you cannot make money with mlm opportunities.

You need to look for another business that does not involve recruiting such as Creating Money Websites.

From my business experience, I can honestly tell you that making money with Country Naturals CBD is properly the easiest compared to other mlms.

But, you must work and recruit others.

Recruiting is the most difficult part of every mlm business.

However, you can use the internet to reach out and recruit others.

The internet is giving us a better way to build our mlm business.

I have discussed with you how I use Affiliate Marketing to build an mlm business. You should read this discussion if you struggle with recruiting.

This is an mlm opportunity,

Is Country Naturals A Scam?

Yes, it is difficult to make money with a startup, but this doesn’t make Country Naturals CBD a scam.

Country Naturals CBD is a business opportunity. It’s an investment.

When you become a Country Naturals CBD Consultant, you are starting your own business.

A startup business has a higher risk of failure. When this happened, you cannot call Country Naturals CBD a scam.

Risk is a part of every business.

Before starting a business, like joining Country Naturals CBD, you need to carefully research and consider the business opportunity.

Reading this Country Naturals CBD Review is a good way to learn the investment risks and rewards with this opportunity.

Many entrepreneurs hire professional financial analysts to evaluate the risks of every business deal before they invest.

As a Business Review Writer, I have evaluated hundreds of businesses to help investors managing the risks…

That’s all we can do, managing risks.

Country Naturals CBD is not a scam. It’s a startup business.

Then, what about

‘Is Country Naturals CBD a pyramid scheme?’

Well, Country Naturals CBD will deny they are a pyramid scheme.

I call all mlms a pyramid scheme, because of their compensation structure.

But this doesn’t stop me from investing in an mlm business.


As an investor, I will invest in a business opportunity if it’s legal, and I can make money.

You can be sure Country Naturals is a legit company under the law, check the FTC guideline for a legit mlm company.

The people that label every mlms a pyramid scheme or a scam are those either not successful or afraid of face-to-face sell.

The most difficult part of mlm business is selling, not everyone a good salesperson.

If you are goo with sell, then mlm business is the best way to create wealth.

Because the more people you recruit into your team, the more money you earn.

If you look carefully at the ever mlm compensation plan, including Country Naturals CBD, you notice that those with a large organization earned the most.

Yes, Country Naturals CBD is rewarding Consultants for recruiting people, not selling products.

Isn’t this a pyramid scheme?

Yes, but it’s a legit company, and you can make money with it.

Well, you don’t have to agree with me. It’s not important

I just want you to understand that starting a Country Naturals CBD oil business is no different than open a local retail shop selling CBD oils. Both have risks of failure.

A pyramid scheme should not be the main reason to invest or not invest in a business.

There are people making millions with mlms, and there are people losing everything with their own eCommerce store.

Success with a business startup is depending on your efforts. A pyramid scheme has little or nothing to do with success.

So, Is Country Naturals CBD Worth It?

All I can say, you have nothing to lose.

For those interested in the CBD oil business, this might be the best option and cheapest way to enter the industry.

Yes, you can start your own CDB retail. But, be ready to pay hundreds and thousands of dollars in licensing fees and permits.

The CBD oil business is a new industry. The regulations are unclear, and the risks are high to launch your own.

Country Naturals CBD mlm business opportunity offers you a way to manage the investment risks.

Do you know why you want to start a business?

To make money, right?

And to make money, we invest in a PROFITABLE business!

Yes, there are other home-based business opportunities to invest, not just Country Naturals CBD.

But if you want to get in on the hot CDB oil market, you must reserve your spot.

I also suggest you look at Affiliate Marketing to promote your CBD oil business.

Affiliate marketing is a powerful way to find leads for your business.

You can read our previous talk about Using Affiliate Marketing To Build Your MLM discussion to learn more.

One other major business risk associated with Country Naturals CBD is the company going out of business.

Country Naturals is a new mlm startup. The risk of business failure is high.

You should know, if Country Naturals CBD goes out of business, every Consultant is out of business.

Higher risk comes with a higher reward. Joining Country Naturals at this early stage, you have a lot of room to grow with little competition.

Don’t take on an investment risk level that you are not comfortable with.

You don’t have to start a CBD oil business.

There’s a lucrative method that I and millions of people have been using to generate six-figure passive income online.

You must read my #1 recommended online business opportunity.

Can you write?

If your answer is “YES”, then why not use this skill to start your own highly lucrative online writing business, TODAY!

The rewards and risks are high for startup mlm.

You can use this Country Naturals Review to evaluate this CDB oil business opportunity.

Country Naturals might be the best opportunity for you.

Do you agree?

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